Hi SC team,
Firstly hope you are having a bit of a break, as you guys never seem to stop, and here is to a happy and bug free 2011!
Now back to the original reason for me contacting you I'm afraid!! I am a bit confused as to the Auto CC configuration as it doesn't, at first glance, appear to be very intuative.
I can see in the Admin Guide on page 79 how this is supposed to be configured. I needed to resort to the manual as I couldn't initially get this working!!!
To me, and this is only my humble opinion, this seems to be missing some rather obvious inclusions.
The first sentence in the the Auto CC Recipient section says "For crucial requests it becomes utmost import to inform your higher officials on the progress and development of the request" I understand this, and physically adding the name of an extra official that needs notifying is a nice inclusion, but... think we need to take one step back from this and take another look at something that I think may need to be done before the decision is made to inform a higher official.
The following is an example of what I mean.
CustomerA sends an email in to
support@mycompany.comAs part of this email they CC two extra people in their company CustomerCC1 and CustomerCC2
SupportCenter sends an email back to CustomerA with a support ID
If CustomerCC1 then sends a response to this into SupportCenter it creates another support call!!!
Why does it not add the CC addresses that came in with the originating call to the CC Recipients box? You could then add your higher officials to this when asked, they may not want to be informed in the first instance, but anyone who was originally cc'd by CustomerA would want to know automatically. It seems mad that we have to add the CC's that are already in the email? Ok, if you reply from within SC then the chances are that you will be CC'ing those people back, but we haven't used the SC interface for doing this we rely on Outlook as it has the required formatting (although will be having a play with the new options in this version 7701) :-)
In our environment once we have been assigned a support call we do all of our customer contact emails via Outlook. On the templates provided there is no $CC to see who this was CC'd to, and support reps who have access to email on mobile phones but not Supportcenter externally (company policy) don't know that they have to cc to other people as they would only get the contact details and no details of anyone that was CC'd, this would be another useful option.
If it did, add the CC'd recipients to this box automatically then a CC Recipients Template like this one could go to them advising that CustomerA has logged a call and CC'd you as a recipient so here is the log number please reply on this support id if you have any commnets. This saves a LOT of work and multiple merges and comments like "why doesn't that supportID exist any more and it's logged a new call?"
(on that thread, if it doesn't already, when merged, if someone replies on the merged one it should go into the newly assigned id)
If you choose to CC the outgoing email address this gets put in the CC out to the customer, think a BCC would be
The green options below can not be turned off?
Alert CC Recipients on request creation, I guess then, that this only works if you add one manually and remember to add the email addresses in the cc recipients box on the call?
Well... think thats enough to be going on with!!! If you can explain why this was implemented this way I will certainly butt out and what I am suggesting may be another option, but it seems sensible... welll.. to me, particularly as you can add Account Managers to accounts that need a close eye on them