Auto assign to tech - features

Auto assign to tech - features

ID: 7800

Both are asking for a similar feature.

I would like to autoassign to the tech that closes the request, not the one who creates it.

Our old Altiris system did this and it works wonders since every closed incident had a name to it in all reports, no column on a graph or a line in a report was dedicated to "human error" of not assigning the request to him/herself before closing. The rule was, everyone uses the system and no one closes another request/incident.

It made people competitive and every comparison from tech to tech was as accurate as possible.

Doing it that way also makes techs responsible for filling out the last bit of info we all want, I could bluntly ask "what did you do to fix it... I know YOU closed it, you are responsible for it".

I cant even analyze these requests with reports, who worked on them or who closed the unless I open every single one and check the history tab.

This is a "must have" and I was very dissapointed not to find this in the system.

Not that I´m complaining, SDP is great, this is just what I miss the most because I hate seeing numbers for unassigned closed requests.

But it slows us down terribly having to fill out that one box, its the longest drop down list of them all...

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