Asterisk CTI Integration

Asterisk CTI Integration

I am currently trialling the MSP version and am coming unstuck on the CTI integration with Asterisk PBX's.

I have a user defined in the manager.conf file with permit rights for the correct IP as well as the full complement of read/write permissions. I can telnet to port 5038 on the PBX and use the login credentials to watch the PBX movements, so I know all the connectivity is good.

What is not working is when clicking on a requesters external phone number in SDP/MSP, I get the pop-up, the deskphone rings and on upon answering am told that the call could not be connected. Checking the connection logs I can see that the 0 or + at the front of any number is omitted and so cannot dialled. If I set the requesters number as an internal extension it works fine.

I also do not see how the Screen-Pop function operates on inbound calls to the technicians extension.

If anyone has any experience of this type of integration and wouldn't  mind sharing some knowledge it would be appreciated, as there is very little to be googled on the subject.


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