Assigning Specific Technicians to specific Sites \ Accounts

Assigning Specific Technicians to specific Sites \ Accounts


Thank you in advance for taking a look at this. Hopefully this can be resolved quickly.

Here is what we have:

Account \ Site 1
Account \ Site 2
Account \ Site 3


When I first set the application up, I had to accounts, and was able to get them setup to assign tickets correctly between the two accounts. We have two technicians that are auto assigned to the tickets, and two that are just for monitoring.

We now have a new third account, and I set it up the same as I did the other two, but I am running into an issue. The system won't auto-assign the new tickets from that accounts email addresses to the account. I have to go in and manually assign the account. I have gone through everything I can see on where this would be, and verified the domain is correct, but it won't do it..
Got this taken care of, but the second is still an issue.

The second part I need some help with is this. I would like tech3 to be the only one assigned the tickets for this account, but no other accounts. Is this possible?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?