Ask help for undable to select MS SQL server

Ask help for undable to select MS SQL server

My system is Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit, and DB is MS SQL server 2008 R2 64 bit and I got all of them on VMware 12.1.
I wanna have a try with AM 13, while on my installation to select server, I choose SQL Server with SQL Authentication, but when i entered all what needed it can't connect to SQL Server, while I can't connect to it also when i chose Windows Authentications.TwT

So is anyone who can tell me what's the matter i got? thx  orz
here is the pics of what i do and get:

And the DB is AMDB which i create one in SQL Server with "create database AMDB":

then Windows Authentication:

which the username is domain/user but it's doesn't work too. I'm sure I have opened the TCP/IP port for MSSQLSERVER.

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