We have a CCTV application which is not being matched, we want to match all traffic with a destination multicast address in thte range of and a destination port of 61454.
I have created an Application mapping with the following settings...
Port: 61454
Protocol Name: UDP
IP Network:
IP Netmask:
However the traffic is still being matched to a random default application based on what the random source port of this traffic is, note the source port is lower than the destination port, I have read how the apllication matching works and from what I can tell, because the application I have created has a IP Address range - it should take precedence over the default application matching on the lower source port.
Also, when I look at an interface and select the Multicast tab, there's no data collect, when I can clearly see from the destination tab there is muticast traffic being collected.
Ideas and assistance much appreciated.