API version upgraded from 1.3 to 1.4

API version upgraded from 1.3 to 1.4

Hello, everyone!

This notification is in regard to the introduction of a new API version 1.4 in Desktop Central.

For security reasons, we recommend all our users to migrate from 1.2/1.3 to the new version 1.4 at the earliest.

The difference in structure of APIs:
Old: Server_name/api/1.2(or 1.3)/desktop/authentication
New: Server_name/api/1.4/desktop/authentication

What's new in this version?
For the authentication API, we now use only the POST method for all requests instead of the GET/POST method. The authentication API of the older versions 1.2 and 1.3 will become non-functional with the upcoming build releases.

Structure of Authentication API:
API Endpoint: /api/1.4/desktop/authentication
Generating auth token: Send POST request with HTTP header Content-Type:application/json and following JSON in request body to the authentication API.
1. Through local authentication
POST /api/1.4/desktop/authentication

"password":<Password base64 encoded>,

2. Through AD Authentication
POST /api/1.4/desktop/authentication

"password":<Password base64 encoded>,
"auth_type":"ad_authentication" ,
"domainName": <Domain name>

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