API retrieve all tasks from ServiceDesk Plus MSP

API retrieve all tasks from ServiceDesk Plus MSP


I'm testing ServiceDesk Plus - MSP API. I need to get all tasks. I tried in two ways:
      -old API suggested by buit-in documentation: http://<servername>:<portnumber>/sdpapi/home/task with body {"operation": {"details": {"filter": "ALLTASKS"}}} - each time it showed to me default filter result (only task assigned to me)

      -API from ServiceDesk Plus http://<servername>:<portnumber>/api/v3/tasks with body {"list_info": {"row_count": "2" },"fields_required": ["id","title","description"]} - this option works better but it doesn't matter what I type in body, every time I get 10 standard records...

Second option works perfectly for ServiceDesk Plus, but not for ServiceDesk Plus MSP... Is there any way to get all tasks via API in ServiceDesk Plus MSP? :)

Best regards,

                New to ADSelfService Plus?