API Python

API Python

Im trying use the API to create a ticket, but I just got the response 200 without any error.
Im using this:
import requests
import json

u rl = ' http://xxxxx/sdpapi/request'
TechnicianKey = 'xxxxx'
resultjson = {}

"subject": "teste 123as123",
"description": "descrição",
"requester": "Monitoramento Zabbix",
"account": "Account",
"site": "Site",
"group": "Group",
"Request type ":"Incidente"

with requests.Session() as s:
data = {
'INPUT_DATA': params,
'TECHNICIAN_KEY': TechnicianKey,
'format': 'json',

r = s.post(url, data)

What is wrong?
Already testes on html/APICall.html and everything is ok.

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