[API]Posting resolution with line breaks

[API]Posting resolution with line breaks


I have a script that sets the resolution in my requests, works but I don't get any linebreaks 
This is the JSON that is sent. It has the \n and it works fine when I create a ticket but the resolution just get one line. 
  1. {
  2.    "operation":  {
  3.                      "details":  {
  4.                                      "resolution":  {
  5.                                                         "resolutiontext":  "\r\nNamn: Joe Smith\r\nAnvändarnamn: JoSm\r\nLösenord: Donforgettochangeit \r\nE-mail: joe.smith@foo.foob"
  7.                                                     }
  8.                                  }
  9.                  }
  10. }

This is the script 

  1. $inputDataRE = @{operation=@{details=@{resolution=@{
  2. resolutiontext="
  3. Namn: $Firstname $Lastname
  4. Användarnamn: $samAccountName
  5. Lösenord: $Password
  6. E-mail: $email";
  7. }}}}|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
  8. $postParams = @{TECHNICIAN_KEY=$($APIKey);data=$($inputDataRE);format=$($formatJSON)}
  9. Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Body $postParams -Method POST -TimeoutSec 10

Your Version
: 10.5 Build 10526
Latest Version
: 10.5 Build 10530
:  postgres 

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