Any ideas?

Any ideas?

Vinu, Uma, Jai, Arun and the team,

I have been told that you enjoy my continual "catch up refresher" posts and that these cause much amusement to the team as they are considered “rants” and they keep you entertained so I didn't want to disappoint.

I have various suggestions I have been told over 6 years plus that you will :-

“look into”
“analyse for a future releases”
“will put into the development pipeline”

“will be in for the upcoming releases dependant on priorities and popularity”

I appreciate that things come up that need priorities, but seriously, some of these items, that have multiple comments and likes, have been requested for 6 years.

I am guessing, that the comments above were true at the time but there has been no follow up or communication to tell me that they aren’t going to be in.

Please see this forum post that has been ignored for 4 years on this subject it still stands -

Each item that you are going to “consider” should have an ID.
You know the status of a customer requested ID, so should we.
If the status changes we should know.

This looks like it happens in ServiceDesk why can’t this be applied to SupportCenter.

If you believe that something that someone suggests doesn’t “fit” or is, basically, rubbish, you should say.  This stops unfortunate customers like myself sitting awaiting something that will never appear.

I would appreciate you looking at requests that I have dug out and put on your forum again, for your “amusement”

Take a look, see how many times you have chosen to ignore me on these software improvement requests to aid our ease of use of the product and in an attempt to help improve YOUR software.

Then tell me if this is the way you would want to be treated as a long term customer.

I gratefully request that you do the decent thing and just keep us informed of your decisions, and changes to these decisions.

Any updates to the re-posts I have done recently would be appreciated.  If any of these items are in the software now that I have overlooked I apologise in advance.



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