[Announcement] : The free one day OpUtils Training is on March 27th, 2019!

[Announcement] : The free one day OpUtils Training is on March 27th, 2019!

[Announcement] : The free one day OpUtils Training is on March 27th, 2019!


Hola Amigos!

Are you a slave to your network - always peeking at it not knowing when it will create a huge mess and when you would end up cleaning up that mess? If you are, then ManageEngine OpUtils is the right solution for you. 

With the OpUtils training being a great success in 2018, we are carrying it forward to 2019 as well! This training covers in-depth and intensive training which will help you get into the bottom of various challenges faced concerning the issues with your IP's and switch ports. Trust me, you wouldn't want to miss it.

 Click here to register now!


Here's a quick look at what you'll learn through the training: 

  • Introduction to OpUtils

  • IP address and switch port management

  • Rogue Device Detection

  • A gist on Bandwidth monitor and config file manager

  • Troubleshooting tools

  • Q&A with our product experts


Date and Timings of the training :

To make it more convenient for you, we have this one day training on 27th of March, 2019 happening for two different time zones.

The time zones being 06:30 AM GMT and 11:30 AM EDT  

Duration of the Webinar :

60 Minutes

What are you waiting for? Join your network peers in the free training on OpUtils and learn all about monitoring network IPs.

Register right away and learn how to monitor your network better! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. 

                                                                                   See you at the training!

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