[Announcement] End of technical support for Analytics Plus builds 4500 and below

[Announcement] End of technical support for Analytics Plus builds 4500 and below

We hereby announce the end of support for Analytics Plus 4500 and below, effective from October 15, 2021. If you're on these builds, we request you to upgrade to the latest version to enjoy continued technical support from the Analytics Plus team.   

Please note that customers using build 4500 and below should upgrade to successive builds in the order listed below, to upgrade to the latest version (5000).  The migration sequence for each build is listed in the table below.

Current build
Build upgrade path
3700 -> 4350 -> 4550 -> 4600 -> 5000
3700 to 4310
4350 -> 4550 -> 4600 -> 5000
4350 to 4500
4550 -> 4600 -> 5000

Why upgrade?

Upgrading to the latest version of Analytics Plus allows you to enjoy the latest features, enhancements and dedicated technical support from the Analytics Plus team. Each update also provides issue fixes to enhance and secure your analytics journey. 

How to upgrade?

Follow the below steps one by one to upgrade your Analytics Plus application. Skipping any step will result in upgrade failure and data loss.

1. Shut down Analytics Plus.
a. For Windows installations: Open the services window (Run--> services.msc) and stop the "ManageEngine Analytics Plus server" service. 
b. For Linux installations: Run the shutdown.sh command from the directory \AnalyticsPlus\bin
2. Take a complete back-up of the <Analytics Plus home> folder.
3. The Analytics Plus installation directory should have the following permissions configured. This is a pre-requisite for a successful upgrade. This permission can be revoked after the upgrade is complete.

Note: While upgrading to build 4350, increase the memory of your application's JVM (Java Virtual Machine) by making some minor modifications to your UpdateManager.bat file. This is essential for a successful upgrade. Click here for more details.
4. Run the UpdateManager.bat script (sh UpdateManager.sh for Linux) under the <Analytics Plus bome/bin> folder. This invokes the Update Manager tool.
5. Browse and select the Service pack file (.ppm) saved in your computer.
6. Click Install to initiate the upgrade process.
7. Once you see the Installed message on your screen, click Finish to complete the installation.
8. Start the Analytics Plus application.

  1. < Analytics Plus home > refers to the directory in which you have installed the Analytics Plus product. This directory location is specified by you when you install the product.
  2. While upgrading to build 4550, please free up sufficient disk space for a successful upgrade. Additionally, as we are upgrading your underlying database, this upgrade will take longer than usual. Both upgrade completion time, and the disk space required will depend on the amount of data present.
Click here for detailed information on service packs. 

Click here for information on the features offered in each build. 

In case your upgrade fails, or you need further assistance in upgrading your Analytics Plus application, please write to us at analyticsplus-support@manageengine.com

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