Hi all,
Anyone experienced the same issue or similar issue for Patch Connect Plus?
PCP used to work fine until our certificate from our CA expired. We renewed this certificate and deployed to our clients.
From then on, PCP admin portal it's giving an error when saving our WSUS settings:
Incompatible WSUS server and console version. Install the compatible WSUS server console
When reading the KB, it states that the server where PCP is installed and the server where WSUS is installed, must be the same OS. In our case, PCP is Windows Server 2019, and WSUS Windows Server 2016, so not the same version. However, it used to work perfectly with those differences in OS in the past until our certificate expired.
The third party updates has remarks of "Update re-signing failed".
So basically our SCCM server cannot download/deploy new patches anymore.
Anyone here can experienced something similar?