ADSelfService Plus' build 6304 now released with enhancements and issue fixes

ADSelfService Plus' build 6304 now released with enhancements and issue fixes

Hello everyone,

This is to announce the release of ADSelfService Plus' latest build, 6304.


  • Email server settings in the product now support Modern Mail Authentication.

  • Cached credential update over VPNs can now be configured using a service account.

  • The password change process can now be secured using CAPTCHA verification.

  • The OU Popup in the product has now been enhanced to seamlessly display several thousands of organizational units.

  • The login agent now supports MFA processes and self-service password reset/account unlock actions when a context path is configured.

  • The Tomcat version used in the product has been upgraded to 8.5.91.


 Issues Fixed 

  • An issue where Offline MFA was not triggered when a reverse proxy was used and the ADSelfService Plus server was unreachable has now been fixed.

  • An issue with the login agent that caused an extra login attempt to be made with an empty password during RDP logons has now been fixed.

  • An issue where Endpoint MFA logins on Windows machines failed if the sAMAccountName of the user had a space has now been fixed.


Other Changes

  • For security reasons, SSL has been mandated for connections between the login agent and the ADSelfService Plus server from build 6304.



  • We recommend using the updated version of the login agent (6.4) to fix these issues. Please find the steps here.

  • If the login agent is deployed in your organization via GPOs, the ReinstallAgent.vbs file must be updated to the latest version. Please find the configuration steps in this guide.


How to update to this build?

Update using the service pack.

New to ADSelfService Plus?

Download the fully-functional, free 30-day trial now.

Have any questions or suggestions? Let us know in the comments section.


The ADSelfService Plus Team

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