Adobe License Keys

Adobe License Keys

Does Service Desk Plus MSP have the ability to report on the license keys that are installed on systems? Specifically Adobe Acrobat Versions. I am running Version 9. 9009

Running this report.

select sys.WORKSTATIONNAME, slist.SOFTWARENAME, kinf.PRODUCTKEY "Installed LicenseKey", lic.LICENSEKEY "Allocated LicenseKey" from SoftwareList slist LEFT JOIN SoftwareInfo sinf ON slist.SOFTWAREID = sinf.SOFTWAREID LEFT JOIN SystemInfo sys ON sinf.WORKSTATIONID = sys.WORKSTATIONID LEFT JOIN SWINStallationKeyInfo kinf ON sinf.SOFTWAREINFOID = kinf.SOFTWAREINFOID  LEFT JOIN SoftwareLicenses lic ON sinf.LICENSEID = lic.RESOURCEID where slist.SOFTWARENAME like '%Adobe Acrobat XI Pro%' order by 2

Turns up this information. (I want to know what is key is used on the computer before I assign it.

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