Add Request API assigning ticket to wrong user

Add Request API assigning ticket to wrong user

I replied to my Previous Trouble Ticket, but did not get a response.  So, I am posting a second ticket here.

Using the sample URL to input tickets from a separate application, the ManageEngine API is assigning the ticket to the requestor ID that has authenticated to the server, and is NOT assigning the ticket to the requestor as was implied in the previous ticket.  We are using Active Directory LDAP, so there are no real manage engine users, only AD users.  Not sure if that affects the ticket creation process and how it determines who to assign the ticket to.

Regardless, the Manage Engine API is assigning the tickets to the Authenticated ID (which for us is an anonymous account that has access to do so), and not to the requestor's ID, even though the requestor's ID matches what is available in Manage Engine.  And we have tried different iterations of names, email addresses and ids, all to no avail.

Here is a sample URL I am using (I removed sensitive information and changed it to generic info):


Which returns these log file entries....  Notice "requesterEmail" is *NOT* recognized.

Here are the log entries:
[12:24:25:219]|[10-31-2012]|[com.adventnet.mspdesk.servlet.util.MSPRequestOperationUtil]|[INFO]|[26]|: The value we got is: {site=my Company, operation=AddRequest, username=***********, account=my Company Account, DOMAIN_NAME=COM, logonDomainName=AD_AUTH, title=Test, requester=Last, First @ CMP - Company, targetURL=""/servlets/RequestServlet"", description=Test, password=*****************,} |
[12:24:25:219]|[10-31-2012]|[com.adventnet.mspdesk.servlet.util.MSPRequestOperationUtil]|[INFO]|[26]|: The value we got in clear is: {site=0, operation=AddRequest, username=***********, account=my Company Account, DOMAIN_NAME=COM, logonDomainName=AD_AUTH, title=Test, requester=Last, First @ CMP - Company, targetURL=""/servlets/RequestServlet"", description=Test, password=***************} |

From what I see, the Servlet API is not picking up the requesterEmail.

I am running Version : 8.0 Build 8003

Also, I have tried encapsulating the email address in double & single quotes, as well as using/not using URL encoding (%40 versus the actual @ symbol, etc).

I need this resolved, as it is preventing our team from seeing who the ticket is actually assigned to.

Thank you

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