AD Sync shows Deleted Computer

AD Sync shows Deleted Computer

We have noticed recently that users who are deleted from the AD are still showing up in Desktop Central, and this seen when we click on the Add Computers Link. Even after performing an AD Sync and setting the SOM Policy, its still shows them.

The issue with the 2 computers were they crashed and hence we couldn't remove the agent. For one PC we have not leased to the user as they have left the company. Whereas for the other, we have replaced the crash PC with a new one and re-pushed the client.

However now for the user who we have given a new PC, we have kept the same name as it was before in the AD. Now Desktop Central shows 2 instances for that user..

Is there any way to delete the entry which are being discovered via AD Sync as when those computers crashed we deleted both the Computers from the AD.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?