active directory -attribute sync timing?

active directory -attribute sync timing?

Understanding User Sync Speed in Ad Manager

Hi everyone!

I recently noticed something interesting in Ad Manager. When I update certain user attributes in Active Directory (AD), like email addresses, they seem to appear in Ad Manager almost instantly. It's super fast!

However, when it comes to updating employee IDs, it's a whole different story. These updates take much longer, sometimes even hours, and I might even need to manually force the sync to see the change.

I'm curious about two things:

  1. Why the Slowdown for Employee IDs? Why is there such a big difference in how quickly different user attributes sync between AD and Ad Manager? Is there a specific reason why employee IDs are slower?
  2. Automating Employee ID Updates? Is there any way to set up automatic updates for specific attributes in Ad Manager, even if the program thinks they don't change often? Having employee IDs update automatically would be a big time-saver, especially since they don't change frequently.

Thanks in advance for any insights you can share!

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