Access Denied errors after update to 10.1.2137.9.

Access Denied errors after update to 10.1.2137.9.

Today, Desktop Central is not working. We put our ticket in a few days ago. I've also expeditated this, since we have been in down time for the last 4 days.  When I restart DC server, the MDAC services never starts, or takes almost an hour. I've been manually turning this on, just to keep the login page working..User would start using it, then get all kinds of errors. This continues through the day and gets worse, then I have to restart the server again..ect.HELP!
Our staff is having intermitting issues while clicking of different tabs in the console.
Errors we are seeing on our screens: "Access Denied!" Or Sorry! Somthing has gone wrong. Unable to reach the page. Sometimes, not always, we get Service Unavailable...bla..bla...503 Service Unavailable. I've tried everything I know, rebooting servers, clearing web cache..ect Nothing is helping. I've not heard back from DC support. I've tried chating, was told to leave a message. I've tried emailing. Still no response from my last ticket on Friday 1/21/22. PLEASE HELP!!

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