!!Resolved!! - Manage Engine Dedicated Development Team and Fast Response Time

!!Resolved!! - Manage Engine Dedicated Development Team and Fast Response Time


Original Subject: Problem: Checksum Errors, Failed File Signatures, bizarre license practices.

Honestly, I hope this finds those Systems Administrators currently evaluating whether they should purchase this product. This is purely factual condition of the current state of Manage Engine.

Patch Deployment / Software Installations / Custom Configurations
Minimum 90-Minutes to sync and push any deployment, regardless of size. This is by design according to Zoho Engineers.

Module Integration was never completed. While setting up your Distribution Server, it will ask you if you wish to install windows ADK 10 for creating bootable media. Zoho will not publish this as a known bug, but will only tell you over the phone that currently, there is no way to create bootable media with their product. Even after installing the toolsets manually, the file signatures fail because none of the modules have ever been updated.

[2024-01-10 14:35:52.215266] [0x00002f00] [error] : [src\utils.cpp:2788] IsSignatureMatches failed -  File (C:\Program Files (x86)\ZOHOCORP\OSDDSComponent\bin\..\..\OSDDSComponent\bin\OSDAgentFiles\lib\native\64bit\OSDPEAdk.dll) not found
[2024-01-10 14:35:52.216262] [0x00002f00] [info] : [PE_Wrapper::CreateADKMedia() 1398]>Error in Loading dll [C:\Program Files (x86)\ZOHOCORP\OSDDSComponent\bin\..\..\OSDDSComponent\bin\OSDAgentFiles\lib\native\64bit\OSDPEAdk.dll] Error [0] IsFileSigned[0]

[2024-01-10 14:35:52.216262] [0x00002f00] [info] : [PE_Wrapper::CreateADKMedia() 1404]>Unloading dll Success [C:\Program Files (x86)\ZOHOCORP\OSDDSComponent\bin\..\..\OSDDSComponent\bin\OSDAgentFiles\lib\native\64bit\OSDPEAdk.dll]

If you ever use their software to deploy an image, that increases your license count by 1. If you never install their agent on that device, the increase in that license is permanent. They advise that is by design. Let me be clear, if you deploy 100 workstations using their OS Deployment tool, but do not install their agent, your YEARLY license will be permanently increased by 100 workstations. They will not remove them until you threaten to cancel your contract.

As others have stated, there is no support. Not one person from Zoho takes accountability for the errors in their application and there is no manual method to resolve any of the issues.

When they push a patch and it breaks your Distribution Server it could be days before they offer any resolution.

They always insist it is your fault and won't attempt to check their theory. For hours they kept trying to tell me the issue was our network because the technicians didn't understand that if a service isn't running, the port won't be open. Their services were broken due to the referenced checksum errors and the agents argued with me to the point where they kept repeating the same thing over and over again.

There is no support, you are on your own.

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