I'm using MS SQLServer 2005 (SP3, English) as my db.
Problem is I can't see any status while monitoring my Active Directory (Domain Controller),
all status and monitor give me "NA", but it can monitor its health, of course, health is OK.
I try to find where the problem is, while seeing stderr.txt under logs folder,
it shows A LOT OF exceptions such as
Nms.store.NmsStorageException: Invalid object name 'AM_Script_Numeric_Data_10000011'
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid object name 'AM_CAM_COLUMNAR_DATA_10000011'
And some
Things are not so simple, while I create another AppManager in a different VM, I selected MySQL as my db, besides the Tranditional Chinese words will become ????, everything is OK, I can see status of my Domain Controller, it runs well.
Is this a bug or something wrong with my setup?