Has anyone had problems with netflow implementations with the 6500 sup 2 w/ MSFC and getting proper data export?
I get data but it doesnt look correct, I've read the Cisco documentation but still think I'm missing something with either MLS not being correct or something
I show the top talkers only things destin to the box itself when sniffer traces show converstations through the box and users far greater so I know its wrong.
any help on configuration would be helpful on something I maybe missing Im running c6sup22-ps-mz.121-26
config is as followsmls flow ip destination-source mls flow ipx destination mls nde sender version 5 mls nde interface ! interface GigabitEthernet1/1 description ip address x.x.x.x ip directed-broadcast ip pim sparse-dense-mode ip route-cache flow logging event link-status load-interval 30