11303 Multi-Site FAFR Workaround

11303 Multi-Site FAFR Workaround

For anyone like my company that is multi-site, avoids making a whole set of incident/service templates for each site, and had a lot of things in FAFR break when FAFR stopped seeing the value of the "Site" field, here's a workaround.

Example of why we needed this:
For new user request tickets, some sites have different systems than others.  We used the "Site" field in FAFR to hide systems on the form that that particular site did not use.  This prevents requesters from choosing access to systems they cannot possibly receive based on their site.

NOTE:  This only works if each of your sites has requesters with a different email address.  Such as jdoe@siteA.com for Site A, and jsmith@siteB.com for Site B.

  1. Create a field called "SITE2" that is common between incident and service templates
  2. Add field "SITE2" to each template that has different options based on what Site the requester is from
  3. Make a FAFR rule called "HIDE FORCE SITE FIELD" > Apply to All Users > On Create/Edit > On Form Load
    1. Action = Hide Fields > Field = SITE2 > save
  4. Make another FAFR rule called "[site name] IF SITE" > Apply to All Users > On Create/Edit > On Form Load
    1. Condition = Field "E-mail Address" contains [insert @[whatever that site's ending email addresses are]]
    2. Action = Set Field SITE2 [insert original Site name] > save
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each site you have
  6. Update your broken site-based FAFR to point to "SITE2" instead of "Site"
And then it works. Really need to be able to reference Site again in FAFR though as that makes it WAY easier.

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