We have eventlog analyzer 5.
I had an alert that emailed me if a disk failed.
Well over the night a disk failed. In the morning I had over 100k emails. Well ok I guess it was just passing on the message that I asked it to pass on.
However this bottlenecked our exchange server and my mail box so they were basically unusable for hours untill I could delete the mail and stop the event analyzer from sending the email.
I see that there are settings that there are settings for
Number of occurrences and Occuring within, But Im not quite sure how this works.
I get the idea that if xxx error occurs 5 times in 1 minute report it. (Does it just sent one email?) I guess what I want it to do is report the error the first time it occures and then say report it every minute once eg 60 times an hour. This would at least reduce the number from 100k to some more managable number. Can I do this?