[Linux] run service NOT as 'root'-user

[Linux] run service NOT as 'root'-user

Hello everyone,

I am currently running NetFlow Analyzer (build 7002) on a Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10. I followed the instructions and everything went fine. Except for one little thing:
1. the default runlevel on my server is '3' and not '5', so the server would not restart after reboot. I would recommend to put the startscript to both /etc/rc.d Folders

I was a bit disappointed that I had to install everything as root user. As you are using only unpriviliged Ports (8080, 9996 and 13310) it should be possible to run everything as a user, just to improve security. Is there no possibility to change that? My first tries to do so failed. Has anyone else made experiences on that?

                New to ADSelfService Plus?