If you access the request link from the request link, you will be logged in the login page of another unit.
Hi, Let me question about login of portal page. I use the business unit to log in using the portal page. In
this case, if you set the default portal page & default business
unit, even if you access the request link or solution link of the
non-default unit described in the e-mail, the contact can not log in and
the default portal page It forcibly moves to. Please tell me about settings to avoid this behavior. By the way, I know that I can open without problems once logging in with a browser that
How to publish the SCP portal to be accessible from non-network PCs or mobile phones?
Hi Team We want all our staff to access SCP portal from their own computers not only business computers in network. How do we achieve this? Please share the documentation if you have any. Regards Nik
Перевод на другой язык статус заявки
Здравствуйте! Нам нужно перевести на другой язык статус утверждения заявки. На английском оно пишет, как "Pending Approval, To Be Sent, Denied" и т.д. Мы не смогли найти место где хранятся эти записи! Надеемся на вашу помощь.
Searching in SC+
Searching in SC+ should be way better. When you have few hundreds clients (accounts) it is difficult to remember exactly the first name. For example, when entering new request for Hotel Alhambra we must write "Hotel" and then we see drop list of all hotels to choose from. If I write "Alhambra", nothing happens. Generally speaking, search engine is quite limited, in other forms, too. Next, in Accounts, Recent Requests or View All Requests, we can do exactly that - view. We cannot open the request
Support Rep login report
Hi, A request has been put forward for a report to show when a support rep has been logged into the system for a certain date period. Information we would like to capture is the following Business Unit (would like to be able to select which business unit to run the report on) Support Rep Name date/time stamp for log on and log off (would like to be able to select a date range) I have one already have one but does not show the above select aas.session_id "SessionID", aal.name "User Name", aas.user_host
Differences between SDP and SCP ?
Hello, im a little bit confused. Whats the main differences betwwen Service Desk Plus and SupportCenter Plus? Whats the newer product ? Which has more Features build in? Thank you.
Cannot see all Support Reps with the Administrator account
Hello, I cannot see all Support Reps with the Administrator account. I can you use one of the "invisible" support rep's with an login account, and login into the app without any problems, but if i login with the administrator account i cannot see that support rep/login to make any changes. How can i fix this? Regards
com.adventnet.persistence.DataAccessException: [Department_Email]
Hello, i need to change the email address on the field: "Incoming Email addresses" on menu: Admin, Mail Configuration. I keep getting the error saying the "Email ID already exist.", and i can't change it. On the System Log Viewer, i have this error: "com.adventnet.persistence.DataAccessException: [Department_Email] Exception occured while executing the update sql" I really need some help on this issue. Thanks in advance Regards
Support Rep becoming a contact
Hi, We currently have 4 different business units and we seem to be having an issue with Support Reps becoming a contact in either their business unit or one of the others. Once this happens it seems they are only able to log in as a customer via the customer portal. The only way to fix it is to find out what business unit they are a contact in and delete them... But I can not keep doing this, at the moment we ore not setup as single sign on (AD) and each support rep has their own username and password.
Edit "Status" from "Request Properties"
If I edit the field Status from the "Request Properties" and i try to save the changes it fails and goes back to the last status. Edit: Im trying to close the request using this method but i can´t update it, when i click on the green tick it goes back to the last status.
extract number of logins from AdventNet
Hello, Can you tell me if there's any way to extract from Adventnet the number of Customer logins over a set period of time? Thanks Marjan
Do you know your incoming request velocity?
If there was an award for the most common help desk related questions asked, it would go to one of these- "Hey man, how many requests do we usually get on a daily basis?" "The helpdesk guys look very busy. Are we getting a lot of requests lately?" "There are so many unpicked requests in the queue. Do we need more people?" Ironically, this is the most probable answer you would get to all these questions - "Umm... I don't know.. I think so.. Let me find out" I can help you give a concrete answer using Analytics
Integrating SCP with Jira
While I've done the SCP to Jira integration successfully, I see a concern. If a user in SCP clicks on the menu "Create a New Issue in Jira" twice, 2 tickets get created in Jira. This causes duplicates. I need it such that when the first time user clicks the menu "Create a New Issue in Jira", a new ticket should be created in Jira. Post this user should not be allowed to create another Jira ticket for the same SCP request ID. Also, is there a way to update the ticket in Jira with additional information
How to customize the client homepage and where is the file?[LINUX - IMPORTANT]
Hi, I want to customize the client homepage, hide some stuff and change the layout a bit. But i can't find the server root and the html and java file? Thanks, Ashfaaq
Automatically purging old, closed requests
We have been using SupportCenter for many years and have hundreds of thousands of old, closed requests. We have an archive policy to move them to archive after six months, but really have no need to retain closed tickets after a year. The number and size of the requests makes backup and recovery take an extremely long time, even trimmed backups. Is there a script or SQL command we can use to purge closed requests after a set amount of time? Thanks, Ryan
Change to query
I would like to see if a change could be made to the below query to be able to select which business unit the report is to be produced for (we currently have four different business units). It would to also show the date stamp of the notes if possible. SELECT wo.WORKORDERID "Request ID",ti.FIRST_NAME "Support Rep",wo.TITLE "Subject",note.notestext "Notes" FROM WorkOrder wo LEFT JOIN WorkOrderStates wos ON wo.WORKORDERID=wos.WORKORDERID LEFT JOIN SDUser td ON wos.OWNERID=td.USERID LEFT JOIN AaaUser
Copy/Paste images from Confluence do not arrive via email
While it appears that when I copy/paste content from our Confluence system, and images appear within SupportCentre, the images do no arrive via email. I just get placeholders. Any thoughts?
How can I copy all contacts to another BU?
Hi Team Have you got a script to run so I can copy all 3000 contacts across to another BU. Also AD import doesn't run successfully in any BU. It stops fetching contacts after 1004 count. Regards Nik
Free Seminar Series - End Point Management
Join us for our free seminars in the Bay Area, Los Angeles, and Dallas this July! These seminars will focus on enterprise mobility and endpoint management and help you learn how to adapt to a dynamic, mobile workforce and increase productivity with the latest mobile, server, and desktop management trends and techniques. We'll also talk about integrating with ServiceDesk Plus, patch management, OS and software deployment, asset management, remote control, and more (and have plenty of food and drinks
I have problem, service is not working and service automatically goes down please help we have to fix this issue today
I have problem, service is not working and service automatically goes down please help we have to fix this issue today
Move aditional fiels on a BU to global
Good Morning, I have accounts-Aditional fields at BU level, but I wanted them common for all BUs, for that you told me to create the fields in Global Settings, I already have it, but of course ... they are empty and the information I have in the accounts_aditional fields of the BU ... is there any way by SQL or other to move the values of these fields from one of the BU to decide, to global fields? Best regards mb
Fields being used or not
Hi, We are at our limit of field allowance and I would like to know if there is a report that can be produced to see what fields are being used or not, is this possible, thanks Regards Cathy
"Expires On" column addition to Contracts section
Hi, Just wondering if you might be able to add into a future release an "Expires On" column in the Contracts page so the user can see at-a-glance when contracts are expiring? Thank-you and regards, Craig
How can analytics help you with continuous service improvement?
Continual service improvement (CSI) is at the crux of IT service management. CSI aims to continually improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of services, and processes. Broken down in simple English, CSI is comparing your current efficiency levels with your past performance and making sure you see an improvement. How can Analytics Plus help you do that? Let's say you want to find out areas that your technicians lack expertise. No matter how good your technicians are trained, there are going
How Can I interconnect Servicedesk Plus and Support Centre plus?
Hi Team Is there a way to inter connect Servicedesk Plus and Support Centre plus? We are using both and we don't want to loose change management, Problem management and Asset management. Thanks & Regards Nik
Starting Support Center for the first time
Hi, I'm looking into using this for our customer support teams but cant get it started. I'm using the following guide but get error "database supportcenter doers not exist". In Windows Execute the following commands in the command prompt to connect to PostgreSQL.cmd > cd [SCP Home]\pgsql\bin [bin] > psql.exe -U postgres -p 65432 -h supportcenter Any ideas? Thanks
Report on requests that have exceeded their SLA
Hello, I need to make a report for all requests that has breached their respective SLA's for the last month, but I can't figure out how. I need it to contain: - Which SLA was exceeded? - By how long? - Account / and or Sub-account? - Request ID? Do you have any tips or templates for this kind of report? Thanks!
Determine Last Action for a request
Is it possible to determine what the Last Action for a request? As I evaluate SCP for fitness within our group, I'm thinking that weekly reports could be generated using the Last Updated field. However, with the limited number of fields that can fit across a printed page, I would also like to know what was updated. For example, if a Support Rep updates the Resolution or Due Date field during a report time span, I would like that request to appear in the report. But, if the rep updates adds a note
How to migrate to a new server?
Morning! We are planning to move to a new server, but retain the same SQL Server. What is the recommended path/process for this? Thanks, Matte
We would want to use your API, but in spite of your indications we didn't find it in the module integration. Where can we find it?See the capture. Best regards GB
Unable to change status of tickets
After our company updated to we are unable to change the status of our tickets from open to any of our custom statuses. The click on status and then the checkmark, and it changes back to open. The ticket history shows that we updated the ticket but does not say that we changed the status.
Java is consuming almost all of the CPU and large amounts of ram
I am using version 8.0.0 Build Number 8015 and it has recently started consuming the cPU and Ram slowing the server to a crawl. Also tried updating to 8100 but it fails right away and the error log is blank. Thanks
Compact data base
After several years of use the database is getting very large. What is the best way to clean it up or compact the database? Thanks
Synonyms betweeb BU in the SCP
Dear sir, We have the SCP 8015... with several BU... i have a question... There is the possibility of sharing the same accounts and contacts between several business units ?, Maybe through synonyms of tables of one of the BU, in this way, the custom fields that are not copied right now Between different BU and lose them from the second business unit, as well as a new, modifying or delete would be visible among all UN ... Thks for your help Mb
Cannes Responses
Hello, I am looking for a specific canned response in our system in order to modify it but can't find it. Could you please help? Please find more information in the attached document. Marjan
Is there a round robin function to assign a ticket on SupportCenter Plus?
Hello, Is there a way to assign a ticket to Techs in a group using a round robin function? I found this as being possible in the Service Desk application but could not find any help about this for SupportCenter Plus. Thanks Bruno
I do not understand how accounts are managed ...
When I have an open account for example "company.com", with contacts associated... sometimes new emails arrive from new contacts and the same domain, but it registers them in contacts, with the domain "company.com_1", and open a new account with this name ended with _1, how does this work system
Support forum link not functioning from Support page
Hi I am using 8.0.0 build number 8012 and the link to User Forums is https://forums.manageengine.com/SupportCenter-Plus?did=OO»c;[;õõÙý8 �@ ( •Å¥Íÿßh which does not function. If is use https://forums.manageengine.com/SupportCenter-Plus I get to the forum. The Support Forum webpart is also no functioning. I receive the error "The webpage cannot be found" Regards Graeme
Time spent report
Dears Good day I will appreciate your support for creating time spent report for requests status For example if there are many sections or employees working on the same request to deliver certain kind of the services or products (as in sales, finance, purchasing, production and service delivery) and the request status will change betwen them till closing the request. We are asking and we hope if there are any way to count the request time spent in each status so we can know wich section / employees
How to disable the FCR popup?
Ok - how do we disable the bloody annoying FCR popup every time we close a ticket?
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