Next Features List
Hi, Just wandering what will the next update contain. It has been some time since the release of 7907 and the features list for the next update is empty.Also it would be nice to get an idea of the approximate period when will this next update be release... Looking forward to this information, Best, Andrei
Status of Support tickets
I have been sending some support requests and receive automatically the number of the support ticket. How can I see the status of the ticket? Is there any place in ME site to look at theses tickets?
Include Task/Activity description in text searchs
Why does the search feature of SupportCenter only includes Requets/Accounts/Contacts/SolutionsContracts? The info in the task/activities should be included also.
Search goes directly to results if only one found
Hi, I'm not sure whether this has been implemented already, or is a possible enhancement to the product, but we have a search facility inside the web-based software we've produced which takes users directly to their search results in the event that only one item is found. We've found this to be a time-consuming feature which prevents users from having to click multiple times, and would be particularly useful in SC+ when searching for incident IDs from the normal search bar (i.e. the one shown
associate contracts to sub-accounts
Hello there, We have a number of reseller customers that have sub-accounts. The sub accounts have different contracts with us than the main reseller account, and these contracts determine the due by time for requests. It would be really nice if we could assign contracts to sub accounts-as it looks now, you can only associate contracts to the main account. For us, this defeats the purpose of having sub-accounts, so we have converted all our sub accounts to regular accounts. This makes it harder
Search by a custom filed value
Is it possible to search inside the application by a value of a custom field ? for Example : I added a filed called "Serial Number" in the sales additional field , I want to search for that field value whenever I receive a Request by phone to check if the product serial number is valid or not before accepting the Request. I think this will be very helpful for companies that deliver after sales support for goods
Tickets are not displayed sequientially.
We don´t see ticket id displayed sequentialy, there are jumps among ticke numbers. Could you help us, please?
Sub Account Limit
Is there any limit in adding sub-accounts under a singe account? Or is it restricted to our license type?
New case When people reply
Hi, We have a strange problem, When we close a ticket and people reply on it it sometimes create a new ticket instead of re-opening the closed one. Then you get this ID : 20851 - RE: [Ticket: 19405]: So it does not happen with every ticket but it is a random problem. Is there a way to check what is going wrong en solve this ? We use SupportCenter Plus Version 7.8.0 Build 7801 Thanks in advance. Peter
Support center doe's not install
I tried to upgrade SCP on my test server, but something went wrong. Then every time I try to install SCP, the installer asked if I want to remove SCP and all it's components. Eventually I managed to install SCP 7801, but now it does not start at all. I see the following in the log file [18:07:09:296]|[03-02-2012]|[SYSOUT]|[INFO]|[17]|: [JBOSS] DeploymentInfo: Could not delete file:/D:/ManageEngine/SupportCenter/server/default/tmp/deploy/tmp15184commons-httpclient-3.0-rc1.jar restart will delete it|
Home Dashboard Issue
Hi, In the My Requests Summary - All Business Units clicking on the link doesn't do anything. Can you please check and fix this. Thanks, Andrei
Migrating SupportCenter Plus from MySQL to SQL 2005
I'm planning to migrate my existing SupportCenter Plus server running with MySQL to MS SQL 2005. Do we have a procedure out there to do so? Thank you for help
Disable Business Units action not logged
Hi, We had the surprise these days that by accident someone disabled the Business Units. This in itself would have been nothing since it took 5 minutes to enable them back and bring back the Business Units from archive. The shock came from the fact that this operation is not logged in the system log... we tried to figure out what happen but there was really no clue about it. Can you please consider including this in the application log since this operation is by far not a trivial one... Thanks, Andrei
Report Tickets which had status changes
Hi There Wondering if someone can help devise a report which would show which tickets have come into the system, had their status changed and then closed. So ticket comes in and is: (1) open (2) Esclated to Level 2 (3) closed and another example might be: (1) open (2) closed I need to be able to differentiate between the different status and also count the number of tickets which have gone to a particular status type - over a period of time. Cheers
Active Directory Intergration
Is there any plan to provide Active Directory authentication in SupportCenter, similar to what is currently in ServiceDesk? If so, when could I expect to see this in the product?
Unable to select other tab in Request view
I dont know what happened. I was able to select the tabs "Account Info", "Resolutions", "Time entry", "Activities" and "History" and now, when I try to select theses tabs it does nothing. Opening the Chrome Java Script console I see the error: Uncaught ReferenceError: changeRequestTab is not defined (anonymous function) onclick What can I do to solve this. I already tried Firefox and IE and the same happens ------------------------------------------ SOLVED BY SUPPORT (upgrade to
Multiple responses to incidents overwrite pending responses
Hi, In the 7704 version of SC+ we have installed, if our support reps are writing a response to an incident, open a second incident in a new browser tab, then click respond to the new incident, their previous half-written response gets overwritten. This has caused a number of occasions where we've lost various amounts of almost-completed responses, which has been exacerbated by the fact that the draft save functionality doesn't appear to work in this version (or at very least not for all of
New note emails notifications to support reps
Hi, Can someone at SC+ please let me know whether the latest update includes the ability for us to add a link to email notifications which are sent when new notes are added? in the older 7704 version we have installed, if a note is added to an incident and the support rep is notified, there's no link for them to quickly open the incident (like there is for incident updates). Cheers, Andy
Feature Request: Notification Template for Notes
Evening! Is there a way we could alter the email template for 'Notes'? At the very least, to have the Subject line of the notification email indicate WHAT requestID it came from?
New feature for notification rules
Hello, Can you please add the variable "time spent" that is present for example in reports, so we can add it to the close ticket notification template, so our custumers can know how much time it will be charged? regards, Pedro Cabral
Setting the time zone of SCP
Hello, I'm testing the product SCP and I feel great... This is my second question: I need to achieve the following objective: - Set time zone to (GMT -04:30) Caracas Can be - Take the time zone from local ntp server - Take the time zone from Internet ntp server - Take the time zone from local OS server Any of the above works for me... Thanks,
Inverse and Operators in searches search ie "NOT"
G'day All, Is it possible to do an inverse search when filtering requests. Eg I choose the columns, and display a custom field. This works fine. But now I want to display all requests that have this filed as a NULL or blank value. Or I want to display all requests that don't match a particular value, or is greater than another value. For example, we have a field we update with an Invoice#. So I would like to show all requests that have been closed, but have no invoice number. Or I may want to show
Logout redirect page error...
Hello, I'm testing the product SCP and I feel great... This is my first question: I need to achieve the following objective: - Configure URL redirection on Logout for users. I need redirect users to: http://server_ip_address:8080 simple form on logout. Thanks for the help they can provide Thanks
Breaks/paragraphs are shown as <br>
Hello, since the last update/hotfix we do have the problem that breaks/paragraphs in requests are shown as <br>. This makes reading a bit difficult. Is this bug known already? Kind regards
Hotfix 7907 released
Dear Customers, Today we have released our new Hotfix 7907 Customers who are in 7906 are facing an issue with HTML content for all the incoming mail Requests and its fixed in this Hotfix. Here you can download the Hotfix 7907 Regards, Arun SupportCenter Plus
Options description displayed in japanese / chinese characters
Hello, I have latest update 7906 installed in portuguese. I have reported this issue before but has not been any change since then. buttons description for change text format, among others, are displayed in strange characters. Please check image in attach.
Using (at) in explorer
Hi, When writing @ in Explore it changes the text format to really large and Bold. This is a big problem i think.
Reg. Sub Accounts
I was trying out support center plus. It has a feature to create sub accounts. Now can I assosciate contacts, add products, open cases for sub accounts alone? I could not find any references in the afmin guid regarding sub accounts. If not whats the real purpose of sub-accounts?
New Activities module
I was just looking at the activities module which i've been anticipating for months. 1.I am surprised to see that you did not include the ability to associate tasks to a request template. I know you have a similar feature in the service desk plus product. Its called incident templates and it lets them associate tasks directly to the incident templates (like making changes to a printer) we use support center plus to do re-curring customer support tasks (liek deploy customers using milestones and
Timespent for hour based contracts
Hello, My company provides both billable customer support and non-billable support. the technicians would like to track the hours worked for both billable hours and non-billable hours. Currently, to make this work I need to have a separate contract for the billable hours. The technicians must ensure that the appropriate Product/Contract is specified for the request before they make any timespent entries, otherwise the entries are not deducted from the Hours based contract. I would prefer to only
Contact permissions in View Contacts List and View Contact Screens
Hi, There are currently 3 types of contacts in SCP which have respectively the following view possibilities: Their own requests only All requests from their account (Primary Contact) All requests from their account and sub account We're missing the possibility to easily see what kind of permissions the contact has assigned. It can only be done via the Edit Screen which is quite cumbersome. It would be great if this would be shown in the Contacts view list, contact view screen and reports. Looking
Track last user actions
Hello, Is it possible to track the last changes/actions a user has made? One of our supportreps has made an error and now a lot of issues are incomplete. We cannot really find them all where they have gone, so I was wondering (because of the history per issue) whether it is possible to log the last 25 changes or so.
Global Report on all Business Units
Hi all, We need to harvest some information from all business units in the form of reports... Please help us with providing a query example that would take the same report from all Business Units. For example - all requests for a specific product on all BU grouped by account. Many thanks, Andrei
Notification when a request is overdue
Is there a way to trigger an email notification when a request is overdue? Regards
Add RequestID to the E-Mail Content of Survey
Hello, How can I instert the link to the call or insert the Resolution of the Call in the E-Mail content of my Survey. I tried to add $RequestID and $Resolution but this does not work !! Thanks a lot. Youssef
Contracts are inactive after the 7906 update
I have upgraded this morning to 7906, now the contracts are inactive. How can I fix this?
add URL in request template + standard setting new announcements
Hello, I have 2 questions about SupportCenter Plus, version7.9.0, build 7905: 1. Is it possible to add an URL in a request template? I want to link to another application when using one of the templates. 2. When adding announcements, is it possible to have a standard setting where the announcement is only shown to support reps (see picture below)? 99% of the announcements we make is not intended for our customers. Regards, Kees
Products in the Contract doesnt show
I have defined many products under product types. However when I try to apply the contract to a product the form shows no products. How can we solve this?
Print Preview
Hi all, in the manual there's a functionality that is mentioned related to printing a request. However in the software itself the feature is completely absent. there are workarounds which involve going all the way through the contacts module to be able to get a printable view, nevertheless this is way too complicated for something as easy as including a link somewhere in the action menu that pops up a window: https://<SERVER_NAME>/$RequestId
Feature Request: Notify on any response from an account + mark 'public'
Evening! We often deal with customers who have multiple team members, in different groups who respond to Requests. However, these individual responses are 'hidden' until we check the Request and show 'all' conversations, as they may not have CC'd the original Contact. Would it be possible to have SC+ both notify and mark Public these responses? I'm not concerned presently with forwards/responses from my own organization being notified/public, as I handle these as internal conversations and don't
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