Time Enrty Visibilty
Is there a way to hide time entry tab for costumers?
supportcenter plus - created on field is blank
New requests created created on field is blank.
Log a call button
Hi, Is there a way how I can customize the log call for new user fields? for example add a custom field there? We work with residential customers and would like to quick log a call with customer address. Thank you.
How can I add custom field to "Log a call for new user" form
Hi, everybody, I'm using Manage Engine support center and I need to add an address field to the quick add form. Thanks in andvance
Can we disable requests by mail
Hi, we're looking at SupportCenter plus but only want requests created from a webform. Is it possible to create an automatic reply to mails without a valid request ID, informing the user to use the webform ? And of course not create a request at the same time. Thanks
I need to have a Timespent report ordered by Date-Time of timespent record and gruoped for account with a Skip Page for every different account and filered for date range Someone can help me ? Tks Stefano
Support rep's cost per hour
When adding a time entry I always see Cost per Incident. However with one special request while adding the time entry I saw Support Rep's Cost Per Hour instead of Cost Per Incident. Is there a way to configure so that always Support Rep's Cost Per Hour is listed at the time entry form? Regards.
Contact Name and Email colums mismatch
All, Having just finished installation of product 7.9 build 7908, we are having a problem whereby, the Contact Name is the source of the request but the email address on the same line is that of the previous requester i.e. the person who sent the earlier request. This is confusing. Our installation is for evaluation purposes with intent to purchase. Please advise what we could be missing. See screenshot below - the name charles appearing for many requesters is a coincidence but the last names
database name
I am taking over managing SupportCenter Plus from a former coworker. We are Running on Red Hat Enterprise 5.7 How do I determine the database SupportCenter Plus is using, deploy/mysql-ds.xml says "<connection-url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:33356/supportcenter</connection-url>" but when I connect to the database, the supportcenter database is empty. I have the MySQL password but I need to reset the supportcenter administrator password which I do not have
Delete forgot password link on customer portal
Dear, Is it possible to delete the forgotpassword feature for our customer. Indeed we dont want our customer to choose and change their own password. We give them. So is it possible to edit the customer portal html part to delete the "forgott password link" file C:\ManageEngine\SupportCenter\applications\extracted\AdventNetSupportCenter.eear\AdventNetServiceDeskWC.ear\AdventNetSD.war\common\PortalLoginAndSideBarSection.jspf seems to be the good file. But editing it dont change anything. Best regards
Ability to hide "My Details" tab from customer perspective
Hi ManageEngine, We found the options to not let our contacts modify the information in "My Details" tab but we also want the possibility of hiding this tab from customers perspective. Please let me know if this can be considered for the future. Thanks in advance, Roberto.
Email in Requests
After the last update (Version : 7.9.0 Build Number : 7908), the email which appears regarding the person who created the ticket, is beeing incorrectly displayed. The highlited item, the Account is: Municipio de Oliveira de Frades, and the email is incorrect. However, if we open the request, everything is ok.
Hotfix 7908 released
Dear Customers, Today we have released our new Hotfix 7908 Here you can download the Hotfix http://www.manageengine.com/products/support-center/service-packs.html Here you can find the list of issues fixed and the new features included in this release https://supportcenter.wiki.zoho.com/ReadMe-V2.html#7908 Thank You. Regards, Arun SupportCenter Plus
Custom View
Hi is it possible for a customer through the customer portal to create a "Custom View" or is this only possible for support reps? I have a customer that is eager to make his own custom view, the create custom view is not visible.
How to modify template when a notification sent to supportRep is added to a request ?
Hello, We have modified all templates in HTML mode but I don't find anyway to modify the HTML code for a mail sent after a note is added to a request and the notification to the supportRep is enable ... Any help to find this ? Thank you. Romain Guillaume.
add an attachment to the resolution of a support request
how do I add an attachment (e.g. a scanned job card) to the resolution of a request?
Report Query last 25 Reps actions
Hi, I'm runing SupportCenter Plus 7905 on MSSQL and would like to run Query Report which will feedback the following info: 1) Support Rep name 2) Last 20 actions 3) Date each action started 4) Status of each action (Request Open_Close) I found something simmilar at: http://forums.manageengine.com/topic/track-last-user-actions. But the report it is not structured well and I canot trace action time. Thanks in advance for any input.
Integrated Forums and API
Hi SC Does SupportCenter Plus actually have an Integrated Forum? I can't see any further info on this but there are a couple of sections in the Product that make me think that this is available. Could you advise on what integration is actually available. We would like to provide the users access to just the Solutions Database without using the Portal and we would like to be able to search this from the forum. We are also looking at updating our Forum and wanted to know if whatever you
CSV import of Holidays
We should be able to import from a .csv file the list of holidays. It is far too tedious having to manually add them all one at a time. Ideally you should provide an option to import public holidays based on the country you are in, such as the feature in Outlook and Google Calendar!
additional fields and their relation to the existing database
I would like to know if I add a new field for example for our contact or support rep. can I create a relation to the other fields in the existing database?
Pending registration template customize
Hi! How to customize a template of the message of e-mail about registration pending?
Reports and Business Units
Hi Everyone, I have 3 Business Units configured on my SupportCenter. Yesterday I created a custom report in one of the business units and realized that it only appears in this particular business unit despite generate information from all business units. Is that normal? Can I create some kind of a "Global Report" that appears in all business units? If so, how? Thank you!
Querying SC+ for incidents which have been open for more than 1 hour and haven't been assigned a priority or support rep
Hi, I'm hoping that someone can help me with what I thought would be a simple SQL query but has proven more complicated than first thought. I'd like to return a list of all the incidents in the system which: 1) Are older than 1 hour 2a) Haven't been assigned to anyone or 2b) Haven't been assigned a priority Thanks in advance to anyone who's able to help! Andy
File attachments for Tasks and Events
Hi, One feature that most likely will be highly appreciated by everyone is to have the possibility to attach files to Tasks and Events. For tasks.. they may be accompanied by technical descriptions or pieces of it describing the task at hand.. for events.. there are always agendas, minutes, documents to be shared for the event in itself... Looking forward for your answer on this topic. Best Regards, Andrei
MS Outlook Plug-in dosen't sync calender
In the log i get the following error: [2012-01-17 10:11:11] - calendarsync started between outlook and supportcenter [2012-01-17 10:11:11] - reading all new supportcenter calendar [2012-01-17 10:11:11] - reading all new supportcenter calendar -- successfull [2012-01-17 10:11:11] - reading all modified supportcenter tasks [2012-01-17 10:11:11] - reading all deleted supportcenter calendar [2012-01-17 10:11:11] - reading all new outlook calendar [2012-01-17 10:11:11] - creating supportcenter calendar
Account Manager linked to Domain / Active Directory / LDAP and Hierarchy
Hi, Is there a way to link/integrate the Account Manager login to a Domain / Active Directory / LDAP similar to Support Reps? Also, is there a way to create a hierarchy for the Account Managers such as Area Managers, Territory Managers, Regional Managers, etc. so that they can also view the Requests of the Accounts under them? Thank you and best regards.
Product Manager Field in SCP
Is it possible to provide a Product Manager Field in SCP with option to select from several entries? For example, Product A is handled by PM1 and PM2 defined in Products Tab. For Requests, SupportRep has option to select Product Manager for Product A from PM1 or PM2.
Unable to use request links in Firefox browser with attachments (.jpg)
Hi - We have an issue with Support Center Plus when a customer sends an email with a .jpg attachment, a ticket is created however when we click on Reply, Forward or Edit, the links do not work. Can you help us with this please?
Company Name Problem on Client Reports
My Company Name is cut off when I create a report for my clients. How can I adjust the margins. I looks like this on the right side of the report. Active Networkin It should be Active Networking, Inc. or Active Networking, Inc. Thanks Tom
How to query support center plus for task report linked with request
i need all information about the task linked to request and task itself from a date to another date how i can get theses results please help me for example i need all these information for two months if i want to change the date in query then i can do that as well.
Embedded or wiki Integration to Support Center Plus
Hello I would like to know if there are plans to integrate a wiki to Support Center Plus? The Solutions tabs is close but I just need a big more flexibility like History or changes/Indexing ect..... Thanks, Tim
Advisory triggered by group rather than account?
Hi All, I'd like to create an advisory for a specific group. I can't use the advisory in 'Account' because any account can be associated with this group. Is this possible? Is there a work-around to this? like an advisory for a service level, or product or ? Thanks everyone ahead of time! Cheryl
Multi language support?
Does Support cener product support multi language? I want to change the interface to Arabic & Farsi interface,is it possible?how?
Товарищи админы помогите сделать русский язык.
День добрый. Как возможно сделать поддержку русского языыка в supportcenter? какие файлы нужно редактировать? Или где хотя бы искать их.
Operation Hours for different customers
We have a customer which we provide 5/8 support. We have another customer which we provide 7/24 support. Their operational hours are different. Is there a way to define different operational hours for different customers or contracts so that the SLAs will work accordingly? This is very important for us to achieve. Regards.
Correct process to import an intermediate certificate?
Support, I have a wildcard certificate from RapidSSL. The certificate also came with an intermediate certificate. What is the proper method to import both certificates into the scp.keystore using the keytool? I am confused of which tyoe of certiciate to use when importing both certificates. Do I use root, cross, intermed, etc? Example: keytool -import -alias intermed -keystore scp.keystore -trustcacerts -file domainname.crt keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore scp.keystore -trustcacerts
Missing Request and Solutions
Hi, when one of our customers logs on she only sees the tabs Home and My Details. The tabs Request and Solutions are missing. Only through My Details, Recent Items can she view her open requests. This used to work fine, nothing was changed: no updates or patches. We use supportcenter plus version 7.9.0 Build 7902. Any idea ?
Time Entry and Incident Reduction
I have a contract based on Incident type. Some of the requests that are solved should not be deducted from the total number of Incidents. I deselect Billable while adding the time entry but still deducted. What to do?
Customer Portal, Incorrect Russian translation
SupportCenter Plus Version : 7.9.0 Build Number : 7902 1. Customer Portal - Search Solutions: 2. Customer Portal - Send ticket:
BU support rep. Signature
Hi, I have a feature request regarding signatures. We are using two business units. one for Iceland and another for the UK I have my signature in Icelandic since I am mostly replying to Icelandic customers. when I change to the UK BU and reply the Icelandic signature is inserted. It would be brilliant if it would be possible to override the user signature in every BU It would also be great to get feed back from other users here about this, Is this just a feature that would be usefull to us ?
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