Smart Phone Application
Hi Do you have any smart phone application? If my support team want to login to system on their phone, should they use a browser? Regards
support team tab
Hi. Our customers can't see support team tab. How can we open this feature for customers? Regards Onur
change hardware
Dear all, We need to change our old hardware to new one with SupporteCenter installed on it. I would like to know that do backup, re-install software and restore the database is the only process to do or need more steps to save license key and preserve data. Thanks in advance. Best Regards!
Operational Hours
Hi We want to set different operational hours for every different contracts. How can we do that? Thanks.
Level List issue
Hi We created a level list. If i open a new request as a support i can see level list but our custemers can't see this field on their side. I want to show this field to our custemers request page as mandatory field. Regards.
Sort by issue from contact tab
Hi I want to sort my contacts by their name, login name or smth. But when ı clik to top of the column nothing happens. If ı try samething in account pace i can do. What's the diffrent and how can fix it? Thanks
Individual Support Rep AD Import / Login?
All users are in one OU (managed via security groups) Is it possible to import individual users rather than a whole OU? Alternatively can we manually create the users & then enable AD login?
Set comma instead of dot
The time entery amount is set in dot, is it possible to set it in comma? €70.00 must be €70,00
Row Count next to Views
Hello, I would like to propose the addition of the row count next to the view. We currently have several different views our Support Reps switch between. It would be nice to see if there were actual items that needed addressing before having to switch views. Example may be that I could visually see that there were no Unassigned Requests without having to click to change the view. Thank you,
Contact Reply Loading
Our Support Center Tech is reporting that we cannot view the customer's reply in many tickets. Normally they would click on the red colored envelope next to the customers name, and the customers reply would be displayed. However for the past few days, when they click on the customers reply, they get the green "loading" text in the middle of the screen, and no matter how long they wait, it never loads. (see screenshot) This issue is happening on most tickets, but there are some tickets that actually
UpdateManager skip FileAttachments
Hi, I have a small issue when i am upgrading the SCP system using UpdateManager. I have Tivoli TSM on the server and that backs up everything in the file system and that is how i want it. but the "Issue" i am facing is that UpdateManager backs up FileAttachments before updating and this results in a very very very long update process. Can i run UpdateManager with some param -SKIPATT to force UpdateManager to skip backing up FileAttachments ? Best regards, Valdi Hafdal URL :
Solutions Editor
Hello, I am currently copying an existing Troubleshooting Guide document into the SCP as individual Solutions. So I am copying and pasting items into solutions and then working to format them so they show up ok in SCP. This is incredibly error prone. It seems that the formatting capabilities of SCP just dont work very well with making bulleted lists or numbered lists, especially when working with text that has been pasted in from an existing word document. please tell me that this will be addressed
installing 7.9 SP 2.2. with MYSQL
Hi Guys. I'm installing the 7.9 SP2.2 in a new server (W2003 server) to migrate from old server. When I install it in the new server, it selects the PSQL as default database. After install, I need to change this to use the MYSQL that is installed in another directory. I used the ChangeDBserver.bat utility to use the MSQL databae, and the "Test" is ok. But when I start the ManagenEngine service It doesn't find the Data Base. I suppose that i need to put the MYSQL actual directory in any configuration
Hotfix 7928 released
Dear Customers, Today we have released our next hotfix 7928 Here you can download the hotfix Here is the instructions link for the upgrade Here is the list of features available and issues fixed in this hotfix If you need assistance, please send a mail to
Email Notification When Support Rep goes Online/Offline
Would it be possible to add an email alert from the application when a support representative changes their status to Online, and then again when they change their status to Offline? This would help greatly in notifying the support rep team of who is online and who is not, since the only place in the application where this can be seen is the home tab.
Very very very weird Email fetching failed problem
We have issue with the Mail Fetching, after we will in the Outgoing and Incoming details, it prompted "Settings saved successfully. But an error occurred while trying to check connection with mail server - Authentication Failed using the given username and password." The last attempt to fetch mail is on last Friday 27.12.2013. 1. We had verified that the username and password being used is correct. By creating an account in Microsoft Outlook and even thru webmail. 2. AFTER this issue happened, we
SCP API - Adding Request
I am an experienced SDP user who is configuring a support center plus enterprise edition install for another business unit. In SDP I was able to add requests using a URL such as this:<Operation><Details><requester>Bob Barker</requester><subject>The Price is Right</subject><description>blah</description><category>category</category><subcategory>subcategory</subcategory><item>item</item><priority>P3</priority><site>Site</site><group>TestTeam</group><department>IT</department><SLA>SLA</SLA></Details></Operation>
Trouble with MySQL
When I try to start service, its not worked: # ./ ================================================================================ JBoss Bootstrap Environment JBOSS_HOME: /vm/opt/jboss_com/SupportCenter JAVA: /vm/opt/jboss_com/SupportCenter/jre/bin/java JAVA_OPTS: -server -Xms128m -Xmx256m -Djboss.server.type=com.adventnet.j2ee.deployment.system.AdventNetServerImpl -Djboss.deploy.localcopy=true -Djboss.boot.library.list=log4j.jar,log4j-boot.jar,jboss-common.jar,jboss-system.jar,AdventNetDeploymentSystem.jar,commons-logging.jar
Login Page Customisation
Hello How do we manage to customize front / login page picture ? I wan to replace the blue header color with a white header color.
IE 10 error
Hello, I have a problem with categories and groups. Cpm 10.0.9200 IE do not put them in order from A to Z. What can I do? thans you!
Support Center Restore Error
We are running supportcenter on 7.9.0 build 7921 on Windows XP in an VM environment. The performance is less then ideal, very slow and several crashes a week, so to try and fix this problem we want to migrate it to a Windows 7 64 bit VM. So we have created a new Windows 7 64bit VM and installed the same version and build 7.9.0 build 7921, with a Mysql database. when running the restore on the new server i get the following error. Windows popup: Windows cannot find '..\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt'.
See ALL data in Description on Reports
Hello All, Anyone know how to get the entire Description in a report? When I run a report in SCP and choose 'Description', in the report that generates I'm only getting the first couple of sentences, and everything else is truncated. I've ran the query from the report in SQL, and see the same thing. I understand this will make the report huge, but we're exporting the data into a separate system and I really need to see all the data in the description field. Anyone find a way out of this?
Purge old support requests
We have a long standing SupportCenter installation that we want to start using again. I would like to delete all existing requests and start with a clean slate, but I do not want to delete any rules, users, emails configs. I just want to be able to purge only the existing requests. Is there a simple way to accomplish this? Current version: SupportCenter Plus version: 7.9.0 Build Number 7914
I no can install demo in ubuntu
Hi, No can install the demo in ubuntu 12.04: Initialize the pgsql Problem in Initializing Postgres Please help. Sorry english
Issue with Date fields
Hi, I am having some troubles with Date fields in a test environment that i am testing before upgrading the production environment. Look at the Created Date and Due Date My Date Time Preferences If you look at "Set Time Format" the date before time looks very strange. Is this a known Issue ? Best regards, Valdi Hafdal URL : [V-Support for SCP] [V-Technician for SDP]
API TimeEntry
Hi, I need to use the API to get Time Entries and import into a ERP system. When the Time Entries have been synchronized i need to have them "mark as billed" Is this not possible through the API ? Do i need to update the Time Entry billing Status as non-billable That just sounds so wrong :) Best regards, Valdi Hafdal [URL] [V-Support Outlook add-in for SCP] [V-Technician Outlook add-in for SDP]
Purge old service requests
We have a long standing SupportCenter installation that we want to start using again. I would like to delete all existing requests and start with a clean slate, but I do not want to delete any rules, users, emails configs. I just want to be able to purge only the existing requests. Is there a simple way to accomplish this? Current version: Your Version : 7.9.0 Build Number 7914
SupportCenter Plus build 7927 is released
Dear Customers, Our latest build 7927 is released with the fix for the issues reported earlier on 7926 along with couple of new enhancements. More information is available on the page accessed through the link below, Build can be downloaded from here, Please do contact us for any assistance with the upgrade. We are reachable at +1 408 352 9115 or mail us to
Is it possible to provide access to the Products Tab to users other than BU Admins?
Hello, We are a software Vendor with a large number of companies who license our software and who are themselves supported various different support services. In order to identify the actual company that the software is licensed for, we utilize the Serial Number. Since SupportCenter Plus is limited in its ability to import information from external systems, I utilize the product import/sales data to list all the Serial Numbers under their respective Account. This function works well, however when
Attachments Being Dropped in 7926
Anyone else running into an issue with attachments being dropped in OUTGOING emails? Customers can email in with attachments and they show up in the case - but when we do a reply and attach a document, the customer is getting the email, but no attachments are in the email. I've reported this into support, but reaching out to the forum to see if anyone else is encountering this. (We recently upgraded to 7926 - and it worked definitely prior to the update)
Adding search field
Hi, While adding request, how do I add another search field (similar to adding contact)? I want add product number and system shoud add description automatically. Or should allow adding it on the fly. Thanks
Another Bug in 7926
After upgrading to 7926 I have found another bug. I can no longer delete tickets from the grid view in the all business units. I can delete tickets from within individual business units but no longer from the all business units. The application says the tickets were deleted successfully but they do not get deleted.
Major Issue in build 7926
I just upgraded to 7926 to resolve the last major issue of the unpicked ticket notifications not being generated, and now have another even more critical issue. When a user replies to a ticket, the notification that gets sent out no longer has the new email content from the user. Previously, the $Description field would include the description (email content) of the new email that was sent in. Now, it is only showing the email content of the original email! Also, the $ContactName and $ContactEmail
Unpicked notifications not being sent following upgrade to 7925
Hi, We upgrade to 7925 two weeks ago and it appears that, since the upgrade, we're no longer receiving group notifications for incidents which haven't been assigned to anyone (i.e. they're unpicked). We've been through the following steps to confirm the configuration, without any success: 1) Ensured Alert group members by Email, when a request is left unpicked in a group is enabled a) We also disabled it, updated the template, saved the template and re-enabled it too 2) Ensured
Hotfix 7926 released
Dear Customers, Today we have released our latest hotfix 7926. Click Here to download the hotfix 7926. Here is the list of features included and the issues fixed in this release Here is the step by step instructions for the upgrade process Thank You Regards, Arun SupportCenter Plus
Advanced Filtering "contains" string is not working
Your Version : 7.9.0 Build Number 7916 Latest Version : 7.9.0 Build Number 7925 Running this query in SQL Server SELECT [WORKORDERID] ,[FULLDESCRIPTION] FROM [supportcenter].[dbo].[WorkOrderToDescription] WHERE FULLDESCRIPTION LIKE '%Generating a PDF That Will be Accepted by the Court%'; gives me > 600 matching records. How can I create this in a report for a user? The Advanced Filtering box is not working as described. I tried this: Reports > Reports by all Requests > Request by Created
business rules dosen't work with mail replies
i tried business rules when a new request issued by email, it work great but it doesn't work with the appended replied which is get merged with original request i do it with subject fields and description, but nothing recognized and no actions taken with new mail - work great with email replies - don't work any solutions ???
How to disable the popup notifications
Is there a way to disable the popup notifications (See image)? Best regards, Allistair
Major bug report with Import XLS (data destructive!!!)
Hey guys - I found a pretty major bug with importing XLS requests. If I download the sampleXLS.xls, and attempt to import sheet 1 (Sample List), the import routine shows there is one record to create. If I open sampleXLS.xls in Excel 2013, and duplicate the Sample List tab (by right clicking the sheet name and selecting "move or copy" then selecting create a copy - which creates "Sample List (2)"), make no additional changes, save the file and attempt to import Sample List, it still shows a single
Incorrect Moscow time zone
SupportCenter Plus 7907 Moscow Standard Time is GMT+ 4 hours
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