Query to get average time spent on tickets on yearly bases.
Version : 8121 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT : SELECT extract( year from to_timestamp(wo.createdtime/1000)::TIMESTAMP) "Year", TO_CHAR(((sum(rc.mm2completerequest))/count(wo.workorderid)/1000 || ' second')::interval, 'HH24:MI:SS') "Average time spent on ticket" FROM
Query to get Technician action in all the tickets
Version : 11027 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT : select au.first_name AS "Support Rep", woh.workorderid AS "Request ID", LONGTODATE(woh.operationtime) AS "Date / Time", woh.operation AS "Action", wohd.columnname ||': Changed From :'||wohd.prev_value || ':Changed To
Query to get Contract which is not had request raised from past three months and support plan remaining allowance for incident based plan
Version : 11027 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT: SELECT ad.ORG_NAME AS "Account", max(wo.workorderid) AS "Request ID", longtodate(max(wo.createdtime)) AS "Request Created Time", comp.COMPONENTNAME AS "Product", ac.CONTRACTNAME AS "Contract Name", ac.ISACTIVECONTRACT
Query to get Incident Based Contract info
Version : 11026 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT : SELECT ac.CONTRACTNAME AS "Contract Name", ad.ORG_NAME AS "Account", accmgr_user.FIRST_NAME "Account Manager", sp.serviceplanname as "Support Plan name", ac.contractno as "Contract Number", CASE WHEN ac.isactivecontract
ManageEngine Supportcenter Plus - version 14.2 is available !!
Dear Users, Greetings for the day. We are thrilled to inform you about the release of version 14.2 (Build 14200) of ManageEngine Supportcenter Plus (SCP), which is now available. Several enhancements are now available with this release, including: Custom
[Analytics Plus webinar] How analytics-driven IT service management improves employee productivity
Hello folks, We're back with an insightful new webinar on how analytics-driven IT service management can improve employee productivity . Date and time: April 27, 2023 2pm AEST | 10am GMT | 10am PST Why attend this webinar? When faced with a plethora of
Query to get Weekly count of request based on status
Version : 11027 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT : Select case when extract(dow from to_timestamp(wo.createdtime/1000)::TIMESTAMP) = '1' then 'Monday' when extract(dow from to_timestamp(wo.createdtime/1000)::TIMESTAMP) = '2' then 'Tuesday' when extract(dow from to_timestamp(wo.createdtime/1000)::TIMESTAMP)
Query to get Technician List with Role and Group info
Version : 11027 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT: Select au.FIRST_NAME "Employee Name" , SDUSER.employeeid "Employee ID", SDUSER.Userid "User ID", SDUSER.jobtitle "Job Title", ar.NAME "Role", al.name "Login Name", qdef.queuename "Associate Group", SDUSER.STATUS "Status(Active/Inactive)"
Convert existing support reps to use Active Directory auth (v14)
We are using SCP v14, and I would like to convert my existing support reps to use AD authentication (and only my support reports, not my contacts), without losing any of the existing tickets / history associated with them. And I'm not interested in scheduled
SCP v14 Teams integration documentation?
Where is the documentation with the necessary steps to complete in AzureAD for Microsoft Teams integration with SupportCenter Plus v14?
Query to get Locked Login / user list
Version : 11026 DB : PGSQL / MSSQL OUTPUT : SELECT AaaUser.first_name AS "FIRST_NAME", AaaUser.last_name AS "Last name", LockedAccountDetails.LOCK_ID, longtodate(AaaAccBadLoginStatus.UPDATEDTIME) As "Lock Date", AaaLogin.NAME, sduser.EMPLOYEEID, sduser.STATUS,
Query to get Monthly data of request and sla breach count based on additional fields
Version : 11027 DB: Postgres OUTPUT: SELECT wof.UDF_CHAR2 AS "Issue Type", EXTRACT(YEAR FROM (to_timestamp(wo.createdtime/1000)::TIMESTAMP)):: int "Year", Count(CASE WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM (to_timestamp(wo.createdtime/1000)::TIMESTAMP))=1 THEN 1 ELSE
Query to get Assigned Tech and Escaleted Technician info with requester contact number.
Version : 11026 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT: SELECT wo.TITLE AS "Subject", wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", AaaContactInfo.LANDLINE "Customer Phone", AaaContactInfo.MOBILE "Customer Mobile", prev.first_name AS "Assigend by", longtodate(wos.ASSIGNEDTIME) AS "Assigned
Introducing SupportCenter Plus version 14—Zoho's AI Zia, Resource Management, Teams integration, and more
Hello there, We at ManageEngine know the importance of high-quality customer service, so we worked relentlessly to enhance SupportCenter Plus in order to make it the best platform for your customer support desk. As a result, we are excited to present
ManageEngine Supportcenter Plus version 14 - Build - 14001 Released
Dear Users, Greetings for the day. We released ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus version 14.0 - Build - 14001. Please refer to the Migration path and the read me available to upgrade your SCP instance. Following is the support policy of Supportcenter Plus
ManageEngine Supportcenter Plus - version 14.0 is available !!
Dear Users, Greetings for the day. I am excited to announce the availability of ManageEngine Supportcenter Plus (SCP) version 14.0 (Build 14000). ManageEngine Supportcenter Plus is getting enhanced API based UI , automations and 200+ enhancements along
Query to get Request details with product/last escalated tech /time spent Information
Version : 11027 DB : Postgres OUTPUT: SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", longtodate(wo.createdtime) as "Created Time", aau.FIRST_NAME AS "Requester", AaaContactInfo.EMAILID AS "Requester Email", comp.COMPONENTNAME AS "Product", std.STATUSNAME AS "Request
Reply button missing in client portal
Hi, We are experiencing a problem with client portal. When a client creates a request by sending in a email and then logs in to the client portal and opens the newly created request he/she has the option to reply on the original request. But when a client creates a request by filling in a form in the client portal, and opens the newly created request he/she does not have the option to reply. (They still have the option to add notes) Im wondering if this is a feature or a bug ;) Regards, Arjen
Query to get Technician Login and Logged in from information.
Version : 11027 DB : Postgres OUTPUT: Select au.FIRST_NAME "Technicianname" , al.name "Login Name", aci.emailid "EmailID", SDUSER.STATUS "Status(Active/Inactive)", longtodate(AaaAccSession.OPENTIME) "Logged In Date/Time", AaaAccSession.user_host_name
Query to get Techinican Avegare response time
Version : 11026 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT : SELECT aau.first_name "Technician", CAST(((avg(wo.respondedtime-wo.createdtime)/1000)/(3600*24)) AS VARCHAR(10))+'days '+CAST(((avg(wo.respondedtime-wo.createdtime)/1000)/3600)%24 AS VARCHAR(10))+'hours '+CAST(((avg(wo.respondedtime-wo.createdtime)/1000)/60)%60
Query to get SLA and escalation details in Custom View
Version: 11026 DB: PGSQL OUTPUT: select DISTINCT wo.workorderid "REQUEST ID", max(wo.description) "Subject", max(wo.title) "Title", max(sladef.slaname) "SLA", max(case when (slaesc.level='1') THEN (select au.FIRST_NAME "name" from aaauser au LEFT join
Query to get Timespent on Request for particular group
DB: PGSQL Version: 8107 OUTPUT: select wof.UDF_CHAR19 AS "SSTF Number", org.name as "Account" , rc.workorderid as "Request ID", wo.title as "Subject", longtodate(wo.createdtime), qd.queuename AS "Group", std.STATUSNAME AS "Request Status" , TO_CHAR((sum(rc.MM2COMPLETEREQUEST)/1000
Query to get Status change and time spent on each status per request
Build: 8121 Database: MSSQL OUTPUT : select wo.workorderid "id", max(sd.statusname) "status", case when sum(wsi.timespent) = '0' then cast(sum(wsi.timespent) as varchar) else concat(FLOOR(sum(wsi.timespent)/60), ' hours ', sum(wsi.timespent)%60, ' minutes')
Enable copy images on Description field on scheduled requests
Hi, If customer sends an email with images, images keep on ticket, but if I need to create a scheduled requests and I need to copy information on Description field as image, doesn't work. Thanks
Query to get Last Conversation Details of Request
Build: 11020 Database: PostgreSQL Output : SELECT ti.FIRST_NAME AS "Support Rep", wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", longtodate(wo.CREATEDTIME) AS "Created Time", wo.TITLE AS "Subject", aau.FIRST_NAME AS "Contact", pd.PRIORITYNAME AS "Priority", std.STATUSNAME
Query to get Details of Request from Email
Version:11027 DB:PGSQL Output: Select wo.WORKORDERID As "Request ID", ucinfo.EMAILID AS "Email From", wor.recipient_email AS "Email Address", wor.to_cc_bcc AS "To/CC/BCC" from workorder_recipients wor LEFT JOIN Workorder wo on wor.WORKORDERID = wo.workorderid
Query to get Resolved By column For Request.
Version:11027 DB:PGSQL OUTPUT: select wo.WORKORDERID "Request ID", wo.title "Subject", rrs.resolution "Resolution", au.FIRST_NAME "Resolved by" from WorkOrder wo LEFT JOIN RequestResolver rrr ON wo.WORKORDERID=rrr.REQUESTID LEFT JOIN RequestResolution
Upcoming EOL / Behavior changes in Supportcenter Plus 14.0 version
Dear Users Greetings for the day. We are working on the next major version 14.0 with a lot of features. We are bringing more automation , useful features, New API's, behavioral changes along with this release. This thread gives you the consolidated
ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus version 11.0 - Build - 11027 released
Dear User(s) Greetings for the day. We released SupportCenter Plus - 11.0 - Build - 11027. Please refer to the Migration path and the read me available to upgrade your SCP instance. Please do the upgrade only in a test environment first and based on the
Insert Solution in Reply
Hi, We usually have an PDF file att. to our Solutions, and it would be great if att. files would be attateched to the Reply when using the new function "Insert Solution" in the Reply E-mail!
extract request but description is shorten
Hello, i need to extract some requests from Supportcenter. One solution is to do a report and extract by .xls But i have a problem, "description" seems to be shorten with "...". Exemple : in the last request shown there is a picture and so only "..."
Deprecation of basic authentication in Microsoft Exchange Online
Dear users, As you maybe aware, Microsoft has announced that it will start disabling basic authentication for Outlook, EWS, POP, IMAP, EAS, and RPS protocols in its Exchange Online effective October 1, 2022. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/deprecation-of-basic-authentication-exchange-online
[Security advisory] V3 API authentication bypass vulnerability in SupportCenter Plus
Hi there, This security advisory addresses the authentication bypass vulnerability for V3 APIs in SupportCenter Plus due to retained credentials in thread-local. This vulnerability affects customers using versions 11022, 11021, and 11020 of SupportCenter
[Security advisory for CVE-2022-35403] Unauthenticated local file disclosure vulnerability in SupportCenter Plus
Hi there, This is a security advisory regarding the unauthenticated local file disclosure vulnerability in inline image handling in SupportCenter Plus, which has been identified and rectified. This affects users of SupportCenter Plus (all editions)
ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus version 11.0 - Build - 11021 released
Dear User(s) We released SupportCenter Plus version 11.0 - Build - 11021. Please refer the Migration path table available here and upgrade to our latest build 11021. Enhancements: SCP-2442: Support for email reply separator in request conversations. Issues
EOL for 32-bit installation of Supportcenter Plus
Dear Users, We would like to inform you that the support for 32-bit installation of Supportcenter Plus will be deprecated from August 2022. This is in line with several application dependencies, such as PostgreSQL and JRE, removing support for 32-bit
Edit Self Service Portal Text for Support Center
I need to know how to edit the "I am facing an issue" and "Report an issue" text? I need to know how to complete remove solutions from being displayed on the self service portal screen.
How to Disable Solutions?...
We have a client that wants the "Solutions" at the top removed once signed into SCP, how can this be accomplished? This one:
Notify support reps on unassigned request update
Is it possible in v11 to notify all support reps (or certain support reps) when an unassigned request is updated? Here's a cut and paste of my ask for this feature (feature id 13090) from 6 years ago... Please don't tell me to use groups... It's not
Bulk edit of assigned Contact
Hi, is there a way you can change a contact on a bulk of tickets?
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