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                      • Most Discussed Topics

                      • Pending Request - Properties Field

                        Hi Is it possible to remove fields from the Properties section of a Requesters pending request page? e.g. remove Impact, Urgency, Item
                      • -DSkipForcedBackUp_14840=true is ignored

                        I'm upgrading from 14840 to 14930 but the flag -DSkipForcedBackUp_14840=true is ignored and I can't skip the backup step. I've cheked UpdMgr.bat before and after I started the upgrade and the line is there copied from the website. I've restarted the update
                      • Scheduled Reports page not loading

                        Hello, Scheduled Reports page not loading. We have seen it in previous versions, and today we updated to 14.9.40, and the issue is the same.
                      • The “Enterprise” field is not displayed in the ESM catalog in ServiceDesk

                        While working with the ESM catalog in the ServiceDesk system, I encountered an issue: the “Enterprise” field is displayed on one instance of the system but is missing on another. P.S. In English, the word “Enterprise” translates to “Компания” in Russian.
                      • Send email to all users when publishing an announcement

                        How do I send an email to all users when putting out an announcement rather than having to select every single user one by one which is not feasible? Thank you