Redirect to Technician Incident Page
How do I change parent.window.location="/"; so it lands at the Technician Incident page and not the Technician Request (Service Categories) page? Joel
On-Behalf-Of approver
Hi, Team, If one has "Auto-approve requests when the requester is the approver" as "Yes" and a requester uses the on-behalf-of field with someone who approves the request, the request will be automatically approved. This situation can be seen as a lack
System notifications
Hi, Is there any way to control and customize Request notifications, which are sending within the ServiceDesk system (not via e-mail) ? For example, I would like to notify requester about resolving a ticket within the system. Also, It would be nice, if
View request by clicking on ID cell
Hi Team, Please advise, is there any solution to make any data (For example: ID) on Requests' table clickable on hover to view Request Details ? Some users hide "Title" on Requests page in Table View mode, so they can't open a request details page in
Ticket assigned
Hello everyone, I would like to know if it is possible that the ticket opening status is not open but "assigned" when creating if we already inform the technician to assign the request. Here is an example of a request life cycle. Here are the changes
how can i access to requester additional filed
hi, in ServiceDesk Plus, when we go to Field and Form Rules > Rule execution - On Form Load > Event - "On Form Load" > Actions - Execute Script, I can access some of the requester details like (Requester - Job Title...), but I can't access all details
Changes on Approval API
Hi, Team, Since I upgraded my SDP to recent versions (14.940 and 14.950), I have a warning message in all request custom functions: If you copy the request function code into a global function, there is no warning displayed. What is going on? Thanks.
Task Due Time won't Stop (hold) if the Task Status is set to Onhold (Problem)
Hello Everyone, If we've manually/auto. set the Task Scheduled Start and End Date for the Task Owner to Resolve/Close the Task but due to some dependencies the Task Owner sets the Status to Onhold by mentioning the reasons on the Task Comments section,
Reporting by combining request status columns
I am getting a category based report. In this report, I want to combine the columns of open, pending and some others in the request status under a different name Open + Pending => OPEN 3 + 2 =5 Closed + Resolved => CLOSED 2 + 2 = 4
EndPoint Central free edition for inventory
We recently installed EndPoint Central so we could get hardware and software inventories in SDP ESM. EndPoint Central when initially installed, was in a trial version. The trial has lapsed, and we are being asked what to do. We don't need (I think) a
failure upgrade from 14750 to 14840
Hi , I'm having issue to upgrade from 14750 to 14840. The upgrade is went well at the start but in the end just a pop up message say Failure , please check the link Anyone got any
Add approver automatically after editing the request
We have a product delivery process that requires three managers to approve in the first step. After approval, the request goes to the technician and he prepares the product, but at this stage, the security manager also needs to approve the release of
Attachment Searching
Hi Would it be possible to add an 'Attachment' Search option? And/or have the 'Search Across' option include attachment names? We have many requests that have attachments. It would be great to be able to search SDP to find a request that included that
Error importing SSL certificate
Hello, We are having an issue regarding the import of an SSL Certificate, as we load the .crt file and the .key we get the following message. The error happens as it is “Extracting the data from the loaded files”, it doesn't say anything that we can try
Custom Function in new API after 14900
Hello, I've got this message when entering a cf that we used to change status on reply. This custom function is using an outdated sdp.admin.leftpanel.helpdesk.notificationrules.hom API version. We recommend updating it to the latest API version. I can
Maximum length for a single line in resource sections
Hi, what is the maximum length for a single line in resource sections? We recently updated version 12.x to 14.9, and some user tell us that this field, now is limited: Value provided is too long : udf_sline_6051 Was this value changed in any of the updates?
Database Maintenance - dbreindexdata.bat
Does the 'Database Maintenance Schedule' option run: reIndexData.bat AllModule Use the following command to reindex the request module. reIndexData.bat Request Stop ServiceDesk Plus and open a command prompt with admin privileges and go the directory
Create bulk service request via excel or csv in manage engine
How can we Create bulk service request via excel or csv in manage engine ?
Can't set Requesters' site?
Hi, In requester, we have the dropdown: How do we set the requester's site?
Ticket assignment according to keyword in the subject
Hello everyone, I would like to know if it is possible to do this on Servicedesk plus please? When an email arrives and the subject contains a keyword: Here are two examples to facilitate the understanding of the request Example: 1/ keyword "network"
[SDF-89615] Custom Trigger to fire when field is empty
Hi Need a custom trigger to fire when the External System Ticket field in a request has no value or is empty or is null Please point me in the right direction Thanks
Incident to problem
Hello, On servicedesk plus, is it possible to change a request to a problem please? Sincerely,
How to Set the Parent Request from On-Hold to Open Once the Child Request is Resolved?
Hello Everyone, We have a Parent Request and a Child request, and we would like to set the Parent Request status from On-hold to Open once the Child Request is Resolved? Plus, we wouldn't also want to resolve the Parent Request unless the Child request
Approuval request
Bonjour à tous, Sur la demande d'approbation, nous avons une diffuclté pour la configurer. Si il y a plusieurs personnes à qui on demande l'approbation, si l'un approuve la demande le statut change directement en approuvé sans l'approbation des autres
How to Open the Parent Request with the Child Requests are Resolved?
Dear All, Is it possible to Set Parent Request from "On-hold" to "Open" if the Linked Requests (Child requests) are Resolved? Regards, Wajahath Farooq
Automatic approval
Hello everyone, We recently had an issue when requesting approval of a request ticket. In fact, a technician sent a notification for an approval request to his superior (approver) And the ticket immediately changes to 'Approved' status without any action
Approbateur changement
Dans Servicedesk plus, dans le changement, il faut que tous les validateurs valident avant que le ticket passe et non seulement un seul validateur. Cordialement,
Can I use request filters to create a matrix report?
I want to create a new matrix report to query ticket data. The data would include the program that created the ticket and for the other half of the matrix I want to use the custom filters I made to combine multiple groups together. Is this possible? We
Servicedesk Plus - Travel instance
Hi team I saw in different documentation that is it possible to choose additional instance on Servicedesk, like Travel, Finance etc On my Servicedesk ESM I have: Servicedesk, Facility, Human Resources and blank. How can I add Travel instance? I need to
Send out Survey when project is closed (get feedback about project)
We are now doing a prove of concept to eventually use Project MAnagement add on our service desk plus. We already did some tests about creating new projects, milestones and task. At this moment we need to validade that is possible send an survey when
14930 - Field and Form Rules Custom Script, Pick and Checkbox Values Wrong
After upgrading to build 14930, our Field and Form Rules that are using custom scripts to pull the values for certain fields are now pulling what appears to be some kind of an ID number instead of the actual value. Before I go through the trouble of rewriting
Etat ticket - attribué
Bonjour à tous, Est il possible de faire ce paramétrage, Quand un ticket est créé et s'il y a déjà un technicien attribué à la demande ou ticket, l'état de la demande devrait être déjà en attribué et non "ouvert". Si quelqu'un a une idée s'il vous plaît?
Users from Active Directory can not authenticate
Hi Friends In our active directory, we have a group that for security mandates has been configured in permissions like pictures in attachments. All users that imported from the active directory and are members of this group, cannot login into SDP via
Get value from pick list with Deluge
We are trying to update a script and during testing we discovered that it is returning more than just the name. This started happening during the last update. We are on build 14940. Here is the part of the script pulling in the value. How do we get the
The “Enterprise” field is not displayed in the ESM catalog in ServiceDesk
While working with the ESM catalog in the ServiceDesk system, I encountered an issue: the “Enterprise” field is displayed on one instance of the system but is missing on another. P.S. In English, the word “Enterprise” translates to “Компания” in Russian.
[Free webinar] Embed decision intelligence in your ITSM operations by integrating ServiceDesk Plus and Analytics Plus
Hey there, As traditional reporting mechanisms often miss out on emerging trends or subtle insights into your ITSM landscape, it is beneficial to leverage advanced analytics that arm IT leaders and service desk managers with deep ITSM insights. If you're
ManageEngine Germany User Conference 2025
Dear Customers, We at MangeEngine are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming User Conference happening in Munich, Germany.,Date: 27 March 2025,Venue: Mariott Munich City West. This one-day event is packed with leadership forums, product technical workshops,
Ajout champ dans modèle de projet - servicedesk plus
Bonjour à tous, Je souhaiterais savoir s'il est possible d'ajouter des champs dans : Modèles et formulaires > Modèles de projets Voici les champs par défaut : Cordialement,
Service Desk Plus - Acknowledge requester by e-mail when a new request is received
Is there a way to add or use another email template for a none IT support group using service desk for requests ( I.E. Marketing Department)? When requests are created and assigned to this support group use this template to acknowledge the requester.
Change to Database Schema after upgrading to 14940
We utilise the custom fields in dbo.WorkOrder_Fields for items such as Company Name or Ticket Category (eg [UDF_CHAR1]), and we currently query these directly in the database as part of our Data Warehouse and reporting solution. We notice that when upgrading
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