Query to get Contracts Expiring in 30 days
Version : 13000 DB : PGSQL SELECT mcdt.CONTRACTNAME AS "Contract Name", Vendors.NAME as "Vendor Name", longtodate(mcdt.FROMDATE) AS "From Date", longtodate(mcdt.TODATE) AS "To Date", ad.ORG_NAME AS "Account", cst.STATUSNAME AS "Contract Status", cadf.UDF_CHAR1
Query to get Status change info from particular status to others
Version : 10609 DB : MSSQL & PGSQL OUTPUT : SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", LONGTODATE(wo.createdtime) AS "CREATEDTIME", sisd.STATUSNAME as "Changed From", sinsd.STATUSNAME as "Changed To", aaa.first_name as "Created By" FROM WorkOrder wo LEFT
Export Site Data and import to another site
Is there a way to export all the site data from one account to another account in servicedesk plus msp ver 14
Query to get Asset Harddisk and software Information
Version : 13000 DB :MSSQL OUTPUT : SELECT MAX("workstation"."WORKSTATIONNAME") AS "Machine Name", MAX("ad"."ORG_NAME") AS "Account", MAX("resource"."ACQUISITIONDATE") AS "Acquisition Date", MAX("resFields"."UDF_CHAR6") AS "Asset Description", MAX("state"."DISPLAYSTATE")
File Attachment in announcements section
Hi, Is there any way I can attach the file in the announcements?
Looking for query for Account Details after 10.6
Recently switching from 10.5 to 10.6, some custom PowerBI reports stopped working seemingly due to database changes. Connecting with ODBC, I can see that while the accountci table used to be tied to the accountdefinition table by the ciid value on each,
Notification email, send to account manager as well as requestor
Dear ME Team, We need our account manager to receive notifications with the tickets that we raised to the customers. Could you please advise how to do that. The scenario that we are expecting, once the service desk team receive or log an ticket, the internal
Query to get Due date difference calculation in hours.
Version : 10609 DB : Postgres Output: SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", aau.FIRST_NAME AS "Requester", qd.QUEUENAME AS "Group", wo.TITLE AS "Subject", std.STATUSNAME AS "Request Current Status", longtodate(wh.operationtime) AS "Due Date changed",
Query to get Project and worklog detailed information
Version : 13000 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT: SELECT projectdet.PROJECTID AS "Project id", projectdet.TITLE AS "Project NAME", ad.ORG_NAME AS "Account", projectestimations.TOT_TASKHOURS_COST AS "Actual Cost", projectdet.ACTUALENDTIME AS "Actual end", projectestimations.ACTUALTASKHOURS
Query to get First Assigned Tech info including Auto Assign details
Version : 10609 DB : MSSQL & PGSQL OUTPUT : SELECT wo.WORKORDERID "Request ID", Longtodate(max(wo.CREATEDTIME)) "Created Time", longtodate(min(woa.executedtime)) "Assigned time", max(aau.FIRST_NAME) "Requester", max(wo.TITLE) "Subject", max(qd.QUEUENAME)
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP version 14.0 is available !!
Dear Users, Greetings for the day. I am excited to announce the availability of ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP version 14.0 (Build 14000) is now available. ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP is getting better and better !!! I thank all our users for
Query to get Survey info with custom filter
Version : 10609 DB : MSSQL & PGSQL OUTPUT: SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID",longtodate(srm.responsetime) AS "Responded Date", longtodate(srm.SENDTIME) AS "Survey Created Time", smn.SURVEYNAME AS "Survey Name", AaaLogin.NAME AS "Username Received
Query to get Request details with SLA and Group change info
Version : 10524 DB : MSSQL Output: SELECT wo.WORKORDERID "Request ID", wo.TITLE "Subject", reqtl.TEMPLATENAME "Template Name", std.STATUSNAME AS "Request Status", serdef.NAME AS "Service Category", sladefinition.slaname "SLA NAME", convert(varchar(5),((wo.TIMESPENTONREQ))/1000/3600)+':'+convert(varchar(5),(((wo.TIMESPENTONREQ))/1000)%3600/60)+':'+convert(varchar(5),
Query to get Request details with resolution and resolved time calculation.
Version : 10537 DB : Postgres Output: SELECT LONGTODATE(wo.CREATEDTIME) AS "Created Time", wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", aau.FIRST_NAME AS "Requester", wo.TITLE AS "Subject", pd.PRIORITYNAME AS "Priority", std.STATUSNAME AS "Request Status", cd.CATEGORYNAME
Query to get Software Summary info
Version : 10609 DB : MSSQL & PGSQL OUTPUT : SELECT wssl.SOFTWARENAME AS "Software Name", swmfg.NAME AS "Manufacturer", wmiswui.SOFTWAREUSAGE AS "Software Usage", wsst.SOFTWARETYPE AS "Software Type", wssc.SOFTWARECATEGORY AS "Software Category", wssct.COMPLIANCETYPE
When can we have Facilities Management for MSP?
Kindly add the facilities management module to the MSP version. It would be a game-changer for us and our customers! In addition, it would create efficiencies in the following; 1. Cabling (new & upgrade) & ICT fit-out in campuses (Bank branches, Education
Query to get Asset details
Version : 10609 DB : Postgres OUTPUT: SELECT MAX(workstation.WORKSTATIONNAME) AS "Machine Name", resource.resourcename "Asset Name", MAX(rtype.TYPE) AS "Device Type", citype.TYPENAME AS "Product Type", MAX(net.ipaddress) "IP Address", MAX(workstation.MANUFACTURER)
Query to get Requester details with login info.
Version : 10609 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT: SELECT AaaUser.FIRST_NAME "First Name", AaaUser.last_name "Last Name", adef.org_name "Account Name", sdo.name "Site Name", AaaContactInfo.EMAILID "E-mail", sduser.jobtitle, ar.name "Role", AaaContactInfo.landline, AaaContactInfo.mobile,
kanban bard and manage engine
is it possible to track sdp tickets on kanban board ?
Query to get Request details with requester and Notes details
Version : 13001 DB : PGSQL & MSSQL OUTPUT : SELECT "wo"."WORKORDERID" AS "Request ID", "aau"."FIRST_NAME" AS "Requester", "wo"."TITLE" AS "Subject", "ti"."FIRST_NAME" AS "Technician", "pd"."PRIORITYNAME" AS "Priority", "wotodesc"."FULLDESCRIPTION" AS
Query to get Request Details and Date field in Custom Format
Version : 10609 DB : PGSQL OUTPUT: SELECT ad.ORG_NAME AS "Account", wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", pd.PRIORITYNAME AS "Priority", impdef.NAME AS "Impact", urgdef.NAME AS "Urgency", rtdef.NAME AS "Request Type", to_char(from_unixtime(wo.CREATEDTIME/1000),'DD
Query to get Request details and first technician assigned
Version : 10609 DB : MSSQL OUTPUT: SELECT "wo"."WORKORDERID" AS "Request ID",aauTech.FIRST_NAME As "First Technician", CASE WHEN (wo.is_catalog_template) = 'false' THEN 'Incident' ELSE 'Service Request' END "Request Type", "wo"."TITLE" AS "Subject", "mdd"."MODENAME"
Query to get Change Auto closure info
Version:10600 DB: PGSQL OUTPUT: SELECT chdt.CHANGEID AS "change_id", max(stageDef.DISPLAYNAME) AS "Stage", max(statusDef.STATUSDISPLAYNAME) AS "Status", longtodate(max(operationtime)) "Operation time" FROM ChangeDetails chdt LEFT JOIN Change_StageDefinition
Custom task trigger missing
Hello, I would like to add a custom task script, but can not find menu. Can you tell me how to add custom task triggers. https://www.manageengine.com/products/service-desk-msp/help/adminguide/requests/tasks/task-custom-trigger.html
Problem updationg from SD MSP 10538 to 10600
Hi, i am trying to upgrade from 10538 to 10600 but during patch installation i get error: Any ideas what is - No constraint with this name [OutgoingEWSServer_UK0] is defined (full update log attached) 14.01.2023 17:37:40 [com.adventnet.servicedesk.updatemgr.util.SDPostProcessor]
Query to get Change approval details and Change role info of one particular role.
Version : 10609 Database : MSSQL OUTPUT: Query to find Change Role ID : select chrol.name,chrolusermap.ROLEID from changeroles chrol LEFT JOIN changeroleusermapping chrolusermap on chrolusermap.roleid = chrol.ID where chrol.name = 'Initimation' Note :
Query to get Service Request Approval Details
Version : 10609 Database : MSSQL Output: SELECT "wo"."IS_CATALOG_TEMPLATE" AS "Service Request", "serdef"."NAME" AS "Service Category", "appStDef"."STATUSNAME" AS "Approval Status", "cd"."CATEGORYNAME" AS "Category", "ti"."FIRST_NAME" AS "Technician",
Query to get Request Details with Group change info and Technician Timespent info
Build: 10609 Database: MSSQL OUTPUT : SELECT "wo"."WORKORDERID" AS "Request ID", LONGTODATE("wo"."CREATEDTIME") AS "Created Time", LONGTODATE("wo"."RESOLVEDTIME") AS "Resolved Time", "cri"."FIRST_NAME" AS "Created By", "aau"."FIRST_NAME" AS "Requester",
[Security advisory] Authentication bypass vulnerability in Active Directory/LDAP authentication
This security advisory addresses the authentication bypass vulnerability in ServiceDesk Plus MSP due to value override in required entries for LDAP authentication. This vulnerability affects customers using versions 10600 to 10610 and 13000 to 13003 of
Query to get SLA escalation time difference for each request.
Cant Change Ticket from 1 Account to another Account
Hi guys, So the problem is Account A has 2 users and 3 tickets, we then got another ticket and by mistake a tech assigned it to Account A instead of Account B, I cant change the ticket from Account A to Account B, the Other Accounts are not being displayed, The user however is assigned to the right Account, if i go to sequesters and change to Account B i can see that user see the attachment I was trying everything but i guess im missing something, how can i change this? Regards
Web RDP not work
Hi, I have a client that to remote it by Web RDP. I set domain admin credential for this client. Before use Web RDP I tested this command and every things was okay. mstsc /v client1.company.local Now when I click on Web RDP show me this error: FAILURE :The user at the remote machine did not grant permission to take control over the machine. serveroutlog.txt [INFO]|[56]: Web Remote control server running status true| [INFO]|[56]: wsName : client1.company.local and port : 9000| [INFO]|[56]: Generated
Query to get Project details and Worklog timespent details of Project
Version : 10602 DB: MSSQL Output : Query : SELECT "projectdet"."PROJECTID" AS "Project id", "projectdet"."TITLE" AS "Project NAME", "ad"."ORG_NAME" AS "Account", "projectestimations"."TOT_TASKHOURS_COST" AS "Actual Cost", "projectdet"."ACTUALENDTIME"
Upcoming EOL / Behavior changes in ServiceDeskPlus MSP - 14.0 version
Dear Users Greetings for the day. We are working on the next major release ServiceDeskPlus MSP - 14.0. We are bringing more automation , useful features, New API's, behavioral changes along with this release. This thread gives you the consolidated list
ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 13 - Build - 13002 Released
Dear User(s) Greetings for the day. We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 13 - Build - 13002. Please refer to the Migration path and the read me available to upgrade your SDP MSP instance. Please do the upgrade only in a test environment first and
Mark an account as inactive
Hi Team, How can I mark an account as inactive? I mean, not delete, but not allowed any movements associated to that account. Thanks in advance btw, when i mark it and click delete, the app tells me this is in use... Mike Diamond
What email commands are limited to a requester?
This comment was in another question; "If the email is sent from the requester's email address, the requester can perform limited actions with the email command, such as creating." Is this documented anywhere to show the email commands available to a
How to appoint the technician as requester?
Hi! Please help. How to appoint the technician as requester?
outlook sync ?
Hi. Is it possible to synchronize local Outlook calendar with schedule on ServiceDesk ? I suggest to change the schedule view in Service Desk. Would be the best - view like Outlook calendar where I see the day divided into hours... Maybe it's possible to export data from ServiceDesk schedule to Outlook calendar?
Deprecation of basic authentication in Microsoft Exchange Online
Dear users, As you maybe aware, Microsoft has announced that it will start disabling basic authentication for Outlook, EWS, POP, IMAP, EAS, and RPS protocols in its Exchange Online effective October 1, 2022. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/deprecation-of-basic-authentication-exchange-online
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