Operational hours for worklogs
We have a problem with operational hours. We are working from 9:00 to 18:00 and we use this time for "Due by time" and SLA's. But we don't want to use it for worklogs as our technicians could work even at night and this time should be billable. We tried to add a Service plan with equal cost for working and non-working hours, but when we add worklog for ticket SDP still set only working time as billable. Am I doing something wrong?
Problems with Solutions
Hi we are trying to create a knowledge repository for both techs and customers and have several problems/questions as follows: 1) Solutions tab in Resolutions in a request does not work properly. I get random recommended solutions that have nothing to do with the tech. For example I have a request that has the word PVQ in the subject. It is also a keyword for a solution. The Category of this ticket is PVQ/Custom Report. The Category of this solution is the same. Instead of getting this solution as
ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 9.4 - Build - 9422 Released
Dear User(s) We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 9.4 - Build - 9422. Please refer the Migration path table available here and upgrade to our latest build 9422. Please refer our read me from here. Issues Fixed : SDPMSP-8577: Worklog start time auto populates even after disabling the respective option in self service portal settings for the contract billing associated worklog is fixed. SDPMSP-13000: Problem with Survey Message HTML Editor is fixed. SDPMSP-13293: Default software reports are
Approval Process / Pending Approval
Hello We need to run approvals and use custom triggers to achieve that. There is no service catalogue option and we actually have no much requirements for it. However when we start approval for two persons, then only the first apprioval action marks the request as approved even if the second approval is still pending. We found no options to configure that under Admin -> Self-Service Portal Settings -> Approval Settings I discovered a related topic with no solution for a non enterprise edition of
SDP-MSP Mobile app (android) does not show attachments
Hello, we are running latest version of SDP-MSP on our server, and connected a technician with SDP-MSP mobile app on android. Everything seems to work fine, except when a requester is sending e-mail with attachments, the attachments are not displayed in the app. The app does seem to load them, as they are visible for a split second after pressing the attachments button, but cleared directly afterwards and the list remains empty. Is this a bug ? Thanks
Build 9415, can't change account of request anymore.
Hi, We updated to Build 9415 yesterday and today we noticed that we can no longer change the associated account for a request ticket. We used to do this through the edit option from the main Request view but it just turns up blank now when we try to change Site and so forth. It said in the 9415 readme that we can no longer bulk change but in this case it's a single ticket at a time and it still doesn't work. Is there a work around this or are we simply going about it in the wrong way? Best wishes,
Hello Trying to shape the logic of complex approvals based on a request's functional area by using the custom triggers. I need to understand what functional area is effective and I see there is GROUP field in $COMPLETE_JSON_FILE which in my case always empty. Please advice what is this field and how it could be populated? Thanks and regards, Alexey
Distribution of tickets
Hello, Please may I ask one of my fellow service desk experts if it is possible to set up multiple SMTP addresses within service desk? Currently, i understand there is a function which directs emails to a support group in ticket form. But, can we set up multiple SMTP addresses, say.. one for each support group to eliminate the manual intervention to assign tickets accordingly??? :) Kindest Regards, Gary
How to use User Group to restrict visibility of requests
Hello Need to fine control which requesters can see others requests. The is site manager visibility, department manager visibility, I know. But if we need more specific controll like users in FI group can see only FI requests whatever department or site? I understand how to use User Group to control visibility of Incident Templates used to create an incident, that's all.
ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 9.4 - Build - 9412 Released
Dear User(s) We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 9.4 - Build - 9412. Please refer the Migration path table available here and upgrade to our latest build 9412. What's New ? Enhancements made : SDPMSP-11376 : Option to show only approved solutions to the technicians Unapproved solutions will be hidden from technicians who doesn't have solution approval privilege. Issues Fixed - List is available here. Note : As a best Practice, please do the upgrade only in your Test environment and based
Constant font change in notifications
Is there a reason why we cannot set a default for the system? Notifications in the system are wildly inconsistent ranging from roboto to time new roman. If you set the font to arial it will randomly change between both roboto and times new roman.
Creating a request - Paste Image in Description
When creating a new request Copying an image from an other software Pasting the image in the description of the request. The image appears in the Resolution section of the request instead of the Description section. Note: when Editing an existing request this behavior does not happen the image is in the Description. ME MSP Version : 9.4 Build 9421 Database : postgres
Issues restoring backup to new MSSQL2017 server.
Having issues restoring backup to a new MSSQL2017 server. We're getting the message below when restoring. I left the restore process on for 4-5 hrs and still haven't completed. Please wait extracting backup file Please wait extracting backup file Please wait extracting backup file java.io.IOException: invalid CRC (MAC) for file: fileAttachments/PurchaseOrder/May2019/10599/MicroAge 2058053 05 12 19 $423.00.pdf at net.lingala.zip4j.io.ZipInputStream.close(ZipInputStream.java:77) at
Account manager default site
When technicians create requests for Account with 2+ sites and choose requester - SDP automatically set requester's site. But when requester is account manager and he creates a request by himself SDP doesn't set requester's site for default but just choose the first one from the list and it is very annoying as user creates 80% for himself and only 20% for others and he has to change the site every time he creates a new request. At the same time if account manager use the mobile app, his default site
Moving from test server to production server
Can anyone help how I can quickly move updates on service catalog request template such as new fields, and new field and form rules from a test server to production server? With the current state,if I spend 48 hours on changes for one request template on the TEST server, I have to use almost the same number of hours to move that new catalog to the PRODUCTION server. I was used to a quick solution using Service-Now's "Update Set" but here with SDP, it's really taking a loooonnngg time. Update Set:
Any framework to build custom triggers?
Hello folks I inspected available examples of Python code for custom triggers and realized that all of them are rather a kind of low-level programming from scratch The code usually isn't easy to read and understand meanwhile the objective is usually very simple. So I wonder is there any framework to build such triggers in Python (or any other language) and have no need to deal with service operations and code constructions but just compose the desired logic instead? Any help on this would be much
ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 9.4 - Build - 9421 Released
Dear User(s) We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 9.4 - Build - 9421. Please refer the Migration path table available here and upgrade to our latest build 9421. Please refer our read me from here. Issues Fixed : SDPMSP-13115: When a report contains Non-English characters, the report sent out has encoding content in it. SDPMSP-13341: Unable to save change when a change manager or category is set mandatory in change template.This is fixed SDPMSP-13402: Directory traversal vulnerability is fixed.
Set resource field values based on Standard Operating Environment
We have set a standard operatinenvironment (SOE) for most employee roles per account (especially agent and team leader role). (see sample below) Account 1 Agent – 1 desktop, 1 keyboard, 1 mouse, 1 monitor (SOE 121) Team Leader – 1 laptop, 1 keyboard, 1 mouse, 2 monitor (SOE 122) Account 2 Agent – 1 desktop, 1 keyboard, 1 mouse, 1 monitor, 1 Office 365 account (SOE 123) Team – 1 laptop, 1 keyboard, 1 mouse, 3 monitors, 2 Office 365
SDP CMDB vs. ServiceNow CMDB
Can anyone share the advantages of using SDP CMDB over ServiceNow CMDB + Discovery module? As of today, SDP CMDB is not yet mature enough that we can use this to manage nearly 7,000+ assets. We want to store information of the following on the CMDB and get the relationship between these IT assets and it's relationship to an IT service: * Windows Server * Linux Server * Windows Desktop * Windows Laptops * Routers * Cisco IP Phones
Service Catalog - Set task start date based on input from a date field
Can we set the a task scheduled start time dynamic based on a field's date value? This is applicable to Employee Off-boarding - HR has to fill out the off-boarding template with the employee's last day or effective date of separation then a task is automatically generated by the template - this task has an estimated effort (OLA) of 24 hours. This task should start 24 hours after the date entry on the effective date of separate field.
Link in request ID nolonger has Https:// in the address
After upgrading to the latest build (.14 to .20) reports are generated with the Request ID link missing the HTTPS:// in the address.
Notify Account Manager on New Request Creation
All, I was looking for a way to notify a specific email address when any new request is opened under a specific account. Is there a way to do this now? I found an old thread where this same feature was requested but the response was just that it was part of the product roadmap. Any plans to implement this feature? https://pitstop.manageengine.com/portal/community/topic/notification-to-an-account-manager
Upgrade restrictions for users who have perpetual licenses without AMS
Dear User(s), As of now, perpetual license customers are allowed to upgrade even if the AMS (Annual Maintenance and Support) is not renewed. Moving forward, we are planning to stop the upgrade for the perpetual license customers who have not purchased the AMS license. Customer who have renewed their AMS license, and have obtained the AMS license as a .pdf document file, can contact us to get the AMS license as .xml file and apply it before continuing with the upgrade. You can contact our sales@manageengine.com for
last request update
It is possible to make a query to know what and when was the last update of a requwest
Query Report - Change Requests Where Active Stage Assigned Role Is Specific Support Group
Hello, I need a custom query report that displays all current changes, in which the technician assigned Role associated with the current Stage of the change are only members of a specific Support Group. Display Columns: ChangeID, Change Title, Created Time, Stage, Technician currently assigned to Role of the active Stage of Change (exp: Change Stage = Implementation | Implementer Role Assigned to: "John Doe" | Display: John Doe) only for members of a specific Support Group. Version: 9.4 Build:
Request Timespent Reports - show count in 2d vertical graphs not time
How can I have a graph generated in SDP reporting with timespent against timespent technicians based on timespent create time. Every variation i configure ends up with 2 day vertical bars based on ticket count , not time. I want to be able to report on technicians on specific department and timespent against tickets.
Report for requests with no worklog entries in past 24 hours
I'm trying to build a report that provides a list of all tickets, not status 'closed', with a Time Spent End Time greater than 24 hours ago. Ideally it would be filtered by a technician's name. The required columns would be the RequestID, Requester, Account, Subject, Request Status, Category, Subcategory, Item, Created Time, Time Spent End Time, Technician When I build a report using the timespent module and report wizard I get a line for every worklog entry in the request, I just need one line per
Report Question for Time/Date on Tickets
Hello: In regards to Custom Reporting, how would I run a report for a certain time period - like March 5, 8:00 AM to March 12, 7:59 AM. I'm currently only seeing the option to report only on the dates, not the times. Thank you! HL
SQL report, last updated 3 days
Hi, I got an SQL report which have been working in the past but all of a sudden stopped working. The report should say which tickets haven't been updated during the last three days. Below is the query: SELECT "qd"."QUEUENAME" AS "Group", "wo"."WORKORDERID" AS "Request ID", "ti"."FIRST_NAME" AS "Technician", "scd"."NAME" AS "Subcategory", "wo"."TITLE" AS "Subject", LONGTODATE(wo.CREATEDTIME) AS "Created Time", LONGTODATE(wos.LAST_TECH_UPDATE) AS "Last Upd Time" FROM "WorkOrder" "wo" LEFT JOIN "WorkOrderStates"
is it possible to create a report to show time spent per technician
HI all, we are using the worklogs to log work on various service requests that we receive, is it possible to get a report that shows the time spent per ticket by each individual technician? Many thanks, Andy
History Report Request
Hi, we need a new report containing the full extraction of requests history. These are the fields that we need extracted: group by Request ID Request creation date | history action date time | Requester | Description | Technician | Status Change From | Status Change To | Status Description The fields are quite self explanatory, but basically is the complete request history extraction. We've tried some query found in the forum but they didnt work. Can you help us? Thanks in advance. Regards, Comedata
Query to have elapsed time for tasks, request and project tasks together
Hi there, I would like to have daily report with all time spent by tecnician on tasks, requests and project tasks. I can have it sepretly but no succes to combine it. Using ServiceDesk Plus MSP 9.4 build 9408 with MS SQL database.
Power BI template for SDP MSP
Hi I am looking Power BI template for SDP MSP to genreate report. Does anyone have this expereince to generate report by Power BI? thank you. Code Chang
Report Calculate Date
Hi Team!! Is there any way to create a custom report where i can calculate the time elapsed from the date a ticket is created (CREATED DATE) to the date of the current day? i´m ussing SDP build 9404 with MSSQL. Thanks.!
ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 9.4 - Build - 9420 Released
Dear User(s) We released ServiceDesk Plus MSP - version 9.4 - Build - 9420. Please refer the Migration path table available here and upgrade to our latest build 9420. Please refer our read me from here. We have implemented a lot of Billing related and other enhancements in this release. Please try and share your feedback. Billing Enhancements : SDPMSP-7019: User can round off the worklog timespent values before bill generation. SDPMSP-11707: Ability to show subject of the ticket in the generated
Mail Server Settings Error
Hello, Anyone ever have this issue happen? Our fetching has been working fine since we launched a couple weeks ago, but yesterday around 11:30 AM (PST) we stopped getting emails coming in to open a request. Upon investigating troubleshooting options with ServiceDesk Support - when we go to save the mail settings (which have been the same since we launched and not since changed) we get the below error: Failure: Email settings save successfully. But error occured while trying to check connection with
Need a report that shows all requesters and their access
Hi I need a report that shows all requesters including what tickets they are permitted to review. This is an option called "Requester Allowed To View". Fields needed: Name Login Name Email Address Account Requester Allowed To View We are using MS SQL. Thanks
[Webinar recording] Deliver next-level customer support using advanced analytics for your service desk
Did you miss our webinar on delivering next-level customer support using advanced analytics for your service desk? Check out the recording to learn about providing satisfactory resolutions, empowering users, keeping your desk technicians happy, and more.
Problems Module
Please increase the size of the Incidents tab in the Problems module.
CAB/Request Approval
Our organization has recently moved to SD+MSP and are encountering some process issues around the segmentation of accounts. While in most organizations this makes sense, in ours it creates issues. Examples; · Employee onboarding. Employees from say account #1 may need access to resources at account #2. We would like to be able to add approvers from account #2 to the request that is under account #1. · Change Requests. We would like to have CABs that consists of individuals from
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