Priority Matrix.
Can you bring Impact and Urgency into SDP OnDemand, to auto calculate the priority? Without that we're left to assign priority ourselves, or give it to the users (which they all select highest priority)
Create a priority with no SLA
I would like to create an SLA (or two actually) that don't have an SLA attached to them. For example a Priority of 5 - Vendor. These are for incidents that have been moved on or opened up with a vendor. When this is selected I don't want there to be an SLA attached to it. Is it possible to do this? At first I didn't put anything in the SLA field, thinks this would mean none. Wrong, we were getting dinged right away for that. I then knocked it up to one year. This calculated fine, but I was told two
What's Coming Up Next in ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand - Setup Configurations ReVaMp!
Dear SDP OnDemand-Users, We are in the process of revamping and regrouping the configurations items in the Setup/Admin page of ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand. Configurations items are regrouped as Organization Settings & ServiceDesk Configurations. Organisation Settings will be made accessible/configurable to Organization Admin/In-Charge who need not be a technician in ServiceDesk. i.e Requester can setup/configure configurations items under "Organisation Settings" and a technician login is spared for
We are currently using an application that uses C# to make web requests to the Requests API. We are now trying to use the same framework to pull data from other objects such as Admin, Notes, etc, and our json calls are not working. For requests we are making the following calls: to passing in AuthToken, Scope, Operation and Input Data and it successfully returns data. So looking at the API Documentation, we changed up the request to match the
WorkLog Timer do not Stop
Hello, Some times WorkLog Timer stops , but some times I can's stop it. Why is this behavior? Thx
Form rules not working as intended
A small test on my part: I created two additional fields for the 'Default Request' template: 'PO nr', 'PO send date'. These fields are not shown on the form initially. Next i created a form rule, that stated: "show fields 'PO nr', 'PO send date' when 'category' is 'purchase'". When i start a new request, set the category on "purchase", no fields become visible. I tried a bunch of other things, but nothing seems to work on my part. If you guys want to check this out, via Teamviewer please, which speeds
Email Command Fails to Update
So I have been trying to get email commands to work to update custom field in a ticket that would be a reply from a vendor with the tracking# for a part order. But it does not work Subject: Requester 955 [RequestID: ##407##] @@SDP@@ Now I have tried numerous differences in the body field but it simply just adds it as a conversation to the ticket and never updates the field in question. Examples below on what I have used. ------ @@OPERATION=EDIT_REQUEST@@ @@WORKORDERID=407@@ @@UDF_LONG1=1234@@ -----
Can we edit the home page that shows for requesters?
Is it possible to edit the main home page that requesters see when they log onto SDP? I like that they can see their open tickets, and most recent service requests and solutions. However, it would be great if I could add links to sites on our network (SharePoint). Maybe something along the right or left side of the screen. If there isn't a way to do this, what is your best recommendation to work around this?
What's new in SDP isn't up to date
Site is currently only showing up to July 20 and I know changes were just released this week.
Setting the value of an additional field when ticket is created based on category/subcategory
I can't seem to figure out how I set the value of an additional field when a ticket is created based on the category/sub-category. We are using this for both the operations and development side of it. We have an additional field that is used to track if a ticket is an operations or development ticket. I'd like to be able to set that automatically with some of our category/sub-category combinations.
Archive tickets and API
We are noticing that tickets that have been archived are no longer accessible via our API call. Does anyone know of a way to still access archive tickets in the cloud via the API? Thank you!
Empty Response for adding new request using postman
Hi all, i am training to add a new request in to my cloud service desk plus from postman using REST protocol, by following steps in below link. but i am getting null as response and no request get created. for your reference i attached postman request screenshot. Thanks in advance..
ADD_ATTACHMENT issue---the request was rejected because no multipart boundary was found
hi all, i am training to add an attachment to existing request from postman. i am getting below error. { "operation": { "result": { "error_code": 4001, "message": "the request was rejected because no multipart boundary was found", "status": "Failed" }, "name": "ADD_ATTACHMENT" } } up to now i haven't faced this issue with postman in the process of working with other tools. please help me to fix the issue. for your reference i attached
Future Request Updates - OnDemand SDP
We’ve been using the system for a while now, and I’ve come up with a list of features I think would be nice to have within the system. Probes & Discovery · It would be nice to show the description under Network Scan main page. Or at least be an option to select in the table settings. · Same would hold true in the Windows Domain scan. Asset System · Alphabetize the asset drop down list. This is currently in a random order. This is both under IT Assets and Software. ·
Important: Static IP Address for Mail Communication and Scheduled Maintenance
Dear Users, As part of our annual infrastructure maintenance, we will be upgrading our US data center infrastructure from September 2nd 2017 to September 10th 2017. While we carry out this upgrade, SDP OnDemand service and all Zoho services will continue to be operational. Customers who use their organization's mailbox would have configured their firewalls & white listed a set of 10 IP addresses to communicate with the ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand application accessed through i.e ServiceDesk
Can'e see customize self-service portal button
Hello, I am currently trialing manageengine as we are considering using it for our helpdesk. One of the things I'm looking to test is changing how the self-service portal looks when a user logs on. When I look this up all answers say there is a button under the self-service portal settings for it but there is no button there. Is this a version issue? How do I customise the self-service portal? Regards, Hazel
hi all, i am trying to get 'Request' data from my cloud Service-desk Plus demo version to Postman using REST API by following steps given in below link. i am getting below error. { "operation": { "result": { "error_code": 4001, "message": "POST_ONLY_URL", "status": "Failed" }, "name": "GET_REQUEST" } } for your reference i attached postman request screenshot. please help me
Unable to send e-mails - ServiceDesk Plus-OnDemand - Office 365
We use Office 365 for e-mails etc. We are able to receive e-mails fine into ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand but every time the system tries to send an e-mail, it comes up with the following error: Mail sending failed.Authentication failed The same account/credentials are being used for receiving and sending e-mails so there is no issue with the password etc.
No notifications or bold text when replied on a ticket
Guys, I've noticed that the ticket is not always set in bold text when a reply comes in. There's also no notification of it, so tracking all incoming emails on tickets manually is surely not easy. Possible to take a look into this please? With regards, Sven
Hello! I try to automate to add some assets to Servicedesk via REST API with powershell, but can't figure it out. Have someone a clue what I'm need to do? Or is it even possible to add assest through uri: "" ? $INPUT_DATA = @" <records> <record> <parameter><name>CI Name</name><value>sdp-w2k3-2</value></parameter> <parameter><name>CI Type</name><value>Windows Workstation</value></parameter> <parameter><name>Product Name</name><value>Latitude Optimus</value></parameter>
Troubleshooting SAML issue with OnDemand SDP
Good afternoon, I'm having an issue getting SAML configured correctly. I have already setup ADFS2.0, verified domain, setup a redirect to my internal server and have opened ports to allow communication back and forth. An example of the issue that I'm seeing is as follows: The user gets redirected to my sub domain and then is asked to enter domain credentials. If you enter the wrong password it does fail like it is suppose to, but if you enter the correct credentials you receive the error depicted
Incident Business Rules - No Technican Match Option?
I want to setup an incident business rule based off a match on technican. However technican doesn't appear in the "Match the Below Rules" drop down selection? Why is technician not an available option? What I want to do is auto assign an IT Group by techncian. For example after a request is reviewed if it is assigned to me and I work in the IT Group "Applications" I want that group selection to happen automatically. Currently since Group is a required field for closure we must always manually select
Replying to Incident by Email does not Send Email Thread within the Notification
Hello, A notification within SDP OD is set to send to the requester anytime a ticket has an email reply. The email reply template is setup as below. It's mostly the default with the exception that we added "$Description". The $Description does not include any new conversations/email threads in the notification, only that from the original ticket creation. Is this by design or is there a way to accomplish this. " Dear $RequesterName, This is an acknowledgement mail that your request with request
Is it possible to edit the requestor details on the template. Specifically can I change Asset to to User Group
Users cannot attach files to requests
Occasionally we receive reports from users that the + sign to add an attachment to a request is unavailable or malfunctions. The end result is they cannot attach a file to their request. Our users have Internet Explorer 9 or above. I've had it happen to me and I use the latest Google Chrome browser. So it doesn't appear to be browser specific and the condition is intermittent and cannot be recreated on demand. Temporarily if a users refreshes the page adding attachments can be restored, sometimes.
Business Rule Limitation
I am trying to setup an automated escalation form for another team. The idea is when the ticket is edited to a level to trigger the business rule, an email is generated automatically but the execute rules are very limited as you can only pick create, created and edit or just edit. What I would like is the ability to set it to execute once a ticket is edited once and not try again for the same ticket, as what is happening is, a single edit is sending the same escalation template which is not exactly
Email Formatting
Is it possible to have some email notifications be Rich Text format and others plain text, ie say your making a Reply Template can you set that specific template to be Rich text or plain text? The reason being is our retail stores email system does not support Rich Text formatting but rich text formatting is needed for other forms of notifications that are internal since the corporate email system does support rich text formatting.
Unable to add a technician user
Hi! I'm trying to add a technician user but SDP returns a message saying that the user already exists, but don't. I've added others users to the SDP and I hadn't any problems. Anyone had this issue? Thanks.
Additional Field - Multi-line Textbox
Is there no way to make the text box bigger? It makes it rather difficult to input data or read data in it if there is more than 2 lines inputted without having to use the scroll bars.
Dashboard - Show My Work
It would be nice on the Dashboard, especially for technicians, to have a widget for your own open work. Just a simple, My Open Requests, My Open Tasks - showing the number open, which when clicked on would bring you to your open items. And, if that could be done, have the ability to see My Group's open requests and tasks (again just starting with a count). This would just make it easier from the dashboard (if wanted) instead of jumping from Dashboard, to requests, to tasks, etc.
Technician on vacation
When do people do when a technician is on vacation/holiday/sickness? The challenge I have had in the past is when a technician is away and requester replies to a closed ticket or even an open one and notification goes to the technician, but of course, they are not there. I wondered whether this is any capability with OD-SD to manage/redirect SD messages to another technician/ email address?
Using an Office 365 shared mailbox under Mail Server Settings doesn't work
Hi, We just started using SD Plus-on-demand enterprise and trying to use Office 365 shared mailbox under mail server settings but it doesn't work as shared mailboxes(Office 365) don't have a password. If I use my login details, it works fine so we know that the server settings and port numbers being used are correct. I have tried using the following as I have full access to the shared mailbox Username:\ Password: My Password E-mail Adderss: Shared Mailbox The above
OnDemand Clear Data / Start Over
Is there a way to clear all data and start over with the cloud version?
Is there any updated documentation, such as an admin guide, for On-Demand ServiceDesk Plus?
Automating new users into HelpDesk for SD On-Demand
What is the best process for adding users into the Service Desk after creating them in AD? I only use Service Desk On-Demand (SDOD). I have SDOD and Office 365 connected so we can log in using O365 credentials. When I create a new user in AD, my typical process is to manually run the Helpdesk Provision app and just do an Import and select the new users... but, this is very manual and if I forget this step, when someone goes to log into the helpdesk, it does not let them, nor will it let them join
Map non-matching AD fields for site locations
I use the AD sync tool in my org to sync user details to my service desk plus on demand... I have multiple tenants in my suite that I separate into multiple sites... So something like "DC Company1" "DC Company2, etc. etc...." Company 1 is my organization, and Company 2,3,4 are other companies that we support in the same geographical region... (some sit in our offices, some across the street, etc..) Everyone but Company 1 is not in our AD in any way... Everyone in Company 1 is synced from AD
Hallo, i have to different account forwarded to the default mail setted up on the free on demand system. I have 2 different sites. I would like to assign incoming tickets differently based on the incoming mail using some automatic rules. Is there a way to? Thanks. fp
Service desk plus - languages
Hi! I see on the website that ServiceDesk plus has a Danish language interface, but i can't find it in the cloud version!, Is it only in the on prem. ServiceDesk plus we can use Danish language in the interface???
display contact information when hovering over requester's name
Hi The same way when hovering over a ticket will give you some information on the ticket like subject, category and some description can we have also the same feature when hovering over the requesters name. It should give us the phone numbers and email Thank you!
SDPondemand very slow
Are we having a problem with servicedesk at the moment? it is quite slow at the moment
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