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                        • Most Discussed Topics

                        • Attention Chrome Users: A recent Chrome update is causing issues with the Rich Text Editor across the application.

                          Dear Customers, We have identified an issue with the Rich Text Editor(HTML) where values are not being retained upon saving. This problem is specific to the latest version of Chrome (version 127) and has arisen due to a recent update from Chrome. Workaround:
                        • Does ServiceDesk Plus accept multiple emails?

                          Hi there, Our current setup means that when staff email an ICT email address a ticket is created on ServiceDesk Plus. We are moving another team onto the ServiceDesk so I wanted to know if we could have it set up so that when staff email their team email
                        • Error with including survey feedback in report

                          Hello, I am trying to build a report that includes survey feedback comments. I am able to pull all of the data for the surveys except for the comments. I have followed the instructions from this previous post Survey Feedback in a report (,
                        • Checklist API

                          Is there an API for creating and modifying checklists in ServceDesk cloud? I find them really tedious to work with, especially as you can't edit existing items, only delete and recreate.
                        • Create Ticket from Workflow

                          Hey everyone, we have the requirement to generate and follow tickets from workflows. For example: In the onboarding process, it is sometimes necessary to purchase, inventory and set up hardware. We treat this as a process independent of the actual onboarding