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                      • Most Discussed Topics

                      • certificate error in updatemanger

                        Hello I am using version 11.2.2300.2 of Endpoint central I downloaded the PPM file to update to version 11.3.2400.36. I downloaded and imported the certificate from the link in the update window,(ppmsigner_publickey.cert) But after I select the PPM file,
                      • 14930 - Field and Form Rules Custom Script, Pick and Checkbox Values Wrong

                        After upgrading to build 14930, our Field and Form Rules that are using custom scripts to pull the values for certain fields are now pulling what appears to be some kind of an ID number instead of the actual value. Before I go through the trouble of rewriting
                      • Subject: Mail Fetching Issue – Error Folder Setup & Schedule Conflict

                        Mail fetching stopped working a couple of days ago. I see a notification prompting me to set up an error folder, but the instructions are unclear, so I'm not sure if I configured it correctly. Should the folder be created under the Inbox of the email
                      • Survey Report

                        I get different results when I use each of these options. One has the survey details, but the data ends in 4/2024 and the other has current data, but no survey details. What are we doing wrong here?
                      • Opmanager upgrade error message certificate

                        im trying to upgrade and getting an error about "signature does not match with any available certificates". says to import valid cert. what is this fix? where is the cert? my SSL cert is valid. not sure what to do here.