OpManager 12.2 upgrade issue
While upgrading from 12.1 to 12.2 I am getting error All services for OpManager are shutdown wrapper and java not running in task manager
Creating new group and moving devices, but they revert back to old group
Hello Everyone I have been trying to cleanup our OpManager layout and define a better design. As I create new groups, then import proper devices into those groups, I find the next day they have moved back to their previous group How can I make this not happen? Build: 11600 Thanks
Op Manager 11.5/Client Web Alarm -- No Sound
Team, I need your help on enabling sound on a web alarm for the client login, what happened some power user has muted the sound for all. We tried recreating the profiles and run program, we were able to see the web alarm flashing on the top right. We are now missing the sound on the Web alarm. Any thoughts on this case. Regards.
Unable to load mib From HP
Hello i'm tryng to load the mib using mib browser: vc-domain-mib vc-module-mib vc-qos-mib Downloaded from HP web site: http://h20564.www2.hpe.com/hpsc/doc/public/display?docId=emr_na-c04272529 Version 10.40 But i've some errors. Attached the mibs Could you provide an help to solve this issue Regards Franco
OpMan v12 upgrade assistance
Hey guys I've been having some issues upgrading our current OpMan v11 Central server to the new v12 version. I've downloaded the 64bit v11 essentials .exe from here: https://www.manageengine.com/network-monitoring/download.html?v12banner Firstly, is this the in-place upgrade for current v11 customers to move over to v12? If so, would you be so kind as to provide me with the steps on how to go about the upgrade. When I run the .exe on the central server, it installs a probe and doesn't upgrade the
opmanager 8
hi there, the server that run my opmanager 8 had down and unable to repair. so, i got a new server and installed version 11, so wondering how can i transfer my account and also the database? as i got perform the backup. thanks.
Rest Api to get device temperature and humidity
Hey All! We've a legacy system, which gets device temperature from OpManager's PGSQL database. There is rest api called getDeviceSummary, can i use it to read temp/humidity. Tunca
OpManager12 Webinar - Register Now!
Hello Everyone, We are organizing a webinar for our customers to educate how to upgrade from OpManager version 11.6 to 12.2. The webinar's Agenda includes: Evolution of OpManager Version 12 and its significance Benefits of an integrated tool Existing users - How to migrate in three simple steps? Webinar details: Speaker: Suresh Bagavathy When: Tuesday | 22nd November 2016 Time Zone: 10:00 AM EST | 3:00 PM BST If you are interested in attending, please register here. Cheers, Suresh
ESXI not showing all the details
hii, Unable to view VMWARE ESXI active Process , hosted machine details graphs etc. Iam configured SNMP and added VMWARE credential. Both credential passed
Opmanager reverse proxy
Accessing OpManager via HTTPS Reverse Proxy We would like to access OpManager via a reverse proxy over https externally. Internally we access OpManager via http://internaladdress and externally we would access it via https://externaladdress We cannot allow direct external access to an internal server over the internet which is why we have a reverse proxy (NS) in our DMZ for this purpose. anyone implemented this?
Simple script monitor
Hello i've a simple script monitor : cat /home/backup/finale.txt exit 0 I've the following result : Script Result Exit Code 0 Message Script message not found/invalid script message format - Please refer the help card 'Output Format:portion' for assistance. Inside finale.txt is writen: Data: host01 <number> host02 <number> host03 <number> The instance name and value are separated by a TAB space ( using in bash host01\t<number>) Is that normal ? Regards Franco
Reverse proxy for opmanager central
Hi, I have opmanager enterprise edition, and mi central now work on default http port (tcp 80) I have 7 probe correctly connected from our customers. For security reason I need to implement and reverse proxy. For this reason I installed an server in DMZ network and I used IIS with ARR. The IIS it's configured to work on https port (tcp ip 443) Internally (LAN) the reverse proxy work correctly. Now, i want to change externally the central port (fron direcltry http to https with reverse proxy). It's
To opmanagers MANAGERS
Hi, Today we decided to do a transition to Solarwinds, It's more then a year that there was update, still struggling with 11.6. We don't have time to do a remote session any more. Our concern is not the technical persons in this question but more the lake of communication from your director and managers. They had to inform there customers. Instead they let the technical people communicate through this forum. Its there job to COMMUNICATE by problems as this!
How to manual input MAC address at the web GUI?
I open the IP address detail over the web browser on client PC but the MAC address field not allow me to manual input anyway can do it?
API questions
Hi, Im trying out your API and is having some problems. listDeviceTemplates is not showing all the fields needed to update the template or to know what oid is mapped to what template viewDeviceTemplate is not showing anything but a empty field named: configData i was hoping to get detailed information about the template... updateDeviceTemplate has a depricated/faulty documentation. it says that these are req. fields: category=switch vendor=3com IconName=switch.png isOidUpdated=no oidStr=.
Linux CentOS parition details
Hello i'm using standard snmp queries provided by opmanager, but i've some monitor (Partition Details) that are wrong , how can fix that ? (Linux CentOS 64 bit)
Scheduled time for script monitor
Hello i would like to know if is possible to schedule a script monitor, i mean if is possible to set a time (HH:mm) for a script monitor. Regards Franco
Juniper Devices
Has anyone tried to create Juniper device templates for the recent stuff? Daren
Cisco 3850 Series Switch Device Template
Hi, Someone please share the Cisco 3850 Series Switch Device Template. Thanks, Ramesh
OpManager agent
Hello i've some Linux servers that for security reasons are unreachable, i would like to know if exist an agent for linux that send information to opmanager (like CPU , MEM , Disk Space) Regards Franco
URL Monitoring Service Down when Website is Ok
Regards, I have a website monitoring and I'm receiving alarms indicating that the URL Service is down (reason: host is unreachable), but when entering the URL in a browser I can connect to website. I appreciate you cooperation to fix it. Best regards, Johan Mateus
Opmanager 11.6 vs 12.1 (info about opstor)
Hello i'm considering to install opmanager 12.1 and migrate all configuration (and license) from 11.6 to 12.1. I would like to know if 12.1 is "mature enough" to replace 11.6 or is better to continue using 11.6. Is opstor pglugin still avaiable ? i've a lot of stoages to monitor. Best Regards Franco
SQL Server 2016 upgrade/db compatibility
Good day Our DBA's will be upgrading our DB servers to SQL 2016 but will be keeping our existing probe databases running in compatibility mode. Will this have any negative effect on the functionality of Opman? Regards, Mat
New Trap Processor
Hello i've a server that forward trap from 30 servers in this example are only two (SERVER1 and SERVER3) No Trap Parser defined for received trap: TrapOid : . Variable Bindings: sysUpTime.0: 0 hours, 22 minutes, 46 seconds. , snmpTrapOID.0: . , . rule=High System Swap Utilization, state=ACTIVE, severity=HIGH, host=SERVER1, service=APPLIANCE, alarmid=313-0920-0006, policy=SA custom Host Monitoring Policy, stat=SystemInfo/Swap Utilization, value=100%
No aparecen maquinas de vCenter 6 ; No machines appear vCenter 6
Hola, Tengo instalado OpManager 11.6 y al momento de agregar el vCenter no aparecen las VMs. Hello, I have installed OpManager 11.6 and when adding the vCenter VMs do not appear. Help, please.
Monitor CPU with 24Cores in SuUSE Linux
Since my Linux system have CPU with 24 cores how can i monitor all cores using opmanager version 11. Currently opmanager only show 1 CPU in my performance monitor page
Java Mem: You have configured 1024MB for OpManager. This is insufficient for your load. Please increase to 1524MB
Hi, How to override the below error from the OpManager Server where i have 12GB of memory on this server, Java Mem: You have configured 1024MB for OpManager. This is insufficient for your load. Please increse to 1524MB. Thanks, Ramesh
Mib Browser
Hello i'm using OpManager 11.6 , with old UI under Admin Tab there is a tool section where i can find Mib Browser. With new UI i'm not able to find it. Can someone help me ? Regards Franco
Migrate OpManager NCM NFA from MySQL to PostgreSQL - the complete procedure
Hi, after days of work I finally found the complete procedure to migrate the OpManager + NCM + NFA installation from MySQL to PostgreSQL. Hope it will help other people. Feel free to thank me :-) Situation · Server Operating System: Windows 2008 R2 64bit · Hard Drive o C:\ Operating System o D:\ManageEngine\OpManager installation folder · Installed Software o OpManager version 11300 64bit upgraded from previous releases o NCM plug-in version 5960 upgraded from previous
Upload MIB
Hi there, i have switches Dell N1548P and i want to monitor CPU, Memory, Temperature, etc, I called Support of Dell and they told me i can find that information in fastpathswitching.my, so I copied that file under \ManageEngine\OpManager\mibs; but when i browse it in Admin->Tools->Mib Browser I receive this error message: Error parsing MIB:fastpathswitching.my Exception while loading MIB:IMPORTS failed: Could not find the file : C:/MANAGE~1/OPMANA~1/./mibs/DELL-REF-MIB i think the system don't find
WMI monitor problem in OpManager 11.6
Hi All, We facing issue relate WMI protocol all devices use WMI to monitor CPU, Memory and disk it doesn’t work but the SNMP it’s work . We have a below example for one device when we tested the protocol WMI & SNMP they’re passed but when check one of performance monitor using WMI it doesn’t work . This is situation applying on all devices using WMI protocol , so we need your support ASAP
Failed to add user
Hello, I am unable to add a user to opmanager. I have previously created local and AD authenticated users to the system and am now requiring to add more people. I have tried to create local and AD authenticated users but opmanager throws up a red banner saying "Unable to add user" (not a very useful error as it doesn't explain why?!) at the top of the page. Can someone help me with this? I have tried rebooting the server but that didn't work. Thanks Ross
How to run a batch file in OpManager
hello from a "green" user of OpManager The question is actually very simple, I guess. How to run batch-file on the NMS server(Opmanager v11)? Batch-file is located locally on the NMS server. Batch-file functionality was already tested with some freeware NMS systems and on WhatsUP Gold and it works fine. In all NMS applications, it's quite intuitive(Alarm->Action), but in OM..... I need only to trigger this batch-file, when Alarm happens and trigger another batch, if the device recovers(unavailable
Multiple Installs of OpManager
We are currently running OpManager 11 build 11600 on a server along with ADAudit+ As we are fed up of waiting for OpManager 12.1 patch to be released I've been asked by my management to install a fresh version of 12.1 and see if we can get the license transferred (as suggested elsewhere on this forum) Is it possible for us to have both version 11 and version 12 installed on the same server but using different ports for access? This way i can spend a little time to reconfigure version 12 while still
Uplink dependency for VM
Hi Support, In my environment virtual machines were discovered from vCenter. May I know what will happen when vCenter is down, can Opmanager still monitors the VM hosts and guests? Secondly, is there a way to set uplink dependency for vCenter? When the vCenter itself is a VM.
Remove an alert
Hi all. I am currently monitoring a server which keeps alerting that MSSQL is currently down - when I first created the server, I installed SQL but later removed it but Opman keeps insisting that it is a SQL Server. I've looked all over the settings but I can't find a way to remove this alert and bring the monitor from Purple to Green (indicating no alerts). Can anybody help?
Logging a ticket to SDP
Hi We have been using the above option in OpManger to log certain issues to SDP. THis has however stopped working. When I check the Notification Profiles I get a message saying "Unable to fetch values from ServiveDesk Plus". I've been through all the configured values in SDP and can't see any characters that would cause this. I've checked the commnuication between both and it comes back OK. Is there anywhere else I can check or any logs that would have a bit more detail in them? Build number is 11400.
Event Summary reports by email
Hi there, I've been asked to come up with a method of providing a summary of the events that have occurred in our system being monitored by OpManager for the previous week. I'm looking for things like an up/down percentage, along with any critical events. Is there a report similar to that that I'm not seeing? Or is there another way to glean that information through another reporting tool... or even querying the database directly? Michael
mapview change
On a MapView, the coordinates of an object are defined by a focus on a rectangle 52 pixels side (parameter coords html) .Is it possible to reduce this value to avoid the superposition of several objects
OpManager SNMPv3
Hi Team, I have a couple of issues with OpManager (12100), I am trying to discover and monitor all my devices using SNMPv3, when the devices are discovered, they are all monitored via ICMP instead of SNMPv3 even choosing only SNMPv3 Credentials to discover. Secondly, the devices which does not have any default template in OpManager, when I try to add custom template and query the device to get device identifier, I get either "discovery failed" when using 8001 port or "Time synchronization failed"
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