Which interface to use on a Cisco 877?
hi, What interface should I use to monitor the bandwidth on a Cisco 877? I thought it would be dialer 1 or VLAN1, but they don't show the right data, but when I tried Virtual-Access2 then this showed traffic that made more sense to what I was doing. What is this interface?
Add "friendly names" to source and destination IP'
Hi, I use the conversation tab a lot. I know I can click the resolve DNS option but this can take ages, can I give the IP's friendly names so my team know exactly what the IP's are? I heard the next release will have this, can't find it in beta 7!
Layer 3 Cisco switch (3560G)
Hi, I have a Layer 3 Cisco switch (3560G) doing intervlan routing and being the main device in our network. I would like to be able to monitor the device (similar to a router) such that I see what applications/IP address/etc are consuming more bandwidth. Which software can do that and how do I configure? Thx
How does Netflow resolve IP addresses?
Hi, How does Netflow resolve IP addresses? I want to populate our DNS server if possible to show "friendly" names.
NFA on VMWare
I was wondering if anyone has NFA installed in a production VMWare environment or if any specific load testing had been done with NFA in a VMWare environment? I presently have NFA Pro 6.1 in a VMWare environment monitoring a few T1s working just fine. Has anyone run into any problems with relation using NFA in a virtualized environment?
Problem with version 7 and OUT Traffic
I just upgraded to version 7 today and noticed that the OUT Traffic on the Monitoring the Interface View for a period of 1 hour, all 3 of our DS3 internet connections is only showing half of the true traffic. Traffic was accurate on version 6. The IN Traffic show accurate. What information would you like to see pertaining this issue?
Autonomous System View Question
I am running the AS Collector using the latest Netflow Analyzer 7 and have a few questions. First, The select period is greyed out on the inital page. Is it supposed to be greyed out? Second. I choose the option to sort the colums by "Total Traffic", but the page refreshes every minute and defaults back to "Name". Can this be fixed to refresh with the same setting chosen in Sort By. Or can the refresh time be extended? Third. I would really like to see a Top 10 report within the Network Snapshot
"Last Hour" is more than the "Last 6 Hour&quo
"Last Hour" is more than the "Last 6 Hour", how can that be? I've seen this before, but I have captured it in PDFs. I've seen this in previous versions as well, we are on Build Number : 6100. It is a fresh install of not just the application, but the server OS, the application (and OS I believe) have been in service for about 2 weeks or less. This calls into question the confidence of the data aggregation.
Monitoring dashboard
Hi all I would like to use the Netflow Analyser graphs in order to build a Monitoring dashboard of our network. We actually use MRTG in order to build some Internet Pages on the response time between two sites, the bandwidth used and so one... Netflow Analyser is much better that what we have ( except for the response time =) ) and I would like to use that tool to generate automatic pages to be displayed in our Monitoring Dashboard. For example, page one will be the response time between two sites,
Viewing Netflow webspage from Another PC
Hi Guys, I am trialing your Netflow Analyzer 7 for our business. What i am trying to achieve is that I have Netflow Analyzer setup on one of our servers, I have a PC in our Office that accesses a website where we currently use a Solarwinds Product to monitor our network and then Projects it onto the wall. is it possible for that PC to access the servers Netflow Analyzer Webpage so we can Project it on our office? thanks Jinx
1 Minute Flat Files. Where are they?
From a previous support request I have the following note. "Starting from NFA 6.1, we store 1 minute data in flat files (since it is faster to access and report from) and have done away with the DstIf1Min table". Where are the flat files? Are they in a readable format? I would like to take them and plot them for use in an external Drupal portal page that we are creating. We would like 1 minute granularity. If not possible, we can use the 10 Minute table from the database. Any help would be appreciated.
How long I can find the report from the traffic detail flow?
My original data is saved for one month,just now I want to make one day report from the traffic detail flow which is 2 weeks ago. But the report showed me nothing...... Can anybody help me ? Thanks a lot.
outbound traffic missing
We monitor about 10 interfaces with netflow. Recently 3 of those managed interfaces have stopped showing outbound traffic. It just sits at 0% and 0.0 Kbps nothing has changed on the routers or anything. We did move netflow to a new server, recently but i can't understand why the inbound traffic is working fine but outbound doesn't. any ideas? p.s traffic is defiantly flowing in both directions
Netflow analyzer web page format is messed up
On the netflow analyzer web page the header logo has moved to the left side and the rest of the page is messed up and hard to read. It was working fine yesterday. Any suggestions? John LaPrad
HTML Template / Look and feel Modification
I'm presently using the professional 6.1 evaluation version and am on my very first day of looking at the product. First off thanks for letting me make an evaluation of the product without needing to first purchase and other gyrations, that attracted me right away. So far I'm fairly impressed with the product. The question that I found myself asking is can I customize the look and feel? I noticed the CSS files in AdventNet/ME/NetFlow/applications/extracted/NetFlowAnalyzer.eear/NetFlowAnalyzer.ear/NetFlowClient.war/css
MAJOR Unaccounted issue after upgrade from 6.0 to 6.1
This issue occured after we upgraded to 6.1 from 6.0. In 6.1 we see any time longer than a 2 hour window show as unaccounted in the application view. for example, if i select last hour i see the application break down, if i select the today view it shows one bar that unaccounted. if i select any 2 hour period it shows correctly. We can go to the troubleshooting report to see the data but this is drastically imacted our ability to use this software via the interface. why would this be the case. why
hierarchical device groups
Hi, Is there any development for hierarchical device groups? regards Zoltan
adding devices to user
Hi, is there any method adding devices directly to a user (Edit User page) not just device groups? regards Zoltan
Question on Counting - Egress/Ingress
Dear Support, If we have a firewall connected to a switch with NetFlow information being exported from the switch to NFA, do we need to count on both the port connected to the firewall as well as the port connected to the host or is monitoring the port connected to the firewall *only* good enough? In this case, we are only interested in Internet traffic so intra-VLAN traffic does not need to be tracked. Thanks, Chris
No outbound traffic - x450 and NFA 6.1
Hi, I have just configured NFA 6.1 to report on two Extreme X450 switches, and whilst i am getting complete "in" data, i am not getting any outbound information. I notice there have been a few similar posts around this issue, and i was wondering whether someone could post the solution to the problem. I can complete further troubleshooting if necessary, but i seeing the number of posts with this issue, i am kind of hoping there is a quick answer. I have scoured the config options for the X450 and
problem with traffic statistics
Hi, I had configured my Cisco 6509 for Netflow. Everything is fine except traffic statistics. Its showing only a maximum of 500KB on interface. but the actual is more than 100MB. please advice what to do. regards, john
How do I cleanup the stats manually?
I want to remove the old result from previous capture. Is there a way to remove the stats manually?
Question about stats
Hello all, I am new here, but since I do a lot of traffic analysis, l I figured I would join and ask some questions. When I look at the statistics in Netflow, I have issues making some sense out of it. For example, when I do an hourly report on a T1 interface for a remote site, I have 80% of total traffic being WEB, IN. I find this by looking at the application TAB. HTP is the top INCOMING application utilizing the interface. But when I go to the NBAR tab to see the NBAR results, it shows that htp
DNS refresh
Hi guys, I read on another topic, that the DNS table from NFA doesnt use to change, and when you request a DNS name of a machines list, NFA got it from cache. I noticed that this lead sometimes to wrong reports of machine names. Is there any way to refresh the DNS table without restar the service? Cheers.
Netflow Analyzer Crash
Hi - my Netflow analyzer machine crashed and I have rebuilt it on another machine. How can I import specific data from the old machine - all I am interested in is a yearly data graph for a range of ip addresses which I was monitoring. Thanks!
Upgrade Pack for NFA 6.1??
Hi, It`s been 4 months now since the relaease of Version 6.1. Is there a sign of the upgrade pack for this for your current customers?
Application Mapping
With application mapping, a client that we manage IT infrastructure for has netflow deployed to monitor a router interface connected to a satellite modem which connects to a remote mine site via a point to point link and their gateway router and other network equipment. They have requested regular reports of the traffic usage of this link. We have a large amount of traffic in the reports ending up in the UDP_App and TCP_App. These section I understand are of ports that application mapping does not
Google Map Issue Fixed
Hello, Some of our users reported an issue regarding google maps.Adding a new device or modifying old locations on the google maps are not working.We have traced the problem to changes in behaviour of some of the Google MAP APIs.We are happy to announce that we have fixed the problem. Please get in touch with support@netflowanalyzer.com for the fix. Special thanks are due to the users who alerted us of the problem yesterday... Thanks Raj
Exception in traffic_jsp: lang.NumberFormatException
Hello! Some troubles with NetFlow Analyzer 6.1. When try view Traffic-Utilization tab, page don't load full. And in server log we got error (in error.txt attach). OS: Windows 2003 Server R2 Eng. Locale: English (United States) HW: HP DL360G4 (RAM 4Gb) How we can solve this problem?
Transfer License
Hi, I had to move the server that netflow was installed on. I installed the same version onto the new server, then just copied the mysql and data folders from the old server to the new server. All that worked well but the new server is saying that its a trial version and i have 20 days left. How can i get the license from the old server to the new server? thanks
Will monitoring all interfaces for network count data twice?
Say I want to define an IP group for the network. I know that all traffic to and from the network travel through Router_A. When defining the IP group, I check all interfaces on Router_A. Does anyone know if that'll count traffic twice? Once as it enters and once as it leaves? "ip route-cache" or "ip flow egress" (if route-cache is unsupported) are configured on the interfaces. I suspect that only outgoing traffic from an interface is captured, so while I'll see traffic in both directions,
0% utilization on a Dashboard all time
Hello! We have just installed free NetFlow Analyzer 5. All works OK, however on dashboard near interface status IN & OUT tfaffic 0%. If I click 0% - I can see all conversations and traffic. But why on dashboard 0% ? How can I fix it?
No Alert Details
I have created two alerts to detect and advise of abnormal network traffic, this being a high percentage of UDP or ICMP traffic. My reasoning being that these would indicate something bad happening on the network given 95%+ traffic would normally be TCP. So I have two alerts, both the with the alert criteria set to 'port' and 'icmp' or 'udp', with utilization thresholds set to 15%+. Testing and setting the utilization low to trigger an alert, NFA detects and reports but when you click on the View
How to exclude an IP address from reports?
Hi, I want to exclude some range of IPs of reports of NFA.. is this possible? regards, Israel
issue with NetFlow
Hey guys, i've just dowloaded ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer pro and i can't get any of our routers to come up on the dashboard. i beleive that we got a firewall inside out network that may be blocking the traffic. We are Ruing ISA server 2006 and our CISCO router is 1841. I have entered the following commands: interface FastEthernet 0/1 ip route-cache flow exit ip flow-export destination 2055 ip flow-export source FastEthernet 0/1 ip flow-export version 5 Have i missed anything? do i need
No backup script in NFA 6001?
I don't seem to have the backup.bat that I normally see in other ManageEngine products. I need to backup my data and repoint it to another drive. Is this something that CAN be done?
User Mapping
Have been playing with Netflow Analyzer 6. Is the any agents that can be run to tie into active directory to identify the logged in user at the time of logging. I have noticed that if the lease expires on a client, looking at historical data may not be accurate as a different PC may have obtained the ip in question a few days later...
Unaccounted data?
Hi, How can I find out what is in the unaccounted traffic? I have an office where 40% of it's traffic is unaccounted for. Thanks
problem, no dispaly...
i'm using the netflow analyzer 6. the problem happened. The router does not have the problem. but, netflow not display at Analyzer6 router setting follow: router#enable Password:***** router#configure terminal router-2621(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1 router-2621(config-if)#ip route-cache flow router-2621(config-if)#exit router-2621(config)#ip flow-export destination 9996 router-2621(config)#ip flow-export source FastEthernet 0/1 router-2621(config)#ip flow-export version 5 router-2621(config)#ip
Netflow probe
What netflow probes do you support? As an example, Cisco PIX/ASA doesn't support netflow, so we want to mirror the port with a probe. nProbe is an example, but when we asked your tech support a question, the answer was "we don't know" (multiple interfaces, even with proper command line switches). Supporting a probe is pretty essential for enterprise deployment....
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