Corrupted Table in Netflow
I have an issue with the mysql database of Netflow Analyzer. The applicationout10min table in the Netflow database is nowhere to be found. I guess it was deleted/corrupted. Is there any way for me to restore the table? I am thinking of creating the table but i am also considering the tables where applicationout10min is connected or have relationship. Please advise. Thanks. I am using Netflow Analyzer Pro Plus 7 build 7002. Thanks. Ain
ASA interfaces missing and some show up with Ifindex naming.
I have a two fold issue. I am testing out with some firewalls specifically a Cisco 5550. I have gone through the documentation to configure ASA Netflow as noted in this forum post. What i see is out of 14 interfaces only 11 are showing up and out of them 5 have an IfIndex naming convention. I ran (with command below) and can see all the interfaces properly being retrieved via the walk.<ROUTER_IP><SNMP_PORT><SNMP_READ_COMMUNITY>
NetFlow Analyzer Trial - No Maps?
I'm evaluating NetFlow Analyzer and it seems there are alot of things discussed in the user guide that are not present in the actual software/interface I'm seeing via the Evaluation. For instance there is no Google Maps tab. I've set the product up, taken to my Manager and his response is that it needs to be more user friendly/more straight forward in presenting the basic data required. Having maps would help in that. Any further tips in configuring the product to give an interface more suited
Netflow http redirection?? Can we redirect the webpage to another folder.
We have netflow installed on our device. This was working fine a weeks ago. I stopped the process and had installed another app that uses http as well. Now i notice we cant access the manage engine gui when going to the ip address when in the past it was working. our new app that is not netflow uses the following http link but manage engine was using previously now what i get is the apache landing page. Is there a way i can force the index.html link from http-equiv="refresh"
Updating Netflow Analyzer Professional Plus build 7002 to 9700
We just took over a Netflow Analyzer in our company and its build is still in 7002. We are planning to update it to up to its current build (9700). We would like to ask if; 1. There is a need for us pay for this process (updating the build up to 9700)? 2. If the interface license that we have (100 interface) can still be used after updating or do we need to purchase a new license for 100 interfaces? Thanks. Ain
Radius authentication failed
Dear all We have the ManageEngine Netflow Collector version 9.8 and we are trying to configure the Radius feature. Attached the configuration applied. Also I have created the user on the “User Management” section (both domain/user and user only). On the Radius server I can see the authentication request (on the Event Viewer – Custom Views – Server Roles – Network Policy and Access Services) providing Full Access. Also on the Netflow Collector server with Wireshark I can see Access-Request then
OpManager NFA plug-in question.
When I click the NFA enabled router interface on OpManager, it shows the NFA statics at bottom of interface details page, Also that interface NetFlow detail has the 'last 2 hours' link to show last 2 hours of interface NetFlow informationj on pop-up. Can I change the time? (like last 5 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 5 hour etc..)
Problem with Google map view in Netflow analyzer
Dear Support I have problem with google map view on my netflow as attachment , please help me to change or add or edit API key.
Uninstalling NetFlow Analyzer
I am trying to uninstall NetFlow Analyzer 7.5, but the the unistaller trys to install the application over the exising installation and returns the error "Some files exist in the specified directory. Kindly provide a different location." At which point all you can do is cancel the install. I looked at the uninstall shortcut in the programs menu and it has the following Target propertie: "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{9DA4493A-480C-4554-A02C-4B542D33A1D9}\Setup.exe"
NetFlow Analyzer and pfsence (or pfflowd )
for my router/firewall i'm using the pfsence product, and pfflowd to export flow data from it. This is the only device i am collecting flow data from. There is only 2 physical (and logical) interfaces in the box which I wish to monitor. When I view the interfaces, I see thousands. If we go into the license area and attempt to 'unmanage' the ones I don't wish to see or monitor, they come back just as quickly. Last count there was about 10 thousand of them. pfflowd is being started with
Netflow Analyzer maximum Bandwidth support
Hello! I need to monitor 10G and 1G interface on my Cisco ASR1006 and Cisco ASR1013 routers. How can I get information about maximum interface bandwidth is supported in ManageEngine Netflow Analyzer product?
Netflow installed earlier today. Has stopped collecting data.
Hi there. We installed the NF pro plus edition trail version to test out on our network. We had it running for several hours today without any issues and were learning about the GUI. We checked it this evening and noticed that all the interfaces are now showing a Status unknown. No flow received for last 10 minutes. Could you shed some light on why that is taking place? Are their any logs we could look into or possibly restart the services? thank you.
Fortigate Sflow not working for PPPoE interface
I have a forti-wifi 60C and have configured it for sflow sending to NetflowAnalyzer. Both the internal and Wan2 ports show up in NetflowAnalyzer but the Wan1 interface does not. I have run wireshark with just the wan1 interface sending sflow packets, and there are packets being received by the NetflowAnalyzer host PC. Any ideas on what is causing this? Cheers Mike
missing interface
i'm using netflow analyzer to monitor one cisco router with three physical interface and 4 virtual interfaces. configuration on all interfaces is the same and yet one of the physical interfaces is not showing at all. interface 0/0 -> ok interface 0/0.1 -> ok interface 0/0.2 -> ok interface 0/0.3 -> ok interface 0/0.5 -> ok interface 1/0 -> not showing interface 2/0 -> ok i checked configuration and all interfaces have the following commands configured: ip flow ingress ip flow egress ip route-cache
How to compact Netflow DB?
Dear Support My customer don't want the report more than 4 month ago but the hard disk space has limit. Please advise. How to compact Netflow DB? , Thanks Ittiphol.C
Netflow Analyzer 7 - problem with raw data
Hi, I have an issue with feature "automatically delete oldest raw data" in NetFlow Analyzer 7 that doesn't seems to work properly. Feature is set to 25% but disk still gets completely full. Is there a bug in Netflow Analyzer version 7 that brokes this feature Thank you
Can you set sample rate re: sflow
Hello I am using sflow on a couple of HP Procurve switches and was wondering if there is somewhere that I set the default sample rate in Netflow Analyzer to 4096 so that when the interfaces are discovered, I don't have to manually change them all. The same is expected for interface type...this presently defaults to AAL5 Regards Colin IT Systems Manager Sandy Lane Hotel
NetFlow Plugin Version
Hi all, Which NetFlow Plugin version can I download that will work with OpManager 8.2 Thanks!
http status 400 Invalid path /netflow/jspui/dashBoard was requested
After installing Netflow Analyzer, we see the below when trying to access it via OpsManager - PLEASE HELP!! HTTP Status 400 - Invalid path /netflow/jspui/dashBoard was requested -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Status report message Invalid path /netflow/jspui/dashBoard was requested description The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (Invalid path /netflow/jspui/dashBoard was requested).
net flow report
I am new to netflow, does anyone know how to pull reports from netflow such as : source IP, destination IP , application traffic
problem updates install. SERVER: ERR Error in writing inf.xml file
traffic generation
Hellohow can I create network traffic with netFlow in my local network?
IPSLA Devices not showing
I am currently using Netflow Analyzer Proffesional Plus 9.7 build 9700. I only have some of the devices that have IP SLA responder configured showing. The devices show in the main Netflow Analyser dashboard but do not appear in the drop down box as a source router in the IPSLA VOIP configuration screen. I have 15 VOIP monitors currently running. Regards Kevin
Where does Netflow Analyzer get it's ASN -> description data from?
When viewing the list of AS Names, the listed name is not always correct. as an Example, on my copy running 9.7 AS 22394 is resolved as 'AS Speedlink' 'Orgname SpeedLink Internet Solutions' however, when I query ARIN directly, this ASN actually maps to 'CELLCO' which is basically Verizon wireless. i.e.
chkconfig - run as a server
Hi, how do I get this to run as a service under Redhat? I've created a symboliclink to na_server under /etc/init.d but when I use chkconfig --add, it fails 'the service does not support chkconfig' Thanks
NetFlow Analayzer on Ubuntu won't start automatically on boot up
Hello, I'm running NetFlow Analyzer 9700 on an Ubuntu 10.04 server. I used the script, but netflow analyzer won't start on boot up. if I run /etc/init.d/netflowanalyzer I get: root@gdc-npm-1:/netflow/ManageEngine/NetFlow/bin# /etc/init.d/netflowanalyzer Usage: /etc/init.d/netflowanalyzer { console | start | stop | restart | status | dump } if I run /etc/init.d/netflowanalyzer start it works just fine and everything runs as expected, it just won't start netflow analyzer during a
Getting Alert when the client exceeds threshold traffic
Hi Team ; can you tell me how to arrange per client based traffic threshold settings in Netflow Analyzer Plugin. We would like to get an email when the client go beyonds the predefined traffic values. Thanks.
CBQOS configuration
Hi, I have qos configured in Cisco Routers in our environment. And the same has been configured in Netflow as well. For the past few months, am not able to see cbqos datas from two of our routers and there was no configuration changes made from end. Among those two routers, since the service provider changed some configuration in their end, we executed some parameters changed in our router as well. But still i cant able to get the cbqos graphs in netflow. Upon checking the cbqos configuration
Device speed import
I have 120 interfaces being monitored by NetFlow analyser. Each interface is a WAN connection that has an individual capped bandwidth. Is there a shortcut way to specify the bandwidth of each interface, to save me from doing it through the GUI? Over time I will be adjusting the bandwidth allocations across our system, so would like a streamline way of exporting/importing the interface parameters to save me a lot of manual clicking. Thanks!
Traffic graph for specific adhoc host
Hi, I'm new to Netflow Analyzer, hoping you can answer a question for me. I am collecting data from all round our network, and want to graph the total utilisation for traffic to or from an individual IP address. I can create an IP group for this, but that will only display data gathered in the future. I can use the search function from the Dashboard view, but that just gives me a tabular view of data volumes for each conversation the IP address is involved in. Is there a way to create an adhoc
Unable to change the Device Name: Full FQDN is not displaying
Hi Team, In my working environment am using Manage Engine NFA Current Version : 7.7. While adding new devices, NF takes is automatically with the IP as Device Name. When i tried changing the Name, NF automatically searches for domain and its mentioning like or I tried giving the full FQDN of the device name. But still its automatically renaming to the above mentioned names. But previously configured Device has full FQDN configured correctly. Kindly suggest. Thanks
How to stop the Netflow service but leave it for further consulting
Hi. We have in production Netflow Anayzer 8.6, and we want to install the new version. But for some reason our boss want to keep this installation and make a completely new installation for the new version. Anyway, the problem is that the old version have to be available for consulting. So, how do I put in standby the service so it won't capture new data but keep the old data and access the web interface? Any idea? Any help, will be appreciate. Thanks. Regards.
Does NetFlow Analyzer recognise the same traffic from multiple sources?
I plan to monitor the WAN interface of every switch in my system, inevitably the same conversations or flows will be seen by two different interfaces, the source and the destination of the traffic. Does NetFlow identify the streams and allow for this, by deducing that packets between the same source and destination IP on the same ports are the same, or will it add it all up and result in double counting for all the traffic? Thanks.
The report with time sharing.
Good afternoon! Sorry in advance. I'm not English speaker. I'm still learning. How to create the report in "NetFlow Analyzer" which will show, to what addresses:ports there were requests from the IP address with time sharing? For example, through NFDump, it is possible to make such request: nfdump -r nfcapd.20120309 'proto tcp and (host' Date flow start Duration Proto Src IP Addr:Port Dst IP Addr:Port Packets Bytes Flows 2012-03-09 20:33:31.653 0.344 TCP ->
User guide for 9.7?
I'v gone through what I think is the latest user guide on the website: The problem is this is for 9.5 and the it seems there were some significant changes between these versions? Is there a later version available?
Interface activitiets
Hello, When netflow doesn't receive any flow from an interface it will generate an alert. This is perfect. However we have now an interface which indeed doesn't have traffic for a certain amount of time, and generates a message. Is it possible to have this function disabled on a per interface base? Regards, Ed Martens
Need to configure lower bound threshold, when interface utilization < 2%
We would like to configure an Alert Profile with a lower bound interface utilization threshold, e.g. alert us when utilization falls below 2%. Is there a way to configure such a threshold? We have NetFlow Analyzer 9.7, build 9700, Professional licenses for 250 Interfaces. Thanks!
How do i use netflow analyzer 9 to show the throughput of my WAN connection on DSL Router
How do i use netflow analyzer 9 to show the throughput of my WAN connection on DSL Router? I'm trying to determine the average throughput that my company uses.
200% Utilisation.
I am currently seeing 200% utlisation on an Bt 21CN EVC of 10Mbps. The EVC has been created as shown below. nterface GigabitEthernet0/0.4094 description **WN-FK WNWAN01-FKWAN02** bandwidth 10000 encapsulation dot1Q 4094 ip address ip flow ingress ip flow egress ip summary-address eigrp 10 service-policy output SUBINT-EGRESS When I look at the utilisation graph I see the interface is currently identified as 10Mbps but the utilsatio is over
No flows received
hi i am arun ...i am getting continuesly "No flows received" and "flows received" mails from netflow.. what it is mean and how can i disble this alert? please help me
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