1 Minute Data Storage Files or Tables
How do we access the 1-minute data? I have changed the setting to allow it to be stored for a year, but I don't see anything in the DstIf1Min or SrcIf1Min tables. After reading some posts it sounds like they are stored at files. Are the files in /Netflow/data/ these files? If so, how is the data in the 1 minutes files used? They don't seem to be saved as plain text, they are encoded somehow. And a side question: Is it possible to extend the length of time 10 min data is stored? Thanks for any
Set incorrect "All Router" SNMP community string... how to change?
When installing Netflow Analyzer I set an incorrect SNMP community string. Now, the global setting for "All Routers" is incorrect. If I click Set SNMP and try to change the community string for All Routers it says "Please enter the new Router name". Is there any way to change the SNMP community string already set up for the All Routers router name??
Empty CbQoS/NBAR dashboard
We recently updated our license so that we can use CbQoS, NBAR, and IPSLA so that we can monitor our remote links relating to VOIP traffic. We are running the latest version (build 9700). When I click on the CbQoS/NBAR tab along the top, I get a blank window saying that the dashboard does not have any widgets. Here is a screenshot: If you try and add widgets, they don't appear, which actually makes sense because when you try and add a widget the text at the top left says "Add widgets for" and
NetFlow Analyzer Service Error
Hello, I discovered that the NetFlow service has shutdown and when I attempt to re-start it manually, the following error was returned: Could not start ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer 9 service on Local Computer Error 1067: The process terminate unexpectedly. Can somebody please help me out? Thanks.
OpManager + NetFlow installation
Hi, in the next week, I will try to install OpManager with NetFlow plug-in on the server to monitor 20 Lan routers. I must monitoring also a WAN router. I need help to understand if it necessary: 1) SNMP read and write on all device that I want to monitor 2) IP SLA on the WAN Router Is it ok? What I need to configure on the router for NetFlow (to take information about bandwidth load, interface status ecc...)? Thank you so much Lorenzo
Netflow Collector installation does not start on Linux
Hi, We are setting up our initial deployment of Netflow Analyzer EE and have the central server up and working fine. I'm having big problems installing the netflow collector however. I have tried under centos, redhat and ubuntu, all of the clean-installs and in all cases the installation script won't run properly. I have tried as a normal user and as root and also re-downloaded the software to no avail. This is what happens when I start the installation: root@svvpnfc01:/apps# ./ManageEngine_NetFlowAnalyzer_Collector_64bit.bin
Is it possible to embed netflow analyzer widgets on webpages?
can it be done with iframes like in OpManager? Regards
Missing Interface
We are using Netflow Analyzer 9.5 for several Cisco ASA devices and Cisco routers at several locations. We are having issues with a single interface on 1 ASA. The link status says it is down. When I click the icon to the right of the device or "Interface Parameters", the interface ID says, "Adaptive Security Appliance 'Ethernet0/1' interface". I know that Ethernet0/1 is administratively down. It should be monitoring Ethernet0/3 instead. If I look at history, I find that it somehow changed about
SFlow on Blackdiamond 8810
I have an Extreme Blackdiamond 8810 switch that I am able to monitor some ports in NFA. I have a problem when I enable SFlow on other ports, the buildings passing through those ports lose ability to connect to internet. Everything else appears to be fine, they just lose HTTP traffic at those sites. Any thoughts?
IPSLA Time Passed
Hi, I have a number of IPSLA monitors configured on Netflow Professional version 9.7 most of them are no longer displaying any result and the Next Poll Time is displaying Time Passed. Both Netflow server and the routers uses the same NTP server and sh ip sla statistics is returning positive results.
Netflow Analyzer not showing all interfaces
Over the weekend we replaced our Cisco ASA 5505 with another one and copied the configuration over from the old unit to the new (no changes). Netflow Analyzer was showing the old firewall's interfaces with a 'down' status, so I just deleted the router in Licensing Manager, assuming the incoming netflows would repopulate the interfaces on the new unit. However, only two of the four are showing up, and they're the two I'm least interested in. The firewall has inside, outside, dmz and failover
Would like some information on how to get medianet working on Netflow. We are receiving the video traffic from our router and can see reports if we install scrutinizer trial version. Netflow Version 9.6 Build 9600. When we point the router at our netflow server we can't see any traffic under the medianet tab.
How recreate deleted router ?
Hi I configured Cisco ASA like this blog (http://blogs.manageengine.com/netflowanalyzer/2010/07/22/configuring-cisco-asa-netflow-via-asdm/). NetFlow packets go on the monitor host (netflow v9). But I can't see cisco asa on my routers. I have removed this device from NetFlow Analyzer before it and I suspect that packages are not analyzed now and droped.
Install on Ubuntu 12.04 error
I was able to get the NFA installed on Ubunt 12.04 x64 with Oracle Java JRE 1.6.0_37. But I get an error when I try to run the program: root@ubuntu:/usr/local/ManageEngine/NetFlow/bin# ./run.sh JAVA_HOME : /usr/local/java/jre1.6.0_37 SERVER_HOME : /usr/local/ManageEngine/NetFlow/bin/.. DATE : Wed Nov 7 08:26:07 PST 2012 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/adventnet/mfw/util/JdkAndPortCheck Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.adventnet.mfw.util.JdkAndPortCheck
Netflow Not showing graph-statstitics
We are not able to see graph in netflow. we are getting error saying router time is out of sync. Thogh i hav checked at first place router time with show clocko/p. it seems pretty perfect. Can anyone tell me further steps?
Line graphs for conversations
Hi, evaluating NetFlow Analyzer for a possible purchase. Can someone tell me if it is possible to get a line graph showing one or more specific conversations, or applications, or DSCP marking? Basically I am interested in analyzing bandwidth usage of specific applications that can be identified as specific conversations, or by their DSCP marking, or by the TCP port they are using, but I'd like to see a line graph showing when the bandwidth is used, not just the total/percentage amount of data over
Ifindex is showing as Interface name
I am not getting the interface name in Netflow analyzer web page there's showing Ifindex is showing as a interface name please assist Looking forward to a positive reply.
How to read netflow data command line
Hello All I need to read netflow analyser data from command line. Is it possible to do ? I have to recuperate bandwidth used by different operators. I want to automate this process by using some bash scripting. I dont want log onto netflow analyser interface to get the data. Thanks you very much for your help.
Netflow Analyzer automaticaly shutting down
Hi everbody!I have some issue after installing Netflow Analyzer 9.6 on CentOS 6.0 machine.Core problem is afre i try to start via command "service netflowanalazyer start" service is normaly start then after 30 secs is automaticaly go down.Additionaly i have allready apache and mysqld services,maybe problem with this? in serverout0.txt i have this MBeans waiting for other MBeans: ObjectName: adventnet.deployment:type=ServicesDeployer state: CREATED I Depend On: jboss.system:service=MainDeployer
Does NetFlow support the mentioned devices ?
Hi, I am kind of new to this software. I want to know does NetFlow Analyzer Support the devices I mentioned below ? Cisco Router : 2800 Series Cisco Catalyst Switch: 3750G Series, 2960G Series, 2950T Cisco Firewall : ASA5520 , PIX 515E Best Regards
Opmanager 9200 - Problem linking with Netflow Professional
Good afternoon from Spain, I got the following error when I drill down into the interface details after linking Opmanager Enterprise 9200 and Netflow Analyzer Professional 9700: HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception com.adventnet.iam.security.IAMSecurityException com.adventnet.iam.security.SecurityFilter.validateURLRule(SecurityFilter.java:665) com.adventnet.iam.security.SecurityFilter.doFilter(SecurityFilter.java:152)
NetFlow Stopped
I added groups to my netflow and now the browser hangs? I cannot access the netflows page.
Problem after password change
Hello I am checking the net flow analyzer product Now I have the free edition , yesterday I change the default password and since then I can't login . From firefox – the browser is always trying ( automatic, and I get Invalid Username / Password ) From explorer – I get Invalid Username / Password. Where can I find the password in the Linux server , and change it back from there ? Best regards Rafi
Question on setup
Hi, I'm new to ManageEngine. We have NetFlow Analyzer installed at my new job and I've been asked to help maintain it. I was asked a few days ago to research on how we have it set up and if it would be better to have a central monitoring machine. Currently we have one 'monitoring' workstation in each of our 12 offices that gather the data from their local devices then send that info to the main 'server' device. Would it be feasible to just have all the devices report directly to the server, and
HTTP 500 error for multiples emails at Link down alert profile
it's showing this error when I try to add more than one email do Link Down Alert Profile. Could someone help me? HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception com.adventnet.iam.security.IAMSecurityException com.adventnet.iam.security.SecurityFilter.validateURLRule(SecurityFilter.java:665) com.adventnet.iam.security.SecurityFilter.doFilter(SecurityFilter.java:152) com.adventnet.authentication.filter.AssociateCredential.doFilter(AssociateCredential.java:100)
Nortel/Avaya IPFIX "V9 flows of unknown template are received from" on NFA
I see where a couple of people have had the same issue, and that the "fix" was to have ManageEngine tweak their individual installations. I just had this working on NetflowAnalyzer build 9100. And then I updated to 9700. Doing a complete deinstall and reinstall of 9100 now gives me the same problems. Aaaarrggghhh.
How are people dealing with Web Filter/Cache Engine/Proxies for Billing?
We have the netflow analyzer and the billing module. We currently have been planning to bill on our aggregate but are unable to as it has proxy server IP addresses hiding multiple customers on the back end. We also have netflow on the port that connects the proxy server people are using and being hidden behind. We'd like take the aggregate and negate the proxy's IP address and then add in the IP traffic from the interface that connects the proxy for billing all traffic and the traffic going to
NBAR Configuration Issue
Hello - I'm a new user of this application and am having an issue configuring NBAR interfaces within the app 9.7. When I click on NBAR and attenmpt to add an interface to the NBAR section, I can select the interface but upon pressing Save receive the following error message: HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception com.adventnet.iam.security.IAMSecurityException com.adventnet.iam.security.SecurityFilter.validateURLRule(SecurityFilter.java:665)
I can't identify skype traffic in my network?
Hi! How can i get a picture regarding skype traffic in my network? I implemented nbar and netflow v5, but i don't see any skyke traffic (netflow analyzer 9.6 professinal plus). Please, help me! Andrew
Interface sending flow, but is not managed due to your license limit.
I am not seeing any graphs and getting the following error msg 'Interface sending flow, but is not managed due to your license limit." Not sure why this is happening as I have a 20 user License and there are only 13 managed interfaces.
Interface Group Speed
Hello, I would like to create Interface Group but I am confused about Interface Group Speed. What is the purpose of this option? I have no idea how to set up this option.. Thanks
Netflow configuration on Cisco VSS switches
Good morning, What would be the ideal netflow configuration to apply to Cisco VSS switches? Both the ip flow-export and mls nde commands are deprecated and now you have to use a flow record / flow sampler / flow monitor configuration. Thanks in advance, regards, Jorge.
Netflow traffic different with interface router
I used v8.6 with cisco 7609. interface that enabled netflow has traffic about 700 Mbps but netflow analyzer seen 125 kbps. Why ? Thank you very much.
Having problem with Cisco device
Model name: Cisco 6506-E IOS Version: 12.2(q7r)SX7 We are trying to set 1 VLAN for netflow, but we are getting the 2 (1 for port and 1 for VLAN) in NFA. How can we setup the Cisco device for it? (config is attached) Additional question: 1. How can I delete or stop the previous device which from already discovered NFA? 2. How can I delete or stop the previous device port which from already discovered NFA? 3. How can I see the table of most used(traffic and utilization) port or device in a table?
Is it possible to show netflow data just for ipv6 traffic?
I see netflow analyzer system began to accept ipv6 netflow data in 2011. The ipv6 netflow data is saved the data in the mysql database but it can't be presented from the website. Has any one tried some mysql database programming to present ipv6 netflow data alone? Thanks!
trial period for netflow analyzer is just 1 hour?
I installed the netflow analyzer 9.7 today for evaluation. From the dashboard, all the information about the netflow from one of my test router has been fine for 1 hour, then all the interface speed became 0. I thought the trial period for netflow analyzer is 30 days. It worked for just 1 hour.
Net Flow Best Practice
Hi All, I am new in this community, we are planning to bring Netflow on board so please help me for the below listed quereis We have almost more than 65 - 75 remote locations, and we are expecting to receive traffic 350 - 400 interfaces with Addon on IPSLA, NBAR & CBQOR Shall we deploy the Netflow as standalone or we can deploy with Opmanager ? Will it be better to deploy on Windows Server or Linux Server ? If we use Windows server which database is recommended MYSQL OR MSSQL ? How we can calculate
NetFlow and Opmanager
Hi All, Is it possible to analyze the traffic, we can use the Dedicated Network card, because i am planning to put OPmanager & Netflow on the same box Regards Adnan
The IP groups data doesn't add up to the total traffic
Hi, I have configured Netflow on routers across my network WAN. I have configured some IP groups on the Netflow server. The issue is that when I add the traffic from Individual IP groups it comes more than the total traffic passed on that interface. This negative data is around 35% of total traffic. I have made sure that all the IPs in these IP groups are different and are not repeated. Also these are only destination IPs and no Source-Destination IP pair is there. Can you suggest what might be
Interface name ifindex
Hi, I have 5 ASA 5510 and net flow analyser. I have standard problem with ifindex names. Precisely, two asas has real names in NF analyser but the other three have only ifindex-es. I can send some logs if needed. Regards Mark
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