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                        • Announcements

                        • Forrester - ManageEngine Webinar on Endpoint Security Strategies

                          Hello everyone, Sophisticated cyberattacks are on the rise, and organizations face daily threats that could lead to data breaches or operational disruptions. Strengthening your endpoint security strategy is no longer optional—it's essential! Organizations
                        • Mobile Device Manager Plus - Free training

                          Join us on July 16 to 30, 2024, every Tuesday at 6:30 GMT and 11:30 EST for a free training session on ManageEngine's enterprise mobility management solution - Mobile Device Manager Plus! Here's what we'll cover each week: Week 1: Device Onboarding and
                        • Mobile Device Manager Plus - Free training series!

                          Join us on March 12 to 26, 2024, every Tuesday at 6:30 GMT and 11:30 EST for a free training session on ManageEngine's enterprise mobility management solution - Mobile Device Manager Plus! Here's what we'll cover each week: Week 1: Device Onboarding and
                        • Reminder to upgrade your 32- bit server installed machines

                          Hello MDM users! This post is a reminder to upgrade your 32- bit server installed machines soon. The deadline to migrate to the 64-bit server for Mobile Device Manager Plus & Mobile Device Manager Plus MSP is 1st January, 2024. The reason for us putting
                        • Join us at the Endpoint Central Workshop and get certified!

                          Hello Everyone, We would like to invite you to our Endpoint Central Workshop in Toronto on October 30. Organizations are always in pursuit of enhancing their systems and streamlining operations. Given your organization's utilization of Unified Endpoint
                        • Most Discussed Topics

                        • URL or Application allow for a custom time period

                          Hi Team, Is it possilbe to allow URL, Appliations for a specfiq group of users or devices for a custome time period? As a example:, URL will be allow for specifiq users or devices after 6:PM to next
                        • Shared devices with Mobile Device Manager Plus

                          Hello all, I have the Mobile Device Management Plus web version and I am stuck on how to setup shared devices. Here is what I have done so far. I have all my devices add already and monitored. Under App Repository I have added ME Shared Devices for Android.
                        • Passcode rule is not enforced in Kiosk mode

                          Hello everyone I have a Galaxy Xcover 7 that is registered in Kiosk mode with several apps. A password directive has been created with a pattern and that the screen is switched off after 30 seconds. Now when I unlock the smartphone it is directly in kiosk
                        • Custom Settings acces in Kiosk mode not working using API

                          Hello, according to this article I've added the new intent on back button pressed action for android app. But nothing happend when I'm on single application Kiosk mode when I press back button. My application is .net MAUI application and for android platform