Where can I download the Free SNMP MIB Browser for LINUX ??
I have and old versión for the Free SNMP MIB Browser for LINUX, and I need the new one, but I only found the Windows download link. Where is the Linux version? I would like the "ManageEngine_MibBrowser_FreeTool.bin" file or similar.
Windows Health Monitor
Where is the information stored? What database? Or a file? It does not generate reports of the last 7 days? 15 days?
Free Windows Health Monitor Refresh Interval
Is it possible to update Free Windows Health Monitor so it can refresh more often than 5 minutes? I'd like to see updates every few seconds to review impact to servers during transactions. Thanks.
Problems setting up email on Windows Health Monitor
Dear, I downloaded Windows Health Monitor software , but I can not set up email. I tested the settings with a corporate email and also an email from Google. The error that appears in the email from Google is failed to send an email . settings : SMTP Server Name : smtp.gmail.com Port : 465 User : scannerjfe@gmail.com From : scannerjfe@gmail.com Can you help me?
full screen + more then 3 server
hi Can i see the health monitoring in a full or larger screen ? Can i see more than 3 server the dashboard ? Thanks shuki Shuki@eldan.co.il
Query variables by name with MIB Browser Tool
I am exploring the way to monitor my device with SNMP. What I struggle with, is finding the way to query with MibBrowser Tool the variables with the name rather than full OID. I do receive some data, and this indicates to me that connection is established, but I can't interpret the data I receive. Let me be more specific about some details. On my agent we use the MIBs that were downloaded from net-snmp project: https://sourceforge.net/projects/net-snmp/files/net-snmp/5.7.3/ In particular SNMPv2-MIB.txt
Can't load APC Powernet417 MIB in ManageEngine, keep getting the following message:
I keep getting the message: Loading MIBs Failed: Aborting ... null <OK> Anyone else have this problem? I Appreciate any assistance. Thanks in advance.
can i add attachment to password expiry notification email?
can i add a file attachment to password expiry notification email - free tool?
CSV Generator Tools Issues
I can not seem to make CSV Generator to work. From the directions in the help index, I select the AD object type from the list, then browse and select the CSV file from the File Name field. After I click on Generate I receive the error: "Invalid Format: Provide sAMAccountName as header" I exit out of CSV Generator, add "sAMAccountName" in the first row of the CSV, and retry. I receive the same error. When I try the other options, such as "Advanced", and pick from the other attributes it does not
Windows Health Monitor: emails automatically triggered?
Hi, Is there a way to change the settings of Windows Health Monitor so that it automatically sends email alerts when something goes wrong? Thank you!
Hi. I am trying to configure the Trap Viewer (SNMP MIB BROWSER), to filter the traps sent by an application. It work fine when the filter parameter is exactly the same as the event received (example: event code 3000) is easy to configure in the trap.parser. But, my situation is more complex. I need to filter a trap, when the filter parameter "contain" a determinated value (example: the trap received has a eventdescription like this: Operator LUIS - Login at 10:00 hs - from xxxx terminal ....), and
MibBrowser help
Is it possible for the browser to retain entered hosts and config (port/community, etc.) across sessions? When I restart MibBrowser I have to enter all this info again.
Free Windows Health Monitor > Error Code : -2147217392
Failed to connect: servername Error Code : -2147217392. Error Description : IDispatch error #3600 Received when attempting to monitor a Windows 2003 server on Active Directory. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, - jody
MibBrowser Tool Error
I am unable to load any MIBs into the tool on the initial application launch after a fresh install. I have attempted to run as admin as well and get the same errors. I get the following two errors:
Advice Needed for MIB Tool
Hi Guys, I am hoping that you guys might be able to help me. We are developing a small application to centrally store and visualise MIB files in order to highlight the MIB structure and help us identify anomalies. Someone suggested that we could make this (freely) available to other people, and therefore I need some feedback about the frustrations people have regarding toolsets that support MIB walking and storage/visualisation etc. Not trying sell anything, I just want to understand what problems
setup trapviewer
Hi, Some question : how to configure trap viewer by default, i want each time i launch trap viewer that enable mail is ok, the trap parser is loaded and the community set. I need, trap viewer launch automatically if i launch mibbrowser. Because i need the system start automatically when the computer has booted. Thanks.
Configure Mail in Mibbrowser
Hello, I have problème to configure the mail in the Trapviewer windows. How does it work ? Thanks
HyperV performace monitor for windows 2012 r2
Hi does the free tool HyperV performace monitor work in windows 2012 r2 ? I have only this king of information. i have some kind of error in the bottom text rqcg9472 td419 and i don't know what it means. thank you
Exchange Health Monitor and HyperV performace monmitor do not match
Could someone explain to me why these two programs report such widely different results? Thank you
Password changer reminder tool
Hello, How does this tool know the email addresses to send this reminder? Thanks, Zahid
RPC Server unavailable
I'm using the Desktop Central Free Windows Tools. I'm getting RPC server unavailable, If i turn off the F/W it works fine, does anyone know what ports i need to open on the F/W to let this work?
MIB Browser Questions
Hi, I'm looking at the MIB browser tool and have some questions. Is there a way to search by OID, I've only been successful searching by an object name? Is there a way to get a trap's OID displayed, along with what objects are valid/mandatory within that trap? Thanks.
Free Windows Health Monitor or a real time monitor
hi How I can change Refresh Interval under 5 min in Free Windows Health Monitor or a real time monitor thankes shuki shuki@eldan.co.il
Hello Balaji, can the health monitor tool be compatible with Azure SQL database.? Thanks, Raj
SQL Health Monitor - Numbers are too high
The numbers being reported in the monitor seem way too high, almost like they need to be divided by the total number uptime seconds.
Launch of Free Disk Monitor Lite
We are excited to announce the global availability of Free Disk Monitor Lite . Available immediately, the free disk monitoring tool helps monitor the disk space on an unlimited number of Windows servers, VMware and Hyper-V hosts. Here are some highlights of the tool: Monitor the disk utilization of Windows servers, VMware servers and Hyper-V servers Set threshold values for the used space View pie charts of the disk space capacity Auto detect the VM's running in a server Get to know the VMDK file
Creating a remote snmp v3 user
Using the ManageEngine MIb browser, what are the steps to create a new remote snmp v3 user in the table: .iso.org.dod.internet.snmpV2.snmpModules.snmpUsmMIB.usmMIBObjects.usmUser.usmUserTable Thanks Phil
Min browser 'Get' preceded by 'Get' sysObjectID
Mib browser in SNMPv2 mode works OK. In SNMPv3 mode every 'Get' is preceded by 'Get' sysObjectID. Output below shows a 'Get nstAgentModuleObject' but is always preceded.by 'Get sysObjectID'. Why is this happening? output ============================== Sent GET request to : 161 sysObjectID.0 .iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.netSnmp.netSnmp Enumerations.netSnmpAgentOIDs.10 nstAgentModuleObject.0 2
Mib browser precedes every 'get' with 'get sysObjectID'
In SNMPv2c mode a 'get' works fine. In SNMPv3 mode a 'get' causes 2 'get' requests. The first 'get' is always for the sysObjectID. e.g. below the 'get' is for 'nstAgentModuleObject.0' which works but preceded by 'get' sysObjectID.0 Why is this happening? Output ====== Sent GET request to : 161 sysObjectID.0 .iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.netSnmp.netSnmp Enumerations.netSnmpAgentOIDs.10 nstAgentModuleObject.0 2
V§ Trap not being received
HI, I am having problems with SNMP V3 Traps.Although I can see that the V3 authentication is correct by testing with GET commands (user, Auth, Priv passwords, I do not receive a trap entry in the SNMP Browser window. Using a sniffer, I can see that the trap is being correctly sent, and I can also receive V2C Traps so the Firewall is not an issue. I am currently using V5.0 of the SNMP MIB Browser. Perhaps this is just a setup problem. Thanks for providing this great tool, and please help with this.
Free Webinar: SNMP Demystified - Register now
The biggest myth about SNMP is that it's complex and difficult for a beginner. Join us for a free webinar to learn how SNMP can be your friendly neighborhood protocol. Presenter: Karthik Ananda Rao, Evangelist, ManageEngine Register here : https://connect.manageengine.com/home/pages/Page/manageengine-webinars/snmp-demystified-3a4603809939bf01debf17855dc5f624
Free SQL Health - Doesn't see server
During discovery, many servers with SQL Express (application specific) show up, but our production MS SQL server doesn't. For security reasons, out server uses a non-standard port. Is there a way to tell Free SQL Health Monitor what port I'm using?
adventnet 1.2.2 - Too many SnmpVarBind objects
Hello, I am investigating a memory leak issue in the enterprise application. I did some profiling and see that number of SnmpVarBind instances is above 56,000 , these objects are being created by Asn1Parser and SnmpPDU objects, we have 44 instances of each of of them. Overall I have 3 sessions ( 3 SnmpSession objects ) which is quite reasonable, but number SnmpVarBind objects grows permanently until I get OutOfMemory exception. I wonder what could be a reason for that? Is there any resources allocation
I would to know more about server monitoring?
I would like to know more about server monitoring. If anyone know about this please help me to know about the topic.
Configuring devices on Mibbrowser
Hi All, I am cheking the Mibbrowser and its a very intresting tool. I am hoping to use to monitor some power devices on a network. I have the MIBs from the three equipment types and i am able to load them on the MIBbrowser. The problem is I dont see where to add the Ip addresses of the power devices (there could be about 20 of these). I am hoping when i configure this i should start to receive traps from the power devices and at my computer i will be seeing what is happening at what location (i.e
Exhcnage Health Monitor isn't sending alerts
It connects to my Exchange 2007 HUB server no problem and reports the correct number of items in the queues. However, when either the warning or the critical threshold is reached, it doesn't send out an alert. I know I've got the mail settings correct as I use them for other functions on the network. Anyone seen this before and can point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Free HyperV Performance Monitor Tool and Free Hyper V Configuration Tool crashes on Windows 8 when trying to connect
Hi, I have Hyper-v core installed on a server and I'm managing it remotely with Win8. I have installed Free HyperV Performance Monitor Tool and Free Hyper V Configuration Tool on the remote Win8 macine and I can run it the first time. But as soon as I fill in the values IP/Host username and password, it crashes when it starts to make the connection. I've tried both with hostname and ip-address. I always get a window with "... has stopped working." Extra info: The windows 8 machine is actually a vm
Free Ping Tool - No Ping w/ LAN IP Firewall
Hi, I tried Free Ping Tool, the latest version, in my company LAN. It works well with www.google.com and any server LAN IP addresses but doesn't work with firewall LAN IP adresses. Indeed, the status is RED and I have no reply (RTT = 0, Success = 0, Failed = 0) whereas when you ping these firewall in a MSDOS windows, it works. Any idea about the cause of this issue?
Windows Monitoring Fail to Open
Hello! I tried to use windows monitoring. However, it can't open in my computer. How can I open that in windows 8?
How to send "hello world" message to DMS using dmsMessageTable
Hi, I am using MIB Browser to connect it to the External DMS Device. Can anyhow help me in providing steps to send a simple "hello world" message using dmsMessageTable set and get APIs
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