Move Computer between Custom Groups
Hi team, Is there a script to move a computer from one custom group to another. I want to implement it as a script on the post-deployment of a APD. Best Regards, Bionid
API Error Code 3010
When attempting to install patches via API (api/1.3/patch/installpatch) , I'm receiving the following error message. The patches are all Windows platform patches. I'm assuming it may be that the patches are not of the same type that it is not happy about.
Emergency mitigation this morning - something about client updates
Did anyone else get a yellow banner when they signed into Endpoint Central this AM ?!?! I should have paid more attention. it was something about clients updating, it was pushed via the Emergency mitigation service. there was a button to Restart services.
Service Desk and Endpoint central Integration license gray area
Recenly we migrated Service desk plus from version 11.0.X to 14.0.X and integrated Endpoint central server. Since its unified agent, it started to consume one license from endpoint central server and also from Service desk plus to record the asset. So
How do we know when we are eligible to upgrade Endpoint Central 10.1 to 11?
We are currently on 10.1.2228.19, how do we know when we are eligible to upgrade to 11? Also since this is upgrading to a new version (10 to 11) is it going to take longer than a standard hotfix update or about the same? We just need to know how long
Latest Update Detected as HackTool.Win32.PAExec.aa
When applying the latest update TrendMicro detected the files C:\ManageEngine\dc\DesktopCentral_Server\webapps\DesktopCentral\agent\64bit\ as HackTool.Win32.PAExec.aa. Trend Says it fixed it but I am not sure. I will be sending the
Older version of service pack
Hello, How can i find an older version of a service pack? I would like the service pack for build 10.1.2228.20. Thanks in advance, Pradip Chaudhari
"Computer not in contact" and "Computer deleted" Behavior
I am starting to see messages stating "computers not in contact" and "computers deleted". I'd like to learn the behavior of the system if an agent doesn't check in on a frequent basis. For example, we have spare laptops that have the agent on them but
Replication Policies and Remote Offices
Hello, I've got two quick questions regarding Replication Policies and Remote Offices. 1. If I am not using a Distribution Server, will the replication policy still work? We are trying to throttle the connection to and from the Central Server from certain
Where are software deployment logs stored on endpoint?
I want to check the status of a current deployment. Which log can I open on the remote machine to check to see if it's started? Looking in C:\Program Files (x86)\DesktopCentral_Agent\logs
Custom Report
Hello, Is there any chance to generate report which shows me all time computer history?
Auto Logon does not work with EndpointCentral installed
I have been trying to setup a computer to auto login using the SysInternals AutoLogon.exe from Microsoft. The configuration works excellent until I add Endpoint Central to the computer, then it no longer auto-logins on boot. Is there a setting or configuration
Can't stop the EC Server service from the EC Server System Tray icon...
Having just updated to the latest build 10.1.2228.26, I am unable to get the Endpoint Central services to stop, when initiating it from the "Stop Service" context menu when right-clicking on the CE Server icon in the Windows System Tray. The error I get
Web console
Hello, I had upgraded my endpoint central to 10.1.2228.26 and was able to connect to the console securely. Then, a couple hours later, the web console is now saying your connection is not secure. I am accessing it internally by the way. How can I get
Patches still with status "Yet to be downloaded" after several weeks
Hi, How do I diagnose the patch status "Yet to be downloaded" even though it has been approved for several weeks and I have systems with the patch(es) missing. Also the patches aren't superceded. Thanks,
Cancel a currently running software deployment
Will moving it to the trash and deleting it stop the current installation?
How to upgrade Endpoint Central 10.1 to 11
Hi, In this page I can't see service pack for upgrade to Endpoint Central v11. 1. Is there any service pack for upgrade to latest version or no? 2. What should I do to upgrade to v11? 3. Is version 11 of the UEM stable? Thanks
Wildcards in custom groups
Hello, I am attempting to add machines to a dynamic custom group. The machine names all start with ProdX- and i want to group the machines into 50 machine groups where ProdX-001 and ProdX-049 are in the same group, ProdX-050 and ProdX-099, Etc. Is there
Endpoint Central Agent Removal from Single PC
I have a single PC that is having problems with Remote Control. I have tried to uninstall the agent through Agent > Computers > Uninstall Agent. Which fails with "An SSL Error Occurred". Agent shows as online, but basically cannot do anything with this
Can Endpoint Central check a Registry Value DATA (not Value NAME) in software package pre-deployment checks?
I have this problem in Endpoint Central (Server version 10.1.2228.20): I need to create a software package (for EXE) where, in Pre-Deployment phase, it checks the Value Data of a Value Name (EC-Pre.jpg attachment) Actually i can't see this option in Pre-Deployment,
New 10.1.2228.20+ Agent is an .EXE, and I need updated instructions for deploying by GPO.
New 10.1.2228.20+ Agent is an EXE, and I need updated instructions for deploying by GPO. Is there an updated FAQ/KB/Document for deploying the new, cleaner .EXE Agent with GPO Startup Script? The documents I found on your website reference the old MSI
Adding new Remote Office in Endpoint Central
Hi everyone, Do i need a domain trust between two domains if i create a distribution server to a remote office located on a different domain than endpoint central? Or only need to open port 8383 on the firewall between endpoint central and DS? Best Regards,
is there a fix for CVE-2022-42889 on Endpoint protection
is there a fix for this: C:\Program Files\DesktopCentral_Server\Patch\ManageEngine_Desktop_Central-10.0.0-SP-2119.10\SERVER\lib\commons-text-1.8.jar our system is currently on version 10.1.2228.20 Thanks
One time automatic patch deployment
Hello everyone, Is there a possibility for a machine to be patched automatically with all the approved patches directly after agent is installed and machine shows in endpoint central? Best Regards, Bionid
Patch Tuesday February 2023- Supported Updates
Hello everyone, Here is the list of updates supported in this month's Patch Tuesday release. New Security Bulletins : KB5022783, 2023-02 Security Only Update for .NET Framework 4.6.2 for Windows Server 2008 SP2 (KB5022526) (ESU) KB5022783, 2023-02 Security
DesktopCentral inventory reporting software packages twice on each PC
DesktopCentral software inventory is reporting many packages twice in the displayed list for each PC. This means the inventory lists are long as each software item is listed twice, and those that are licensed are reporting twice as many licences in use than there should be. I'm sure it didn't used to do this when we first started using it. Has anyone else experienced this behaviour and have a solution ?
How To Launch An .EXE Inside a Folder?
I know this should be a simple answer but I'm having an issue with a .zipped file in a package - I've confirmed successful transfer/extraction of the zip; however, the setup.exe I need to launch is within a folder called Build. What do I put for the installation
Oracle Linux 8.6: Patch Scan Failed due to incorrect meta files
I've been in the process of starting to evaluate Oracle Linux 8 as a replacement for AlmaLinux so that I can use the patching support built into Endpoint Central. I've created a brand new system from template and having issues with the patch scan on it,
Google fixes several high severity vulnerabilities in its Chrome 110.0.5481.77/78 Stable Channel update
Hey everyone, Chrome Stable Channel has been updated to 110.0.5481.77/78 for Windows and 110.0.5481.77 for Mac and Linux. This update comes with 15 security fixes. The details of the vulnerabilities fixed are mentioned below: CVE ID Vulnerability Severity
Automate Patch Deployments - Failure Notifications
Hi. I'm having some issue with automated patch deployments and the notifications settings with them. I seem to be getting a daily update of every single deployment configuration that contains patching for FileZilla or Chrome. It seems that because Chrome
Vulnerability Database Update Stuck
Our vulnerability database synchronizes every morning at 5AM EST. It usually only takes 15-30 minutes. It synched yesterday fine but today it is stuck on" Downloading and Syncing Windows Patch SQLs We have already opened a support ticket and uploaded
Push Announcements Faster
The announcements should push much faster than the 90 minute refresh. If we have an urgent situation come up and we need to push out an announcement, we have to use other methods because of how the EC announcements work. It's not a lot of data, and it
add support for WSL
Clients in WSL should not require a license since they are no real clients and may use them from host system (Windows 10). Everything else should just work as with regular Linux agent.
Endpoint Central Roles/Permissions
Is there a way to setup a user role so that they can manage all computers and all devices (like and administrator), except for computers and devices in a specific 'Static Unique' group?
Agent or Service Up/Down notification
Hi, Is there notification that check if endpoint Agent or Agent service is up and running or down and by that send email notifications? Maybe there is option to make this notification manually?
Quickly Find a user and remote control their session from the main navigation menu
Hi there, It would be really useful to be able to search for users from the search button on the menu bar, so that you can quickly locate them and connect to a remote control session with them from any page. In addition, currently the only way to find
Surface devices not showing warranty
The warranty details are not showing for our surface devices we have alot of them and need to find a way to see this. Is there a way to see the warranty on the surface laptops, tablets?
Secure Gateway Patch Issue
I am attempting to install the latest patch for Secure Gateway Server build (90099) and I keep getting an error message when the UpdateManager.bat checks the patch. Please see attached image for error message.
Surface tablets showing up as laptop, no warranty expiration
Hi, I have some Surface Go and Surface Pro tablets being managed by Desktop Central. Under Inventory, they are detected as Surface Go and Surface Pro for Model. If looking at the Inventory details, there is no warranty expiration date, and appears to be no way to manually add it. Under Mobile Device Management, these show as device type of Laptop instead of Tablet. Is there any way to get them to show up as tablets instead of laptop? Thanks, David
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