Old version for download DataSecurity Plus
Hi everyone, Where I can find and download all old version and build of DataSecurity Plus?
How to label all files in a share regardless of file type and content?
Hello again, We are back with a question from a previous issue mention. What is an idea? We will have shares with a lot of different file types Office files, zip files, CAD files and so on... Theese shares will keep only sensitive data. Any data that
Issues with classification and labeling of files and applying protection policies
Dear ManageEngine community, We are currently testing a potencial DLP/Data Protection solution that will fit our needs. Little about current test environement configuration: 1 x DataSecurityPlus Management Server (Windows Server 2022) 1 x File Server
What is the difference between the Datasecurity Plus Services in Windows?
Hello forum, We have a handful of clients that use DataSecurity Plus FileAudit, and I am a bit confused as to what the difference is between the two services. We generally only use the "FileAudit" module, and we want the service to automatically start
potential security concern DataSecurity
to report a potential security concern with the upgrade file for ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus (version 6.1.0 SP-2_7_0.ppm). This file has a SHA-256 hash of a68b4a83bae1e0e94ac859ea7beb429a7f1cbee8fca54d0cf4042eaa42ad7331. We scanned the file using VirusTotal
Postgress to MS SQL
Is it possible to migrate from Postgerss to MS SQL in Datarasecurity +?
Review: DataSecurity Plus through 2023
DataSecurity Plus' 2023 updates allow you to audit more data sources and offer updates to security and other functions. Here are some of the most impactful changes and features that make DataSecurity Plus more adept at data-centric security: Launch of
Assistance Needed: Issues with Endpoint DLP and Error Screenshots
Good evening, everyone, I'm experiencing several issues with Endpoint DLP. I have a domain where users don't have administrator access, and I'm unable to obtain reports such as printing or document editing activities. Additionally, some users are facing
Vulnerability news update - Data Security Plus
We would like to update regarding a vulnerability that has been identified in Data Security Plus most likely. The application uses the log4j version log4j-core-2.10.0 in a bundled dependency module which might be susceptible to this vulnerability however
Outlook Popup for End Users
Has anyone encountered this popup when installing on endpoints? I was told by ManageEngine Support that this was a possibility with any installation method, but we are hoping for a way to bypass so that the end user doesn't have to take any action.
Windows Server Script Template
Is there any script template for DataSecurity Plus response? For example, I configure Alert in File Audit, to send alert when user delete file/folder with threshold 300 in any 1 minutes. Then want to add response script to disable/prevent user to delete
Database restore immediately fails
We're trying to migrate our DSP install from one server to another using the instructions under "Steps to migrate DataSecurity Plus to a new server and database restoration": https://www.manageengine.com/data-security/help/guides/migration-guide.html
ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus service stopping after startup
Hello, I'm new here. I'm from Brazil and my English isn't very good, but I'm going to try to explain my issue: We have DataSecurity Plus Version:6.0.6Build:6063 and some days ago ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus service stopped working. I tried to start
[New version released] Security updates and enhancements in ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus
The latest version of DataSecurity Plus, 6070 is here! A host of security updates, features, and enhancements can now be accessed by upgrading to the latest version. Here's a little peek at what's new: Security updates in DataSecurity Plus: Fixes have
Endpoint DLP on REMOTE endpoints
Any movement on a gateway/proxy to allow remote/roaming Endpoint DLP agents to talk to an on-premise DataSecurity Plus server? I've asked the question of support several times since we first ran a trial of the software, and haven't heard back at all.
No data available, Files Copied from File Servers (Shared Folders)
Dear Support we are exploring the DataSecurity Plus trial in a lab environment We have installed DSP Agent in the file server with some shared folders, but the files copied report is showing that no data is available, need your expert guidance for displaying
Vulnerability new update - ManageEngine Data Security Plus
This post is a follow up for two high severity vulnerabilities (CVE- 2021-44228/CVE-2021-45046) reported in Apache and the recommended countermeasure to mitigate them (Replacing the old jar files with log4j files of v2.16). It is observed that there is
Vulnerability addressed in Data Security Plus
A high severity vulnerabilities, (CVE- 2021-44228/CVE-2021-45046), impacting multiple versions of Apache Log4j utility, was disclosed publicly in December 2021. We have found no evidence of any successful exploitation in Data Security Plus as of today.
DB Backup Issue
Hi Team, when backing up database using the backupDB.bat, it is not compressing database - postgre
Perform Full/Metadata scan
Hello All, I am currently trialing this Datasecurity plus software. Currently I am interested in the File Analysis information. When I installed the software and got it setup I only added 1 drive from my file server containing about 700GB of data. I did
What are the boolean logic options for Quick Search in DataSecurity Plus?
What are the boolean logic options for Quick Search? For example, if I search by 'Location' : "D:\Data\Sales\Newyork" and want to remove any instances of a noisy 'Accessed BY' can I do a Not XYZuser?
DataSecurity Plus - Risk Analysis
I used an incorrect policy in the risk analysis and now I would like to remove all of those records it found from the reports. How can I do this? Thanks. Seth
DATA SECURITY - Issue Ransomware Detection
Hello, I configure a test serveur with the Data Security (Version : 6.0.4 / Build : 6043) I create this alert (Ransomeware) I create a PS script to : * Disabled user access on share folder (it's faster than disabled user on AD) * and of course disabled user on AD This script works. It is not optimized because I'm not an expert, but it works $_SRV = $args[0] $_USR = $args[1] $_DRIVE = "R:" $_DATE_FULL = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd HH:mm" $_DATE = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd" New-SmbMapping -LocalPath
File Analysis
Hi All, Would be great if we can specify a specific folder or a mapped drive when configuring file analysis because not every one wants to scan the entire disk for instance the disk total capacity is 10TB and currently the usage is 8 TB the size of the data that needs to be analysed is 4TB that stays in a folder but there are other files on the drive then we have to buy additional data blocks so only the first data biock is usefull and the second will be a waste since we need to only analysis the
Disk Space Requirements
Hi All, I planning to deploy data security plus for file auditing so would like to know how can I calculate/estimate the disk size total file size that I am auditing is 4TB and have about 200 users I will be using only the pre-defined policies and reports Also archival of these reports and logs would be 180 days
How to send paramas to a script ?
Hello, I create a script to use on Ransomware case. It works well when I execute it manually, but I do not find the way to send "User name" or "ID" to my script when Ransomware is detected. Can you help me ? Best regards
DataSecurity Plus reset password
Hello I have changed the default password of my DataSecurity Plus and forgot it. How can i reset it? Thanks in advance. Vito
How to track copy and past from a network share -- full admin guide?
Hi i using the DataSecurity Plys trial on a lab environment I settled up a file server with a shared folder and configured it to be audited from DataSecurity Plus Also configured an endpoint What i'm trying to figure out is a simple action: Fileserver name: TestFileserver Laptop: TestLaptop Shared Folder: shared-test User: Jack Jack, from his laptop access to "shared-test" folder.....make a copy of the whole content and pasted it into a local folder on his laptop C:\stolenfiles.... ---------------------------
Security advisory regarding unauthenticated product integration vulnerability (CVE-2020-24786)
Hi, We have fixed a critical security issue with the latest version of DataSecurity Plus, build 6033 (Reporter Name - Florian Hauser) . Kindly read the post fully to know more about the issue and how to resolve it. What is the issue? DataSecurity Plus had a vulnerable endpoint that allowed users to integrate their installation with other ManageEngine product installations, bypassing authentication. This could potentially lead to a data leak. Who are all affected? All users of DataSecurity Plus
Upgrade DataSecurity Plus to the build 6013 to fix security issues
Hello All, We have fixed the Remote Code Execution (Remote Code Execution (CVE-2020-11531) and Authentication ByPass (CVE-2020-11532) vulnerabilities reported by Sahil Dhar (Xen1thlabs) in our build 6013. If your current build is between 6000 and 6012, please upgrade the product to the build 6013 to ensure that DataSecurity Plus continues to run safely and efficiently. To Upgrade: Download the Service Pack Apologies for
DataSecurity Plus Agent - Silent installation
Hello there, How does one go about doing a silent installation of the DataSecurity Plus agent? I haven't been able to find clear instructions on this topic. The idea is to deploy it via script using an RMM solution. Thanks.
DataSecurity Plus shuwtdown script
I'm trying to use the shutdown script for the ransomware event (slightly modified from sample) but i'm unable to get the computer and user causing the alert. i've setup the alert to launch this script C:\scripts\triggerShutdown.bat %user_name% %server_name% (i know the parameters are'nt the correct one but i'm trying everything...) the script look like this: @echo off c: cd \scripts date /t >> alert.log time /t >> alert.log echo %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 >> alert.log REM net use \\%1 <password>
How do you use the Business Hours feature in any meaningful manner
I find where you can set the business hours, but cannot figure out how to apply them in any manner, such as using them as criteria in an alert. I cannot find anywhere that the business hours are actually used. We would like to be able to set up an alert for any file accesses in a particular network share outside of business hours. I do not see any way to do this. Thanks, Chris
Cant change Admin password
i have installed version 6 Data Security plus , when trying to change the default username (Admin) password the save button does not work, and it doesnot error feedback
Copy-N-Paste report
I have file servers that I was hoping to migrate from AD audit plus file auditing to Data Security Plus. With AD Audit Plus, we currently use a report for "files copy-N-pasted." However, I can't seem to find this report or action type in Data Security Plus. Is there any way to get this?
Data Leak Prevention - New futures?
https://www.manageengine.com/data-security/dlp/data-leak-prevention-software.html?source=dspindex There is already a lot of information on the website. The price list has been updated. However, little information is here. Online demo is still old without these features. When will you see it? How does this product relate to Device Control Plus? So we have another DLP class tool
Alerts - Big Files Create
Hi Manage Engine Family, I'm testing Data Security Plus but when I try to create an alert using "File Size (mb)" this option is not respected, for example I want to create an alert when the user create a new file greater than or equal to 50mb If I create one file with 1mb I recive the alert :( All the best ;)
DSP - Additional Detail in Access Reports
Add the following detail to Access Reports. All File/Folder Changes Provide information on what was changed when viewing the Permission Change or SACL Change categories. For security purposes, this could simply say "content" or "metadata" rather than the actual text within a document. However, both of these options should be accessible under Risk Assessment. Security Permission Change Provide information on what security entries were added/removed/modified.
Feature Request - Exclude Condition Access Type
When creating exclude conditions, either server specific or domain specific, it would be extremely useful to provide granularity based on the Action Type. Example: I have a a file or directory that should not be written to. I don't need a report for every time a Write Deny is logged. Instead, I need to report on when a Write is successful. In this case, I'd want a condition of: Exclude Local Path is equal to "C:\Path\to\monitor" AND action type is "Write" It appears you have the ability to do one
Feature Request - Set Size of Stale Files to Find From the Report Page
Instead of configuring a single file size globally for all reports (Currently Under Configuration > Reports > Storage Analysis), users should be able to set the size dynamically before running any storage report. Currently, you can only set the amount of days to search on.
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