Migrate Computer
Hello, I am looking to move my installation from one machine to another. I have already installed the applications manager onto the new computer and was looking for a way to migrate all the monitored sites and applications. Can I just drop the database and restore? If so, how?
Technical Support ##225205##
That is good for Windows but for UNIX there�s no WMI mode. Any idea? Moe Abdelwahid
Technical Support
I'm attempting to create an event rule that excludes a particular System Event Id. How do I do that? Can I do that? Kenneth McCord
Sending Alarms to Application Manager using SNMP or Log4J
I want to send alarms from my desktop application and the application manager read it and take the appropriate action. I found that there is an option in Log4j to log using SNMP traps. How can I configure the application manager to read those traps? log4j config: log4j.appender.TRAP_LOG=org.apache.log4j.ext.SNMPTrapAppender log4j.appender.TRAP_LOG.ImplementationClassName=org.apache.log4j.ext.JoeSNMPTrapSender log4j.appender.TRAP_LOG.ManagementHost= log4j.appender.TRAP_LOG.ManagementHostTrapListenPort=162
Exchange Server 2003 - Just very few information given...
I'm monitoring the MS Exchange Server 2003 but it just gives me very few information...just like on the picture that AdventNet themselve posted it http://manageengine.adventnet.com/products/applications_manager/images/thumbnail/exchange.gif I guess this is not supposed to be so empty...so what am i missing?
Monitor EJBs
We are evaluating App Manager 7.3 with JBoss 4.0.5. We deployed ear file on JBoss, which has EJB (3.0) jar file in it. When I select the JBoss Monitor, the <EJB Details> are empty. How to I monitor the EJBs? Any ideas? Thanks, Peter
Technical Support
Can AppManager be configured to use SQL Server and IIS vs Apache and MySQL? Thx jldominguez
Hierarchical groups
When will you be bringing out Hierarchical groups in Application Manager. Ie groups and monitors within a group
How can we schedule doen time for a server
Hi All, In our every day monitoring of our servers, we have some servers with scheduled down time. It may be a simple fix but how do we turn off monitoring for certain ties, say after 6pm at night till 9am the next morning... At the moment, it is causing issues with the SLAs... Your help would be great Thanks Aengus
Technical Support
I want to monitor tablespace,sga,... on ORACLE databases.but when I update the username,(system) and password and SID an select UPDATE button the page Oracle.do display and no function . I do not know what I am do. pls Help me. regards,( I download the last version of application manager). Nastaran Kolahchi nastaran
Technical Support
Hi, There are no graphs on all monitored servers and services. I try to restart Application Manager but the script ./shutdownApplicationsManager.sh just hang the application is still up and still no graphs. Thanks Aristotle Manguni
Technical Support
I need to monitor the Load Average of my (Linux) Server. Nitin Gupta
Monitoring response times
Hi I would like to know if its possible to monitor the response times of 1 client to another. For example: client1 - client2, I know app manager can measure the response time from the management server to clientX but what about from 1 client to another? If there currently a feature that can do this? or a work around? Thanks
WAS 6.1 perfServlet error
Hi, i'm trying to get info from the perfServlet on WAS 6.1, but when i try the "module=beanModule" i get an error: <PerformanceMonitor responseStatus="failed" version=""> <Comments> Error retrieving PMI data. java.lang.Exception: Unable to find the module(s) specified: beanModule at com.ibm.ws.pmi.perfServlet60.PerformanceServlet.doPost(Unknown Source) at com.ibm.ws.pmi.perfServlet60.PerformanceServlet.doGet(Unknown Source) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743) at
Technical Support
When I want to add a monitor for Oracle I get this error. It is Oracle 10G 2 running on Suze Enterprise Linux 10. "Unable to edit the monitor details as the connection to oracle server could not be established. Error Message: ORA-01034: ORACLE not available ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory " Allan Munro
Jboss monitor won't display Web applications
Hi there. I'm running Jboss and having difficulty monitoring it with Application Manager. I've copied out the necessary .SAR files, according to the Application Manager documentation, but I still don't see any information. I have noticed that the documentation calls for a file called "http-invoker.sar" but my installation (part of an HA Jboss cluster) has "httpha-invoker.sar." We desperately need to know performance statistics on our individual applications but have been unable to obtain that information
JBoss Monitoring error: Unable to connect to Jboss server
Environment: Windows XP App Manager : Build 7310 JBoss : 4.0.4 I am trying to add a monitor for JBoss 4.0.4. I get the following error message: Unable to connect to Jboss server. Error Message: Server redirected too many times (20) When I clicked on 'Diagnose the problem', I got the following info: SNMP Status X SNMP Agent is not running in the System. Kindly start the SNMP Agent for Monitoring. Authentication Information X Unable to connect to Jboss server. Error Message: Server redirected too many
Time Periods - Agent Notifications
With the current solution(s) from ManageEngine is the following scenario possible at all? We have two different support teams in two different locations. We need to be able to have alerts/alarms generated being sent out to either team based upon timeperiods. So for example: Sunday - Team 1 should get alerts from 9:00-21:00 Sunday - Team 2 should get alerts from 00:00-09:00 and 21:00-24:00 Monday - Team 1 should get alerts from 06:00-21:00 Monday - Team 2 should get alerts from 00:00-06:00 and 21:00-24:00
Parameters to shell script in 'Execute Program Action'
hello, I'm executing an Action of type 'Execute Program' which calls a shell script (unix). This works ok. The problem is that i send to the script one parameter with more than one word. In the page where the action is created, says this: "Mention the above tags within double quotes to handle any spaces present inside tag value" This is suposed to handle the problem, but the fact is that even with double quotes, I receive one parameter per word instead of a unique parameter. example: action: myShell.sh
How does AM communicate with script monitor
I know the Mode of Monitoring with script monitor is SSH. But i can't explain how does recover the information of a script. SSH is a mode of communication and not a mode of transport. Wich service has used to allow recovering the information of the script? Nicolas CERBELLE
Downtime scheduler bug
Hi, We are experiencing a few problems with the downtime scheduler in 7.3: We have Windows 2000 servers being monitored via WMI. They are scheduled for downtime between 11pm and 3am. The servers are all on a scheduled reboot during that time. They reboot, but we continue to get the emailed Health alerts to say they are all down. The availability graphs for each monitor also show it as being down, as does the monitor group. However, I have a URL monitor and some DB monitors also scheduled for downtime
Technical Support
I am currently doing URL monitoring for about 40 websites, and I need to customise the ALERT emails that our sent out - to include the customer logo, and slight reformating on the text in the message. Is this possible? Ian M Poole
Technical Support
hi, i have a problem whit the web transaction agent; my problem is that The Web Transaction Monitor gets added successfully but in the details page I get the message 'No transaction data available'; and i cant understand the reason... please tell me how do you do whit the adventNetWTA.jar Horacio Hernandez
Technical Support
We are trying to monitor our web-based ERP-software (P2Plus, http://www.ap-ag.com/) by using an HTTP-URL-Monitor. P2Plus uses Internet Explorer's "Integrated Windows Authentication" to identify logged in users. When trying to monitor die URL without Authentication we get: "The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field (section 14.47) containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. The client MAY repeat the request with a suitable
URL Sequence - Session retencion
Hi! I've been trying a way to log in and out from a website and delete the cookies to end the session then the next session will have a new ID. Is there any way? thanks!!
Disable Solaris I/O Stats
Is there a way to disable I/O stat collection on Solaris servers? All my Solaris machines are on a SAN, so the I/O collection is grabbing way too much stuff.
Hello can I monitor Sybase detabase
Can you seperate the mysql db to a seperate Raid drive?
I have an admin server with a raid 1.0 that has the OS and the main AdventNet application manager software loaded. I also have a separate raid 6 configuration with large data storage and would like the MySql DB to be housed on this. I Was wondering if you had instruction for separating the main application manager software and the mySQL db on separate drives. I see that there is the Failover configuration where the DB is on a separate computer so I would thing there is a simple configuration change
exception found during ruuning jsp pages in tomcat
error fond during running jsp pges HTTP Status 500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.javacError(DefaultErrorHandler.java:97) org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.javacError(ErrorDispatcher.java:346)
Monitor as up during maintenance - still doesn't work
Hi, Monitor is still shown as down during maintenance. Reports are useless. I cannot show managers this failure! Please help me! Witek Witold Zmijewski
Jboss monitoring with warnings on Stateless beans
i just have startet an evaluation of the AppManager on our Jboss4.04GA we use only StatelessSessionBeans on the jboss and get the warning in the appManager Zustand ist Kritisch. Ursache: 1. ScrollServerCtrl Erzeugte Instanzen 2010 > 2000 (Schwellwert). 2. TransportServerCtrl Erzeugte Instanzen 2034 > 2000 (Schwellwert). ... but if a have a look on the server i can see the following : TransportServerC... Stateless Session Bean FERPSEJB.jar 3.140 0 2 NA NA ... this means that only 2 beans are availabe
Link monitors
We are evaluating this product before buying it, but there is something we want to do that I couldn't find: I'm running a "HTTP URL sequence" and a "Script" although I'd like to link them together in order to run them sequentially and one after the other. or the ability to run script or call it from within the "HTTP URL sequence". Thanks Richard
Technical Support
Cannot change Admin user password in Application Manager. Went into User Administration, changed description and password for Admin account. Received sucessful updated message. But changes is not there. Please help Build 7310 mklau
Missing data in Java Runtime Monitor
I just started using Application Manager 7.3 and after configuring a Java Runtime Monitor I miss any data for Eden Space, Survivor Space... (HEAP/Non-HEAP Memory). We connect to an AIX 5.2 Server with IBM J2RE 1.5.0. When trying to connect the same server, using JConsole I get all the Information. So, it should be an "Application Manager" problem. Does anybody had a similar problem and managed to solve it? :?
Technical Support
all nigth we down a java aplication Server (PID) for backup and others task. in the next morning we see in Application Manager 7 console, the "RED" indicator of Availability, in the Process Details. I think that when the process again is up, it have a new PID, the Manager lost the information about. how to avoid this problem and maintain a data base data of a process? thank in advance. antonio berton
Availability of a java process in WebSphere
all nigth we down a java aplication Server (PID) for backup and others task. in the next morning we see in Application Manager 7 console, the "RED" indicator of Availability, in the Process Details. I think that when the process again is up, it have a new PID, the Manager lost the information about. how to avoid this problem and maintain a data base data of a process? thank in advance.
plasma view update
Hi We have a the plasma view up on a plasma screen in front of our department. We have noticed that altough the system if has been monitoring has gone down. The plasma view still shows that the monitor is up. This seems to be coupled with being logged out of App manager. Is it possible to disaple the the function that logs you out of manage enegine after a cretain time of in-activity Kind regards Grant Swift
How to enable statistics for Tomcat's Servlets and Page Perf
Hi there. I am not getting any data in the "Servlets and Page Performance" section in my Tomcat monitor. Is there a specific requirement on the version of Tomcat or JVM to use? Is there something that I need to enable in Tomcat to make the AppMonitor shows the stats? We're currently using: Tomcat Version: Apache Tomcat/5.0.28 JVM Version: 1.4.2_12-b03 - Simon.
Sun Solaris 5.8 / ORACEL
Dear I had Sun Solaris 5.8 with oracle 9.3 installed when I go to server and choose telnet for Sun Solaris and i put port 23 and my root username and password there is an error appear authintication fail and I go to CMD and run telnet for sunsolaris server its login normally with command promt # why I cant login frm application manager and same for oracle in same server I put user name and password and SID the error is unable to connect to oracle server but when I use oracle clients I can connect
Tomcat Monitoring over SSH
Hi got monitoring of a linux server to work over ssh with public/private key. Now we need to monitor the tomcat installation on that machine and there doesn't seem to be a way to use the already existing ssh connection to test it. To the outside world this tomcat instance is only accessible through apache and mod_jk and thus the port 8080 is not directly accessible, while using it over the ssh connection works fine so far. This question will naturally extend to many other monitors. If you have successful
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