Query Statistics in MySQL
Hi, I can't get any numbers from the Query Statistics portion of the MySQL monitor. The other portions work fine, just the Query Statistics stays at 0. Any ideas ? Cheers, Ben Ben Osborne
AppManager Partial Backup
Hi, How can I backup or restore AppManager 8100 without the collected data? I just want the configuration details of monitored system for faster recovery purposes. Thanks in advance
AppManager - SNMP arithmetic
I am using SNMP to retrieve MIB-2 information from a NFS appliance. I'd like to monitor the network bandwidth and packets per second. Can AppManager be configured to perform arithmetic on data retrieved via SNMP? For example to compute the network bandwidth the following equation would be used Bandwidth = 8 *(new poll value - old poll value ) / (time in seconds between polls). mb2452
Script monitor instance - attribute correlation
I've a few LDAP (custom script) monitor instances with the same attributes result(numeric code) and message(string). Each script monitor(really the same script file) has a different set of command line options and thus - separate output files generated. When I'm configuring alerts for particular script monitor instance on Global "Configure alerts" screen (select the particular monitor instance in one of two comboboxes) the attributes of ALL instances of such script monitor are displayed - for example
Incorrect reporting of Linux O/S
I found that the memory reporting for the system I am using is always 6% ... and I have access the "vmstat -s" and "top" command from the linux system, the actual correct % should 48% if calculate by total memory (virtual + physical) .. or 96% if calculate by just the physical memory (physical only) .. May I know what's wrong? and how should i have the tools to report it correctly? Below is the information from my Linux "dmesg" for your reference. Linux version 2.6.9-42.0.10.ELsmp (mockbuild@builder7.centos.org)
Monitoring File System
Hi. I'm trying to monitor a directory placed on a W2003 server. Picture1.JPG shows the configuration of that monitor.Picture2.JPG shows the result of the monitor. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
SGI Irix Server Monitor Support?
Hi @ all! Is there a posibility to monitor an SGI IRIX 6.5 Server? Maybe it could work when I knew witch files I have to edit! best regards Chris
Tomcat - Session Information
I have properly conifguered a tomcat server 5.x. I can see my web-application and everything is fine but the amount of sessions! It's not shown on in the webconsole! I always get this message: Unable to perform Root Cause Analysis. Kindly configure thresholds for this attribute through the Configure Alerts links. I have done this but without any success. There is no session information at the application summary of the tomcat, too. Can anybody help me? Peter
when i try to generate test mail, it shows the error: failed.javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException. can anyone please help me to figure it out?
SNMP Monitoring
When i am monitoring Dell switch via SNMP, my expection was to view port traffic means port1 traffic graph port2 traffic graph. When i selected the snmp attributes, it grabed the values of all ports but it was displaying vaules as tabular form. How can i make it presentable in the form of fluctuating graphs for each port. I am monitoring Intrafic and outtraffic of port. Regards Farooq
Applications Manager 8100 Released
Hi, We are glad to announce the release of Applications Manager 8.1 (Build no. 8100). The major highlights of this release is the support for monitoring Sybase database servers. ManageEngine Applications Manager�s Sybase monitor enables the customers to monitor the availability,memory usage,connection statistics,database statistics, process and transaction details of the sybase database server. The other features are *Adding new monitor types: This feature allows to associate a monitor type to the
Use of customized SQL query
Hi, we like to measure the time a special SQL statement related to an application takes on a oracle database. We like to have an alert when the statement exceeds n seconds. Is there a way to apply handcrafed SQL statements to an monitor without wiritung an external script which needs database authentification etc... AppMan 8.1 is our current version. Best regards Axel
JSON Feed Methods
Hi, I'm messing 'round with jsonfeed.do action. I wish I could create a customized view for a combination of attributes taken from 6 JMX Dashboards. The only example I see is a jsonfeed.do?method=createMonitorGroupFeed, are there any other methods? I need a method able to import something more than the availability/health for a monitor. In case of a dashboard, I need to access to the JMX fields numActive,maxActive,numIdle,maxIdle of a Catalina datasource. Is that possible? Are there any other jsonfeed.do
Monitoring of AIX machines
I'm trying to monior some AIX machines. For some strange reason, I' able to monitor 2 of them but on some others I keep getting error-message when trying to add the monitor. Authentication failed. Kindly verify the username and password provided.Also check whether the given Command Prompt is correct. I have tried both with SSH and Telnet, but both fails. Sometimes I'm redirected to a website http://monitor:9090/adminAction.do?method=configureHostDiscovery which is blank. It's a bit strange since
How to monitor the Networktraffic / dataload?
Howdy, One small question .. I haven't searched it in the FAQ cause I think it is a old request but with new Hardware ... but let me explain what I mean. We got IBM BladeWorkstation .. and I want to check the Network connection between the Blades and the Thin Client. .. The Balde is not the Problem cause it is more less a normal PC (XP32 and 64 bit), the ThinClient is more tricky to finger out, cause no OS on it :-(. My problem is that I dont know what is the easiest way to search for this data load
Windows NT4 WMI - CPU Monitor
We are monitoring 2 NT4 boxes using WMI. I am getting data for Memory Utilization and Disk Utilization, Service Details etc. We are not getting any data for CPU usage. States "No data available to generate graph" How do I enable CPU monitoring? Thanks, Andy.
SQL Monitoring
Hi. I'm trying to monitor two SQL instances at the same server(SERVER,SERVER\Instance2), but Applications Manager only connects to the default one. How can I specify the name of the SQL instance I'm trying to monitor? Manuel Lago
95th percentile
Hello, Just want to ask if the Applications Manager has 95th percentile reporting like in OP Manager. Thanks, Jerico
new IP addresses
hello support, i've just changed my Internet provider so i've changed some IP addresses. Despite all monitors are using a name instead of an IP address, monitors continue to access the old IP addresses. How can i fix that ? Thk U PS: i have 60 monitors and about 20 have to be modified. IEC-IT Department
new IP addresses
hello support, i've just changed my Internet provider so i've changed some IP addresses. Despite all monitors are using a name instead of an IP address, monitors continue to access the old IP addresses. How can i fix that ? Thk U PS: i have 60 monitors and about 20 have to be modified. IEC-IT Department
JMX Monitoring Trouble
Hello, We are working on Applications Manager 8, Build 8010, Service Pack 1.0 When trying to monitor some tomcat attributes, specially in "Catalina:type=DataSource", there is a Javascript Error, referring to some unterminated string, that forbids to select correctly any of the attributes of the datasource. We're using IE6.0.2900.2180, and also tried with Firefox Is this error reported? Is there any workaround for this bug? We tried also adding the MBean attributes directly, but also have
Database perfromance
i'd like to keep track of my database so may you help me on this. Abdurrahman
Reverse proxy
I try to access the Manage Engine web client trough a reverse proxy (Apache). I have a lot of problems due to the use of absolute url (in jsp, css and js...). Have you a work around to do that or have you heard of somebody trying to do that. Fran�ois Pointet
Monitor processes on AIX
Does AppManager notice when an AIX process enters zombie state? Is this possible?
How to have Email show the detail of an alert
Hello, I can't seem to figure out how to make the E-Mail Action send the lowest level reason of the Root Cause. For instance, all I can get an E-mail Action to say is "1. Health of ServerName is critical" When it's a Service that is down (on a windows 2003 machine) that causes the alert. How can I get the E-Mail Action to say something like "Health of ServerName is Critical because XYZ Service is Down." We do not always have access to AppManager to dig into the real issue when we get the emails...
Error in alerts: [Exception in:/webclient/common/jsp/TabComp
I'm getting this when trying to go into alerts: [Exception in:/webclient/common/jsp/TabComponent.jsp] null I've tried the statement in the troubleshooting guide about the name resolution, but that didn't work. Names ere correctly resolved before I edited the hosts file anyways. Anything else to try? I've only been running this in eval mode for about 4 days. Weird that I've already had some problem. Thanks. Matt
How to move ManageEngine to another server
I have to move our Applications Manager 8 installation to another serevr can you provide instructions on how to do this please. David Hounslow
Setting an IIS folder-level monitor
Is there a way to set a folder-level specific monitor in Apps Manager so that I can monitor how much traffic an application/site is receiving? Thanks!
BEA Tuxedo Monitoring
Dear Team, We want to monitor Tuxedo using SNMP in Applications Manager. But we don't know how to do this. How to configure SNMP agent in Tuxedo? And how to add it in AP? Kindly please tell us the detailed steps. Your kind help would be much appreciated.
Alert configuration
Hi, is there a way to limit the number of alerts that are sent out on an individual server basis? I can see the option within the Action/Alert Setting part to untick the option for Execute actions repeatedly if the Monitor is down (until it is up). But this appears to be an "across the board" option and I just want to change this for a handfull of monitors. We have some alert receivers that want alerts constantly until the issue is fixed and some who don't. pls help. Thanks :D
Incorrect reporting of Memory Utilization for Linux Servers
I was trying out Applications Manager in trial Mode for the professional Edition, and configured it to monitor some apache servers and also some monitors of type linux to get resource information on these servers. All the servers which i was trying to monitor are RHEL AS4, and i noticed that in all of them (5 servers in count) the memory utlization is being reported incorrectly. In most cases the memory on ths system is close to 90 % utilized as per /proc/meminfo while the monitor says anywhere between
script monitor - exit code is *always* 1
Hi, I've successfully written a few script monitors and they're fine, adding any more now and the exit code is always listed as 1. i wrote a dummy shell script... #!/bin/sh exit 0 and apparently that exits with 1 according to appmanager, as does running /bin/ls, /bin/pwd etc... additionally the script listed as being run on the monitor details page doean't update in line with the monitor being edited... bug?
Sybase monitor
Good day, Is there any planning to deliver a monitor for Sybase? We would be interested even by a beta or unsupported monitor if you already have something in progress. Thanks and best regards. PL
Technical Support
Alerts tab not working. White screen with this error: [Exception in:/webclient/common/jsp/TabComponent.jsp] null showes a broken picture link and a go back link Yonathan Bensoussan ------------------------------------------------------ This is posted using Application Manager feedback form
Can I add new attributes for the system ?
Hi , I need to configure a alert for Disk Usage. But there is no relevant attribute to set it. There are attributes for CPU Utilization (%), Memory usage. So how can i set a alert to get message to informing the hard disk level of usage. Best Regards, irangi
How to add google view to Operator Level
In user level account we have google view but it shows all the monitor groups. I want to create an operator level account assigning perticular monitor groups to it. But when that operator logs in he does not get the google view option. Is there any way. Regards
inserting arbitrary alerts
Hi, Is there any way to raise arbitrary alerts within appmanager based on external events unknown to appmanager? i have a log server (splunk) which will be trawling all sorts of logs, and in certain conditions will run a script, send a trap or something to appmanager to say that service X or monitor group Y has a certain thing wrong with it which appmanager itself would never be aware of. I'm inclined to think you would probably need to look towards a direct mysql insertion based on certain fields
Reducing the tomcat response time
We are monitoring tomcat and often we get very high response times. It is checking it on the localhost ( which seems like it should never return very high response times. Any thoughts on what can be done to reduce the response time of tomcat.
AppManager server url
Hi, in the report emails, we are getting URL's to AppManager which only contain basic server name - e.g. SERVER, and not the whole FQDN. Is there a way to manually enter a FQDN? Thanks. Marko Marko Kroflic
The ManageEngine Applications Manager service terminated une
Trying to start Applications Manger, the screen Applications Manager 8, starting database... appears and then closes again. The event in the eventlog is as follows. Unable to use Applications Manager. Thanks for any help. Event Type: Error Event Source: Service Control Manager Event Category: None Event ID: 7034 Date: 21.11.2007 Time: 15:41:31 User: N/A Computer: FKDMANAGP2 Description: The ManageEngine Applications Manager service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s). For more information,
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