Replication Stats for Active Directory Service
Hello Anyone knows how many time is required for AppManager to show the replication stats for AD? Is neccesary any setup to get this values. We have 2 domain controllers. Regards Orlando
MQ Monitoring fails after Update to Version 10
After AppManager Udate from Version 9.2 to 10.0 our Webspher MQ-Monitoring fails with the following Error: Couldn't establish connection.Reason Code:2195(MQRC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR) Regards Dieter
Total number of files in a particular directory
Hello, I would like to add a monitor for the total number of files in a directory on windows 2003 server. With "File/Directory Monitor" monitor it is possible to monitor the total size of a directory but I need the total number of files. I believe that it is possible because in the Detail View appears the metric but in blanks. What should I do? Thanks Hugo Ramón
Error # The interface is unknown.
Today I see "Error # The interface is unknown." in our build of Appman 9. Last night there were issues with our ESX hosts, this server wasn't affected by this issue but since then we see this error. I tried removing the monitor, it won't allow me to add it again due to this error. The network settings stayed the same so that's not an issue. Network traffic is passing through the system. Anyone have an idea?
I have problem Website Statistics in IIS Monitoring (don't show our websites)
After add IIS monitor width WMi mode on any server Web statistic show (Please wait for this Data Collection to complete and refresh the page after few moments to view Website Statistics.) but can't show any time our website
SAP CCMS Monitors - change parameters
Hi I have a sap ccms monitor added in apmanager and i need to modify the hostname of this monitor, it is no possible, the only parameters that i can change are DisplayName* User Name * Password * Polling Interval It is very important for me to change this hostname without delete and recreate the monitor because it has a lot of alarms configured. Can you help me please?? Thanks in advance Manuela
Any monitor: When in distributed architecture (multiple Apps Manager pollers) Ability to view as-polled data on the the main reporting server.
Any monitor: When in distributed architecture (multiple Apps Manager pollers) I can only view as-polled data on the poller server, not on the main reporting server. I would like to have the ability to view this on the admin server.
How to Setup a GlassFish Cluster Monitor
Hi there, we have a Glassfish Cluster ( 1 DAS - 2 Nodes on two different machines ) Is it possible to set up this in a clusterd environment (to check if DAS, Nodes, Loadbalancer running)
Problem with integraton of vCenter
Hi, I would like to add our vCenter (4.1) in the latest AppManager, unfortunately it doesn't work. I can see in the vCenter log, that AppManager is trying to authenticate with username@ Maybe this is the problem? I already checked the user/pw several times. Thanks in advance Martin
problem of J2EE Web Transactions
Hello, I have trouble adding Monitor J2EE Web Transactions, please have a look. the error message is : [Service is not running. Web Transaction Agent may not have been deployed. Root Cause: Service port 55555 not accessible from lzz ] Now WebTransactionAgent.jar is in "C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\WebTransactionAgent.jar" and in my catalina.bat(C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\bin\catalina.bat) i write: set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -javaagent:C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\WebTransactionAgent.jar rem ----- Execute
dollar tags
hi deras i use application manager 9 and in its document explain that we can not use $HOSTNAME and $HOSTIP fot ping monitor and URL monitor in our actions,so i have an action ta it use for hosts alarm and ping monitor and url monitor and DNS monitor and i use fot that action $HOSNAME that it is usefull for hosts alarm and dans so what do i do instead of $HOSTNAME and $HOSTIP in ping and url monitor? because i want to have ip address in my emial that send for my action,what do i do??? tanx so much
Performance Metric Widget
Hi, I have a problem with the Performance Metric Widget in a custom dashboard. I'm monitoring a custom monitor fetching numeric values through a script. The widget can show a graph when "Show polled data" is selected but if I for example select "Last 30 days" nothing is shown, it say "Data not available for the given values". If I view the monitor itself I can see history report like normal, and select both "Last 7 days" and "Last 30 days" and problably all the rest as well. So how can I make the
Sceduled disk usage reports come through empty
running AppManager 9 build 9500 on Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Ed. We have a scheduled report to tell us the "top 10 Disk Usage" offenders on our network, but every day when the report runs we get two PDFs that say "No data available to generate report for specified time period. Even if I try changing the time period to 1 week or 1 month, I get the same result. I've also tried recreating the report from scratch with no luck. What am I doing wrong here?
Script Monitor shows no output in the output file, but still calls it a PASS
I have a custom perl script which monitors a custom application. AppManager reports is as passing, but there's a couple problems. First, in the output file I created, there's no output. I tried to tail -f the file, thinking that the data was removed prior to the next poll, but nothing ever shows up there. When run in a unix shell the ouput is simply: OK: All services are up=1 (I added the 1 thinking that's what it would match on after the delimiter.) Second, no matter what value I put in the
Problem with "Execute Program" action
I'm trying to configure an alarm that execute a program. I also configured an email action to send an alarm to my email when the application stop responding. When I shut down the application for testing (an Oracle database) I receive the e-mail but the batch file is not executed. Both actions are configured correctly on the alarm section of the monitor. The batch file I am trying to execute is: psexec \\w2003 c:\scripts_ora8\start.cmd I also tried: @psexec \\w2003 c:\scripts_ora8\start.cmd
DNS serivce
hi my firends i wanna add DNS service in application manager9 and it ask me target address and look up address and i dont know what i fill them by.can you help me pleas tanks nikoo
Understanding Poll interval, response time and timeout
Hello all, Im using manage engine 9 script monitoring I've created custom counters in my machines using a js script im aggregating the result retrive from each counter on each machine. Since my script can take few seconds to several minutes I need to understand the difference between the following parameters Response time - what does it measure ? sure not the time it takes to run my script. Poll interval - it seems to me that it uses a sliding window i.e. if we define poll interval of 2
DNS service
hi when i want adding a DNS service,it want to fill out target and look up address filde,so what do i use to fill them? pleas help me tanks nikoo
SLA feature requests
Hi, we're using the SLA reports and the following features would be useful: - Report on any monitor group in the same way as the Server SLA (so availability of each monitor within the group is shown - e.g. for all network devices as a section of our SLA covers this) - Fix the column sorting feature - sorting by monitor name doesn't work consistently - Allow columns to be hidden and resized (actually this would be good for all reports) - Allow reporting against business hours only - Our dev servers
Monitor a Windows Server without adminstrator account
Hi, How may I monitor a windows server with a simple domain account. I don't want the monitor works with admin rights. Is it possible? J�r�me
Rest api for url monitor type returns limited results
I see a total of 50 url monitors configured and managed in our appsmon. But the rest api only returns 32 of them. There does not seem to be an option to set the number of results you want back as part of the request url. http://appsmon:9090/AppManager/xml/ListMonitor?apikey=xyz&type=UrlMonitor Is this a limitation you guys are aware of?
Delete false alarms automatic
Hi support team I have a monitor of MySQL and I want to delete some alarms that the application manager shows me, but there are many alarms and I have to delete it one by one, is there any way to delete it all? or chossing a date range? Thanks for your help Regards, Jairo
Only one JMX Applications Monitor can be created
I try to create 2 JMX Applications Monitors for 2 Java processes running on a Linux server. Both Java processes are registered with the JNDI server on the Linux server (port 1099) with 2 different JNDI names. After I have succesfully created the JMX Applications Monitor for the first Java process I tried the create the second one. Creation seems successfull, no errors are reported. However there is still only one JMX Application Manager so it seems somehow the first JMX Applications Monitor has been
Monitor single tasks on the AS400/iSeries
We are trying to use Application Manager for AS400/iSeries system and application monitoring. We currently have a problem which prevents us from using Application Manager for AS400/iSeries: Is it possible to monitor single tasks on the AS400/iSeries? We want to know when certain tasks appear and disappear from the system and when these tasks have problems (MSGW) On AIX we can monitor single processes. Is there a white paper or case study available which describes the use of Application Manager for
Downtime Scheduler - Monitor vs Monitor Group
Hi, What is the difference with setting the downtime scheduler against a Monitor as opposed to the Monitor Group ? In the 30 day availability graph for a particular monitor group, the downtime schedule period is not showing (purple colour). However in the individual monitors under the Monitor Group, the downtime schedule period is being displayed. Please advise how do I show the downtime scheduled period in the Monitor Group view. Thanks, Jason
Add Ons
Hi, Where the updates about actual oddons and future addons coud be found ?
Rest API Get Category name for a monitor
Hi, We have a need to categorize the results served by the ListMonitor and other api calls based on their main and sub categories. Is there a way to do this? Is category information part of any of the attributes of the xml response? I cant seem to find it in the REST api docs. Any help is appreciated. Thank You Venkatesh.
SLA planned downtime
Hi, We're trying to use the SLA report but having some issues because the SLA includes Planned Downtime as actual downtime. For example if we schedule planned downtime for 2 hours maintenance, our SLA would not count this as downtime as we would schedule this with the business. The SLA Report in Applications Manager would show that we've breeched our SLA even though this was planned maintenance. Also, can we make the SLA apply to only certain business hours? Thanks, James
Java Runtime: Allow other users to get permissions to Garbage Collection,Threads,Configuration and Action tabs in JRE monitor.
I would like the ability allow other users to get permissions to Garbage Collection,Threads,Configuration and Action tabs in JRE monitor.
Web Service: Ability to extend the as-polled data retention to 60 days
Would like to be able to extend the as-polled data so I can do a historical trend of up to 60 days.
Java runtime monitor: I can see Heap Memory %, but can’t see a historical trend or as-polled data of this metric. I can trend on the MB value, but not the % value.
Java runtime monitor: I would like the ability to see a historical trend or as-polled data of Heap Memory %. I can trend on the MB value, but not the % value.
SLA layout changes
Hello, Is there a way for us to change the layout of the server SLA report? Currently it runs onto 2 pages Can we remove/resize some columns - currently some server names are forced onto 2 lines because there's not enough space Can we hide servers not covered by our SLA? (dev servers are not covered but still show up in the report) Can we hide the pie chart section at the top of the report? We're having an issue sorting by the SLA Name column - when we click on it not all items seem to be sorted
SLA for network devices
Hi there, We're using the server SLA to report on all of our servers. We plan to add all of our network switches as ping monitors to verify their availability. These devices are also covered by our SLA but I can't find a way to generate an SLA report to show uptime of each of these devices in the same way as the server SLA. Is this possible? Cheers, Strak
SLA Schedule report
Hello there, Is it possible for me to schedule an SLA report in appman so it's automatically created for us every week? Cheers, James
Ping availability reports server down but it's actually available
Hello, One of our Windows monitors is reporting: System is Down. Ping test failed. The server is pingable, and I can RDP to it, but it is still reported as down. Plese help!
WebSphere monitor Config issue
I am currently evaluating the ManageEngine� Applications Manager. First off, great product, extremely well put together. I am having trouble configuring it for WebSphere, I have read through the articles for configuring perfServletApp , I have verified that it is setup and configured with the correct application that I want it to monitor, but when I go to add the monitor it fails stating that I need to �Please ensure that perfServletApp application is installed and started.� I have gone to the port
Bulk delete network interfaces?
Hello, When adding a host, all defined interfaces are added to monitoring, including loopback or dial-up adapters. Is there a way to delete all interfaces that do not contain the word Intel in the name from all hosts? I could do this from SQL, if you can just point me to the right tables. Thank you
API Docs for Remote Browser Monitor
Hi, Is there any API documentation with RBM ? It would be very helpful to be able to manually modify the RBM scripts rather than using the record and play. It's tedious to continually have to re-record scripts whenever page titles or input box names change. Regards, Jason
Monitor: Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (
Hi is it possible monitor: Oracle Database 11g Release 1 ( I've been getting errors with 11g no issues with 10g Regards, Jason
Script Monitor - Telnet Windows XP
I've tried every combination to get the script monitor going, I keep getting the same error Could not establish a session with the host. Kindly check the host information. I can manually telnet to the machine, so I know it's working. The machine I'd like to Telnet to is a Windows XP SP3 machine, is there any limitations ?
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