All Networks
Why I can't click All Networks
Technical Support
1) If use the Network Deployment option when creating a monitor the monitors never work. For instance if I use ND option and use just one Port value (the WC_defaulthost value) all 9 JVMs will be discovered and thre Resources will ALWAYS be shown as down in the AppManager. It does not matter which SOAP (as long as the JVM is up and the SOAP port is active) port I use for for that value when the Monitor is created. If I use all the Port values seperated by a comma, all JVM show up immediately and are
SQL Server 2005
I have two servers running in my PC. One is SQL Server 2000 and the other is SQL Server 2005. However, Applications Manager show only one server!!
PostresSQL Monitoring
Currently we have heavy deployment of PostgreSQL in our company. Can we use the App Monitoring ?
Translate Applications Manager
I would like to see Applications Manager translated to French. Are you planning for that ? I could help. G
Technical Support
Hi, I'm trialling this product against WebLogic 6.1 but I am not having much luck. I can't seem to get most of the WebLogic details back on my monitors. It always says 'Data Collection in progress.Please wait till the next poll interval' at the top and doesn't show any JVM, EJB, etc info. Just 'Custom Attributes' and 'MBean Operations'. I have tried the default weblogic user 'system' and created a user call 'Admin' but not resolved it. Regards, Pete. Pete Edwards +441935441889 ------------------------------------------------------
Users wanting to change their passwords on App Manager
How do users change their own passwords on Application Manager? I being the admin, do not want to keep track of passwords of users created on application manager.
Appl. Manger Error
i have installed Applications Manager 6 succesfuly ,, by runing get the Error : Htt:\\hostname:9090 could not open ?
weblogic 9 monitor and attributes ?
Hello, This is a question about adding attributes for a WebLogic 9 monitor. I can successfully create a WebLogic 9 monitor and get a green status for this WebLogic monitor, with the default response time display, but want better information, such as threads, user sessions, and so. Here is what I get when I select "Add Custom Attributes": " Error ocurred while connecting to the agent at host <hostname> and port 7001. Please try again. Monitors > WebLogic Server > <hostname>_WEBLOGIC-server_7001 >
URL Scripting, view returned pages
Is there a way to either watch the URL Script run in real time or view logs of the pages that were returned? This would help in trouble shooting URL Scripts if we could see what AppManager sees Thanks Tom
Technical Support
Im trying out your Enterprise Management product and i am having problems configuring tomcat monitor. I get the following message. Authentication Details are wrong.Kindly reconfigure with correct details. Im running tomcat 5.0.28 I can get to it useing a web browser. Jeff Whitehouse ------------------------------------------------------ This is posted using Application Manager feedback form
Monitoring servlets
Hi, I recently installed ManageEngine cause I have a proble in a production environment with some servlrts that eat up all my server CPU. The thing is that I can't monitor the entire thread, I need to see every servlet cpu usage. Is MAnageEngine the right tool for me, can I do that? if so, how? I've created a monitor on my server but I don't see my applications on the Application Details panel. TIA Regards Seba
Pre-Sales Trouble: 100% CPU Usage
We recently began to review the demo version of ManageEngine Application Manager 6 and have been really impressed with the functionality it offers. There is, however, a serious problem that uncorrected, would prevent us from making this a permenant tool. On the two servers we've tried to run the application on, Java and MySQL manage to pull down 100% CPU usage. I believe the problem to be with Java because after killing the MySQL process, Java picks up the slack and the system is still maxed out.
Apache Monitor using authentication
I am trying to add a monitor for Apache and rather than allowing all we have set it to authenticate. There is no place for me to supply user/password for this option. I don't want to open it to all due to the obvious reasons and I can't limit it to just a domain at this time. Any ideas?
Monitors reports to be down
Sometimes, when I have lost my network connection, or just seem to have been away for some time, my monitors never goes online again. They are constantly "red" and reports 0 uptime the last 24 hours. So I try to restart appmanager, I can even press "fetch values now" and it works fine. But I still have a 0 seconds uptime and the monitor is Red. This is solved by trying to add a new monitor, the same again (overwriting the old one). Now it says that the monitor were added fine - but all it did was
How to use custom Monitor
Hi, I am trying to find out some information on how to use the custom monitor. Does anyone know where I can find them and how to scripts to monitor certain database information which is currently not available in the software ? Is there any format I should write in so that the application can understand ? Also, I already know the sql statements to retrieve some information for the database server. How do I run them as scripts so that I can make use of the alerting and reporting functions in apps
Change look and feel of the home tab on Application Manager
HI, How do I make modifications to the look and feel of the home tab? Would I be able to customize the home tab to show only those items that I need to see, such as down alerts and not the upalerts, items that have scheduled maintenance.. Additionally, I would like to reset the statistics of the alerts percentage. hOw do I get to do that?
Monitor Groups within Monitor Groups?
Can I nest a Monitor group within another? Or should I ask is it supported? I got one working correctly, but I can not do it again. When I try to "Associate Monitors" the group I wish to place within the current group does not show up in the list of Monitors. Group A / \ Group B Group C / \ / \ / \ / \ D E F G H I J K Something to the above effect. With each letter representing a Monitor Group. I don't really want to go that deep - but that is the general idea. shoe
[ask] appmanager ---sql server---
i'm using Sql server 2000 and use appmanager trial version(monitoring database server) i have 2 server database and i want to know which the most busy database i wondering , how to measure performance(sql statistic - Query per minute,etc ) each database ? after i know that information ,i can make some good arcithecture for 2 server database (all server database can have a good performance)----> balance thx u
FTP Monitor
Has anybody tried to use the custom script monitor to check for FTP on a UNIX box ? What's the process to set up Applications manager so that I can know if an FTP hapenned successfully or not ? Thx
Technical Support
We had some downtime today due to a VPN connection that had nothing to do with the servers being monitored. How can I remove this downtime from the monitors so that my uptime is accurate? Thomas Knight 410-935-1306 ------------------------------------------------------ This is posted using Application Manager feedback form
Technical Support
I created a threshold, and an alert but am not recieving emails. I know my email works because I've reieved an email alert before when using a preconfigured threshold. Is there something special I need to do for custom thresholds? Thanks. Ketih Hopkins 714-503-7182 ------------------------------------------------------ This is posted using Application Manager feedback form
Server Monitors / Adding new monitors
Hi, we are evaluating AppManager for one of our customers. now we have the problem, if we want to view resource information about our servers we got a nullpointer exception ----- Root Cause ----- java.lang.NullPointerException at com.adventnet.appmanager.hostresource.struts.HostResourceAction.execute( at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform( at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
Monitoring JBoss 3.2.X HTTP connections
Hello all, I'm starting with the Application Manager and I want to monitor a JBoss 3.2.5 server, specially the entering HTTP connections that can be seen in the JBoss status console. How can I configure a monitor to follow-up them? Thanks Alberto
giving owner ship of monitor to users
hi, I have created a monitor for a server. I have configured a an Oracle monitor and would like to give ownership of this particular monitor to DBA. How do I achieve this? Is this possible to give a particular monitor to a user in that group monitor. I am creating monitor group by servers. Thank you in advance.
Missing jars needed for PMI
Hi, We are currently evaluating Manage Engine. However we cant seem to make it work since it requires some jar files for PMI to run under <Web Sphere Home>libs/ but aren't just there. Files like jmxc.jar, jmxx.jar, and jflt.jar. I have looked around the net to if these files are available for download. Any ideas where to get them? thank you Steve
Technical Support
I have some doubts in access MBeans (JMX) that are in a Application deployed in Websphere 6. The questions are: - I should register the MBeans at Websphere Server, or I could register it in other Server JMX inside the Container (using MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer()); - How can I access this MBeans in Monitor Application Manager. Mbeans registered in the upper item. Thank you very much by your help. I am using IBM Websphere V6 running in Windows 2000. Marcos 551121417848
Adding a HTTP-URL Sequence monitor
Greetings and good morning, I am currently testing the Application Manager for my company, and had a question about adding a HTTP-URL Sequence monitor. I have ran the Recorder.exe utility and went through the process of logging into the website I wished to monitor, and generated a report. Afterward I saved the sequence and entered in all the required information (Sequence name, Application Manager login / password, et cetera). My question is... now what? As far as I can tell no data is being passed
Bug on WTA
When I click on the new monitor link under the monitor's tab, by default it shows Add Monitor type as Servers, since that is at the top if the drop down list. Now when I scroll down the drop down list and select Web Transaction Monitor, it retains the parameter fields for the Server type monitor, such as hostname, subnet mask, polling interval, OS type. Additionally I am unable to type anything on the hostname/IP address field. This is the same case when I select any other monitor type such as DB2
URL Monitor- cookie retension issue
HI, I am trying to port the URL's which I have been using to monitor the heath of my application from my existing monitor system(cgi based legacy system) to Application Manager, and having trouble with a few of the URL's. The issue seems to be with cookie-retention. How do I setup my Application manager such that once it checks a particular URL and finds it good or bad, it does not retain the session cookies for that site? GOvind..
Add Custom Attributes with Weblogic Server 8.1
I tried to add "Custom Attributes" to a Weblogic Server 8.1 monitor, I followed a link present in the Application Manager 6.0.1 web console then I chose a domain (in my case mydomain) and I clicked on "Show MBeans". The web console answered with the following messages: "Error ocurred while connecting to the agent at host gandalf and port 7001. Please try again" "There are no Management Beans (MBeans) for the selected domain. Try adding from another domain or provide another filter criteria." I tried
Hello My company plan to get some Monitoring Software and I found Applications Manager and seems to be interesting Actually we use FreeBSD and Windows2003 Servers I would like to know if is it possible to Install it on FreeBSD ? I tried to install with linux binary emulation, installation was finished but after i got some troubles to run the with some java run time errors and also some other errrors .. I know that's a bad Idea to run Linux Binaries on FreeBSD but my company
Hello I installed Applications Manager into my Debian Linux Server When I try to run , all process begin to start but when after RunJSPModule nothing happened seems as script is blocked or paused .. Is it "normal" ?
LDAP or Active Directory
Are there any plans to have LDAP or Active Directory integration done with AppMan? Thanks...
JMX Problem
Hi, first i want to say that your Product ist very cool and has many nice features. And we are sure to use it in the future but i have a Problem with connecting an application over JMX. I run the Application Manager an my Application on the same PC. Here ist the service URL: service:jmx:rmi://simons-rechner/jndi/rmi:// I have set all Propertys to Acces the jmx server:
Restrict Manager console
Hi, How can I restrict the view of only certain monitor groups for a manager? I would essentially like to create multiple groups of monitors, but would want my managers to be able to see only those groups which they want to, and not be bothered about other groups which they need not.
Auto-refresh on Application Manager
HI, I understand on OpManager product you can personalize the product to be able to refresh the pages every minute..however I do not see the same on Application manager. Am I missing something? Is there a way the refresh of the pages showing up the alerts can be refreshed automatically, so that when the alerts are cleared, it shows up on the screen?
Technical Support
I've added a server to monitor withour problems, snmp also works. When I try to add process monitoring, i see all the processes but when i check one and click "Add Process", nothing happens I'm not available by phone today, so please mail back steven ------------------------------------------------------ This is posted using Application Manager feedback form
Problem adding new monitor
I tried to add a new SUN SOLARIS server monitor, and got the following message: "The Selected OS Type is SUN but the actual OS Type is" (the OS Type at the end of the line is missing) Can u help? (I already tried to post a topic as guest but I dont think it registered.) Thanks -Shachar
Technical Support
Hi, Can I monitor a mainframe service or application like in IBM mainfram. can i go to in IBM throu SNMP and monitor the serive or application. and if there is a cutomer or site using it to monitor these servise. Sincerly Ahmed Andakali Thanks alot. Ahmed Andakali 965-2440920 ------------------------------------------------------ This is posted using Application Manager feedback form
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